Last minute tips & Strategies for SBI PO Mains 2017

Last minute tips & Strategies for SBI PO Mains 2017

We are pleased to share some Last Minute tips & Strategies for SBI PO Mains 2017. SBI PO Mains is going to be held on a single date i.e. 4th June , 2017. The candidates who have cleared the SBI PO Prelims 2017 with their sheer hard work and dedication , it's time for them to face the next stage. To help you at this very moment, we are providing some most important last minute tips & Strategies.

Last Minute Tips for SBI PO Mains :

1. Be aware with the new pattern of SBI PO Mains :

The pattern of SBI PO Mains Exam is completely changed since 2016. Make sure you are  well aware with the new pattern. You can go through SBI PO Mains 2017 Exam Pattern and Syllabus  to have a detailed idea about this. There is sectional time allotted in each section, means you cannot switch among sections as per your choice. So you have to practice before exams in a similar way so that you will be able to solve maximum questions of particular section in definite time allotted.

2. Get acquaint with the new types of questions :

Along with the pattern of exam , the types of questions has also been changed in SBI PO Mains. So do not expect the same old pattern questions . Now the pattern of some topics like syllogism , coding-decoding , DI is changed. So make sure to practice a good number of questions of new pattern. Mock tests are the way to excel in this.

3. Revise the topics well :

Very few last days before the D-day , revision of topics should be your first priority. Do not pick up any new chapter in last days. You have already studied whatever you could, just revise those studied material very well. Focus more on revising those topics  which carry a good weightage in exam. Also if you have a good habit of making notes of important points , revise them well. 
As very few days are left for the exam , try to revise one subject per day. 

4. Solve and analyse Mock Tests Properly :

Mock tests are the best way to perform good in the exam. Through mock test , you learn many things , such as new concepts  , time management as well as tackling exam pressure. So make sure to practice enough number of mock tests before appearing for the actual exam.

5. Solve previous year memory based paper :

 Solve previous year paper to be familiar with the pattern and level of exam. Previous year papers give a good idea about the level of questions to be asked in examination. Prepare yourself accordingly.

6. Sectional Tips :

General Awareness  :

  • Make general awareness your weapon to score good in exam . General awareness is one scoring section in exam if you have covered this section smartly. This section is not tricky , only thing you need in good revision of  recent current affairs , banking awareness and static awareness.
  • You should revise current affairs of last 4-5 months very well. Specially focus on revising banking and finance related current affairs.
  • Go through Daily GK Section & Static GK Section to revise everything in this section in the remaining short time.

Data Interpretation  :

  • Practice questions of data interpretation very well on a daily basis. Solve different kind of complex question of the topics Tabular chart , Line graph , Bar graph , Pie chart , Mixed DI and Missing DI.
  • Be well aware with the concepts of Average , percentage , ratio , profit & loss. These are the topics which are included in the questions of Data interpretation.
  • In exam , spot and solve those questions first , which have less variable. You will find 2-3 comparatively easy sets. Attempt these first.
  • You can a get a good idea about the Data Interpretation section from the link below :

English Language :

  • Revise grammar rules and vocabulary . Under grammar rules , revise rules of tenses , subject-verb agreement , Prepositions and conditional sentences mainly.
  • In exam , attempt reading comprehension first. You can expect the reading comprehension from the economic , geographical or environment related topics.
  • You can try elimination method in some of the topics of English section. Eliminate the most incorrect options one by one. In this way , youu will be able to find the answer.
  • Go through the link below to know in detail about the English language section of SBI PO Mains :
Reasoning and Computer Aptitude :
  • Revise the concepts of each of the topic in this section.
  • It is advisable that you should attempt puzzles and seating arrangement questions after attempting all other questions of this section.
  • First solve the puzzle and seating arrangement in which there are less variables to find.
  • If time permits , attempt the higher level puzzles and seating arrangement questions.
  • Follow the below link to know in detail about the Reasoning an computer aptitude section of this exam :

Strategies to follow during exam :

7. Be careful with choice of questions :

The questions you choose in actual exam can make or break your chance of success. Choose questions to attempt wisely and smartly. Identify your strengths in sections and use them wisely. Similarly identify your weaknesses and through this avoid doing mistakes during exam. Do not get tripped in to any questions during exam. If you are not able to solve some question within a stipulated time, please leave it and move on to further questions.

8. Every question is NOT of equal marks :

In SBI PO Mains , mostly questions are of 1 mark. But some questions are of 2 marks or even 3 marks. These questions are bit tricky. So analyse first if you can solve them and attempt accordingly. If a question is tough , it can maximum take thrice of normal time per question, if it is taking longer than that , leave it. If you have time after attempting all easy question ,then come back to tough questions.

9. Read the instruction properly  before attempting any question :

In an exam like SBI , its all about presence of mind. Don’t just start attempting any questions without reading its instructions properly.  Do not miss the crucial words in instructions. Sometimes , the essence of questions is completely lies in instructions. Like in questions of Syllogism , there may be written , "Which conclusion does NOT follow ''.  So make sure to read the instructions properly before attempting any question in Examination.

10. Be ready for surprises  and don't get panic :

SBI never fails to give surprises to the candidates. So do not loose your calm if you see some new type of question in exam. Give it a look , try to solve it by applying the basic concepts of the topic with an attentive and calm mind. Still if you are not able to solve , don't take it as a challenge and move on to the next question. Do not ever loose your calm and get panic.

11. Keep your focus on Accuracy :

In any exam , which have negative marking , maintaining accuracy is very important. Your every mark is very important , so do not guess the answer just for the sake of increasing your attempts in exam . Attempt each and every question with utmost accuracy and avoid guess work.

Things to keep in mind :

Proper diet and Proper Sleep  :  Keep yourself healthy by taking proper diet few days before exam. Also don't forget to take the proper sleep before exam . Candidates mostly avoid these things in order to save time for study. But that is not good. To perform good in exam , you need a attentive mind.

Believe in yourself  : Do not get demotivated by anything around you. Last days before exams , avoid group study and focus on self study. Revise what you have studied and stick to your strategy. Do not think about the level of preparation of others. Just try to give your best and forget the rest.

Note : Things you will need for the examination are : your admit card , one photograph , your original valid ID Proof , photocopy of the same ID proof. So do not forget to keep 


All the best for your exam..

Team aimsuccess!!!!!

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