Best Online Coaching for HPAS Exam - IBTS Institute
IBTS is Ranked No.1 Institute for Offline/Online HPAS Coaching in Chandigarh since 2014, Our training has helped them to Crack various Competitive Exams Specially focused on Himachal Pradesh Jobs like HPPSC, HPAS, HAS, HP State Exams like HP Police Exams, HP Naib Tehsildar Exam Coaching, HP Sub Inspector and other Himachal Pradesh Exam Coaching At IBTS, Our belief is that our success would be a lot more meaningful if we have helped you accomplish YOUR SUCCESS.
- ONLINE LIVE CLASSES – Full Access of Online HPAS Live Classes for 10 Months,
- RECORDED VIDEOS – Missed out on Live Streaming don't worry, Access to Recorded Lectures is anytime for a Lifetime.
- ONLINE DOUBT SESSIONS: Special Doubts Sessions as per students requirement
- OFFLINE DOWNLOAD: Save your ClassVideos Offline access without internet
- ONLINE TEST SERIES – All India Ranking-based Tests for all Exams.
- FIX TIME –Get your Live Classes Weekly Timetable on IBTS App & join Classes as per the schedule, you will get Class Notification as the teacher start class
- CLASSES SUBJECT WISE –Subject wise / GS Papers (1, 2, 3 &4) wise admission in only Online Live Classes mode.
- FACULTY – Classes will be taken by IBTS Institute HPAS Academy’s Faculty
- EXAMS COVERED – HPAS / HPPSC and other Himachal Pradesh Exams. Like HP Allied Services Exams, Naib Teshsileldar, HP Range Forest officer, HPBOSE, HP Police exams
- STUDY MATERIAL: Ebooks & Online Practice Sheets/ All Preparation Material at one place
- BOOKS (PAPERBACK): Sent by Courier/Mail or by Post to your Registered Address*
- E-MAGAZINES: (IBTS Institute Weekly/Monthly) Current Affairs (Digital)
- GROUP CHATS: Discussion groups with your classmates & Teachers for study and doubts
- PERFORMANCE CHART: Performance Analysis through Mocks
- ONLINE NOTICEBOARD: Regular updates for upcoming exams & special announcements
- It is Cost-Effective
- You can prepare from anywhere and avoid the hassle of finding the right
- Coaching, Accommodation, Food Expenses, etc.
- All Preparation Material at one place
- Since the recorded version of the lecture will be available, you can access them later in case you missed out.
- Performance Analysis through Mocks
- Live Doubt Clearing Sessions
- Updated free Study Materials
Q: Are Classes available both Online & Offline?
Answer: The Classes will be conducted online wherein students will be interacting with the mentor to solve their queries
Q. What if I miss the Online Lecture?
Answer: The recorded version of the course will be available for students who have enrolled in the program. In case a student misses out on the online lecture, a recorded version of the course will always be provided to our students.
Q. Will Course Materials be provided?
Answer: Yes! Study Materials will be provided to all our registered candidates to help them assist with the preparation, If u want we will send you the hard copies & Books also*
Q. What will be the scenario after Lockdown?
Answer: Students will have the option to convert their mode of study from only online Live Classes to physical classroom program also once the physical classes get the start after the lockdown
Q. I have already enrolled in the Physical Classroom Program. How will I get the Online Class? Do I have to pay for the classes again?
Answer: Students can enroll in the physical classroom program now also but they have to attend only online Live Classes till further communication from Govt. or concern authorities to start the physical classes. Once lockdown will open, and physical classes will be allowed, these students will start attending the physical classes as per their schedule at the centers.
Q. Is Subject Wise Admission possible in Online Class?
Answer: Students can also take Subject wise / GS Papers (1, 2, 3 &4) wise admission in only online Live Classes mode.
The Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission, being an independent and impartial Constitutional Authority, set up under Article 315 of the Constitution of India has to discharge the duties and functions, assigned to them under Article 320 of the Constitution. Further, by virtue of the provisions made in the relevant Acts, the Commission is required to advise the State Government on all matters relating to framing of Recruitment and Promotion Rules, principles to be followed in making appointments, promotion, and transfer from one service to another and in respect of disciplinary matters affecting Civil Servants. At present direct recruitment of Class-I & Class-II posts of different departments is done by the Commission.VARIOUS POSTS UNDER COMMISSION ARE:-
- Himachal Pradesh Administrative Class-I Gazetted
- Himachal Pradesh Police Services Class-I Gazetted
- Block Development Officer Class-I Gazetted
- Tehsildar Class-I
- Excise and Taxation Officer
Important: - The number of vacancy(s) in the services/posts if received from the Govt. shall be included for the purpose of selection of candidates on the basis of aforesaid examination. All the candidates are requested to apply under their respective category(s) as any above post of any reserved category can be included to be filled up on the basis of H.P.A.S. Combined Competitive Examination- The number of vacancies and reservation of posts is liable to be altered without any notice.
Why IBTS for Best HPAS/ HAS Online Coaching Programs.
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