Total Marks: 100 Exam Duration: 1 hours
Which among
the following variables/factors are not used in constructing Human Development Index of India?
a) Life
Expectancy at birth
b) Real GDP per capita
c) Morbidity
d) All of the above
Answer: (c)
Explanation: Life expectancy at birth, Real GNI per
capita and Mean & Expected Years of schooling are taken into account to
formulate HDI in India.
Unemployment means
a) Marginal
Productivity of labour is zero
b) Marginal
productivity of labour is positive
c) Marginal
productivity of labour is negative
d) Both a and b
Answer: (a)
Development does not use which parameter while measuring gender inequality
a) Sex Ratio
b) Health
c) Education
d) Command over
economic resources
Answer: (a)
Explanation: In the 2014 HDR, HDRO introduced a new
measure, the GDI, based on the sex-disaggregated Human Development Index,
defined as a ratio of the female to the male HDI. The GDI measures gender
inequalities in achievement in three basic dimensions of human development:
health (measured by female and male life expectancy at birth), education
(measured by female and male expected years of schooling for children and mean
years for adults aged 25 years and older) and command over economic resources
(measured by female and male estimated GNI per capita).
launched to provide:
a) Better
healthcare for rural poor
b) Better
healthcare for urban poor
c) Quality education
d) Market
relevant training to youth
Answer: (d)
Explanation: Skills Acquisition and Knowledge Awareness
for Livelihood (SANKALP) is an outcome-oriented programme of Ministry of Skill
Development & Entrepreneurship (MSDE) with a special focus on decentralised
planning and quality improvement. It is a Centrally Sponsored Scheme which is
collaborated with the World Bank. It aims to implement the mandate of the National
Skill Development Mission (NSDM).
The main
objectives of the scheme are:
Creating convergence among all skill training activities, both State-led and
Government of India funded, at the state level.
Improving the quality of skill development programs through building a pool of
quality trainers, developing model curriculum and content, and standardizing assessment and certification.
System: Establishing a robust monitoring and evaluation system for skill training programs.
& Opportunity: Providing access to skill training opportunities to the
disadvantaged sections. Creating industry-led and demand-driven skill training capacity.
Similar to
SANKALP scheme, the government has also launched the STRIVE scheme for skill development.
Golden rule
of fiscal policy in India is____?
a) Borrowing
only for current expenditure.
b) Borrowing
only for public investment
c) Borrowing
only for repayment of debt
d) Borrowing
for budget expenditure
Answer: (b)
Explanation: The "Golden Rule" of government
spending is a fiscal policy stating that a government should only increase
borrowing in order to invest in projects that will pay off in the future. Under
the Rule, existing obligations and expenditures are to be financed through
taxation, and not issuing new sovereign debt.
Download HPAS Prelims 13 Sep 2020 Explained Solution_Set-D (2)
Which of the
following is an example of management performance indicator?
a) Raw material
used per unit of product
b) Number of
complaints from public or employees
c) Containment
concentration in surface soil
d) Change in
ground water level
Answer: (a)
Which of
these is a dimension of CSR?
a) Physiological
b) Political
c) Ecological
d) Philanthropic
Answer: (d)
NGOs are recognized as to focus
and fix the problems present in the development process.
a) Favoured child
b) Unfavoured child
c) Magic bullet
d) Unmagic
Answer: (c)
Which of the
following is the primary goal for sustainable
a) Increasing emissions
b) Eliminating
wastes and emissions
c) Decreasing emissions
d) Moderating
emission and wastes
Answer: (d)
Eco mark
label of India is
a) A blue bird
b) An earthen pot
c) A red rose
d) White Rabbit
Answer: (b)
Explanation: Ecomark
or Eco mark is a certification mark issued by the Bureau
of Indian Standards
(the national standards
organization of India) to products conforming to a set of standards aimed at
the least impact on the ecosystem.
Download HPAS Prelims 13 Sep 2020 Explained Solution_Set-D (2)
extinction of species do not occur due to which of the following factors:
a) Global cooling
b) Falling sea level
c) Excessive rainfall
d) Predation
Answer: (d)
Explanation: All other options: global cooling, sea
level change and excessive rainfall may lead to mass extinction.
A 40 watt
bulb is used 6 hrs everyday. Number of electric unit consumed in 30 days:
a) 12
b) 1.2
c) 2.4
d) 7.2
Answer: (d)
Explanation: 40 watts x 6 hrs x 30 days = 7200 Wh = 7.2
kWh (1 unit = 1kWh)
In nuclear
fission of U235
with a slow neutron bombardment produces energy approximately:
a) 50 MeV
b) 100 MeV
c) 200 MeV
d) 930 MeV
Answer: c)
Explanation: The total binding energy released in
fission of an atomic nucleus varies with the precise break up, but averages
about 200 MeV* for U-235 or 3.2 x 10-11 joule.
Dental alloy
for teeth filling ontains:
a) Silver,
mercury, tin, copper and zinc
b) Siler, gold,
tin, copper and zinc
c) Silver,
mercury, tin, copper and aluminium
d) Gold,
mercury, tin, copper and zinc
Answer: (a)
Which of the
following substances are not responsible for water hardness?
a) Calcium carbonate
b) Magnesium carbonate
c) Calcium nitrate
d) Calcium
hydrogen nitrate
Answer: (c)
plant parts in which leukoplasts are present
a) Roots and
underground stem.
b) Green leaves
c) Flowers and fruits
d) Green parts
of young stems
Answer: (a)
Explanation: Leucoplasts are non – chlorophyll pigment
organelles present in non-photosynthetic parts of plants.
do not have
a) Leaves
b) Stem
c) Roots
d) Flowers
Answer: (d)
Explanation: Pteridophytes comprise of a group of 12000
species of vascular plants that reproduce via spores and have neither seeds nor
flowers. Eg. Fern. They differ from moses by being vascular (i.e. having water
conducting vessels). They have stems and leaves like other vascular plants.
In which
group of animals, Coelom is filled with blood?
a) Annelida
b) Arthropoda
c) Nematoda
d) Echinodermata
Answer: (b)
Explanation: Circulatory system of arthropods consists
of heart, blood vessels and blood filled homocoel.
Lack of
oxygen in muscles often leads to cramps among athletes. The reason for this is
a) Conversion
of pyruvate to ethanol
b) Conversion
of pyruvate into lactic acid
c) No
conversion of glucose o pyruvate
d) Conversion
of pyruvate to glucose
Answer: (b)
Explanation: In deficiency of oxygen when breakdown of
glucose happens, pyruvate is converted into lactic acid which causes cramps.
Palampur, Dharamshala and Jogindernagar in Himachal Pradesh are situated in which of the following zone?
a) Humid Sub Tropical
b) Sub Temperate
c) Sub Humid Tropical
d) Wet Sub Temperate
Answer: (d)
Explanation: Physiographically, the State can be divided
into five zones:
Sub-temperate sone comprises Palampur and Dharamsala of Kangra District,
Jogindernagar area of Mandi district and Dalhousie area of Chamba district,
Sub-temperate zone comprises the districts of Kullu, Shimla, parts of Mandi,
Solan, chamba, Kangra and Sirmour,
temperate-Alpine High lands include major parts of Lahaul-Spiti, Pangi and Minnaur,
Sub-tropical zone consists district Sirmaur, Bhattiyat valley of district
Chamba, Nalagarh area of district Solan, Dehragopipur and Nurpur areas of
district Kangra,
tropical zone Sirmour and Indora area of district Kangra.
Which of the
following was not a princely state or Thakurai which was clubbed to form the
Mahasu district in 1948?
a) Koti
b) Darkoti
c) Ghund
d) Ani
Answer: (d)
Explanation: Himachal Pradesh appreared on the
administrative map of the country on the 15th April, 1948 and the states of
Bhagat, Baghal, Kunihar, Kuthar, Mangal, Beja, Darkoti, Ghund Keonthal, Koti
etc. formed a part of the then Mahasu District
'Zahor' is
Tibetan name of which of the following district of Himachal Pradesh?
a) Kinnaur
b) Mandi
c) Lahul and Spiti
d) Kullu
Answer: (b)
Explanation: According to the Tibetan tradition, Padam
Sambhav (750-800 AD), the great Buddhist Patriarch, who was summoned by king Tisong-De-Tsen
of Tibet for preaching Buddhism, hailed from Zahor(or Mandi), which represents
the country round about Rewalsar. On the basis of this it is concluded that
Mandi must have been a great place of Buddhist learning about this time.
23) Which snow clad peak of Himachal Pradesh is
shaped somewhat like Matterborn in
a) Gyephang
b) Reo Purgyil
c) Jorkhanden
d) Manirang
Answer: (b)
Which of the
following combination is not correct?
a) Pangwal-Doghri
b) Kinner or Kinnaura-Janckang
c) Gaddi- Batta-satta
d) Swangla-
Answer: (d)
Dogri: Marriage by Exchange
Janetang: Legal marriage
Gaddi: Batta
Satta: The boy gets his partner in exchange of his real sister or a cousin.
Jhanjara is
also a marriage system of Gaddi
Match List I
and List II and select the correct Answer from the codes given below
List I List II
I. Kayang (A) Sirmaur
II. Jhanjar (B) Una
III. Keekli and Bangra (C)
IV. Jhoori (D) Lahul
(E) Kinnaur
i-E, ii-A, iii- D, iv- C
b) i-E, ii-C,
iii- B, iv- A
i-D, ii-C, iii- B, iv- A
d) i-A, ii-C,
iii- B, iv- D
Answer: (b)
Kayang: Kinnaur
Jhanjhar : Chamba
Keekli is a
playful dance performed by young girls. The girls hold their hands in crosswise manner and rotate fast on
their toes. Bhangra is a popular male dance originated in the plains of Punjab
and popular in districts of Kangra, Hamirpur and Una.
Jhoori is a
type of song that celebrates extramarital romance. It is popular in Mahasu and Sirmaur, and is accompanied by a
female dance called jhoomar.
Lohri has
been declared as state level festival and 'First Lohri festival' was celebrated
on 13th Jaunary 2010 at which of the following
a) Santokhgarh
b) Pragpur
c) Nalagarh
d) Paonta Sahib
Answer: (b)
Which of the
following temple is believed to be constructed by two merchants 'Ahuka' and 'Manyka'?
a) Baijnath temple
b) Chintpurni Temple
c) Lakshmi
Nayarayn temple Chamba
d) Masroor
Answer: (a)
Explanation: Baijnath Temple is a Nagara style Hindu
temple situated in a small town of Baijnath located in Kangra District,
Himachal Pradesh, India, and was built in 1204 A.D. by two local merchants
named Ahuka and Manyu
The loargest
collection of 'Kangyur and 'Tangyur' is placed in the library of which of the following Gompa?
a) Gemur
b) Kardang
c) Tayul
Answer: (b)
Explanation: The library of Kardang Gompa is huge and
contains full volumes of Kangyur and Tangyur (sacred Buddhist texts).
Which of the
following statement is not correct?
a) The Arki
school of painting was founded by Raja Jagat
b) The Basholi
school of painting came into prominence from the time of Raja Kripal Pal
c) The Kangra
paintings have got Geographical indicator.
d) Chamba was
one of the principal centre of Pahari miniature paintaings.
Answer: (a)
Explanation: The earliest of Arki paintings are the
portraits of Rana Mehar Chand (1727-1743) and Rana Bhup Chand (1743-1778).
In which of
the following valley, Himachal Pradesh Language, Art and Cultrue Academy found 600 years old manuscript that
deals with the Ayurvedic System of Medicine?
a) Sangla Valley
b) Kullu Valley
c) Balh valley'
d) Spiti Valley
Answer: (d)
Explanation: In 2011, Himachal Pradesh Language, Art and
Culture academy found 600 year old manuscript in Spitti valley. It is written
in Bhoti language and deals with Ayurvedic system of medicine.
Download HPAS Prelims 13 Sep 2020 Explained Solution_Set-D (2)
Which of the
following combination is not correct?
a) Fatehpur
Fort : Bandla Dhar
b) Tiun Fort : Tiun Dhar
c) Devi Badoli
Temple : Jhanjiar Dhar
d) Dagoga
Malhot : Kot Dhar
Answer: (a)
Fort : Naina Devi Dhar
The only
coin special to Chamba, five of which makes an 'anna' is the:
a) Dhela
b) Pi
c) Chakli
d) Ratti
Answer: (c)
Explanation: - According to the Gazette of Chamba State,
the copper coin was called chakli, five of which made an anna.
Who amongst
the following was the first to examine the archaeological remains in Chamba and Bharmour?
a) Colonel Reid
b) Mr. Vigne
c) General Cunningham
d) Sir Henry Davies
Answer: (c)
Explanation: In February 1839, Chamba was for the first
time visited by a European person vigne,i°s and in the same year by General
Cunningham who was the first to examine the archaeological remains in the state at capital and Bharmour.
What is the
script of earliest rock inscription found at Pathiar and Kanihara?
a) Brahmi
b) Kharoshti
c) Pali
d) Sharda
Answer: (b)
What is the
name of an opera festival which is annualy held at the Tibetan Institute of Performing Arts(TIPA) at Mcleodganj
and was an annual feature in Lhasa prior to
a) Losar
b) Shoton
c) Thanka
d) Dajyur
Answer: (b)
Explanation: - Lhamo, or
Ache Lhamo, is a classical secular theatre of Tibet with music and dance that
has been performed for centuries, whose nearest western equivalent is opera.
The biggest Tibetan opera performances are held in Norbulingka Summer Palace in
Lhasa during Shoton Festival in August. The opera part of the festival is
called the Xuedun Festival or the "Tibetan Opera Festival".
Download HPAS Prelims 13 Sep 2020 Explained Solution_Set-D (2)
Which of the
following valley is without exception the most rugged glen of Kinnaur district?
a) Tidong Valley
b) Baspa Valley
c) Bhabha Valley
d) Lippa Valley
Answer: (a)
Explanation: The Tidong valley is without exception the
most rugged glen of the district. It is often called ‘a scene of savage
and 'Kanishthang' are the names given to which of the following?
a) Local
Deities of Kinnaur District
b) Valleys of
Lahul Spiti
c) Upper House
and Lower house of village khap of Malana
d) Mountain
peaks in Sanla valley
Answer: (c)
Explanation: Earlier, all domestic cases of the Malana
village were settled by the village khap known as ‘The Parliament’ comprises an
upper house called ‘Jeyeshthang’ and a lower house called ‘Kanishthang’, but
with the passage of time people are losing faith in the system and now a number
of cases are pending in civil courts.
Which of the
following country was relegated to second position by Lahul Spiti by achieving
the highest per hectare production of potato?
a) Belgium
b) Spain
c) Netherland
d) France
Answer: (c)
The first
mention of which of the folllowing place came in 19=817 from the diary of the Scottish officer brothers?
a) Dharamshala
b) Shimla
c) Kasauli
d) Subathu
Answer: (b)
Explanation: First mention of Shimla, comes in 1817 from
the diary of Scotish officers, Lt. Patrick and Alexander Gerrad.
change vulnerability assessment is being undertaken from which of the following river basin, covering 9258 villages of
four districts with more than 1200 panchayats?
a) Ravi
b) Satluj
c) Beas
d) Chenab
What is the
name of web based software implemented by the department of Transport of
Himachal Pradesh for issuing Driving Licences?
a) Vahan
b) Sarathi
c) Sathi
d) Sahyogi
Answer: (a)
Explanation: The web based Vahan software has been
implemented in all the 8 Registration and Licencing Authorities of the
District. The software is used for registration of New Vehicles, Transfer of
Owner, Addition and Removal of Hypothecation, Issuance of NOC to other RLA, Change
of Address etc.
Name the
Suprintendent of Botanical Garden who set up 'Delhi Tea Estate' in 1852?
a) Major Straut
b) Dr. Jameson
c) Alexander Couts
d) Samuel
Answer: (b)
Explanation: In 1852 superintendent of Botanical garden
Jamson set up Delhi Tea Estate. Which was renamed Nishan Tea Estate. In 1866
major straut purchased Delhi Tea estate.
After an
intensive research and success of the project which district of H.P.is likely
to emerge as pistachios bowl of the state?
a) Lahul Spiti
b) Una
c) Kangra
d) Kinnaur
Answer: (c)
Where is the
first 'Emu' breeding farm of H.P. set up by Multi level marketing company 'Easy Way with'?
a) Gandwal in Una
b) Jeori in Shimla
c) Paonta Sahib
in Sirmaur
d) Jwali in
Answer: (a)
Who amongst
the following were the two wild life experts who were main force behing setting up Himachal's first 'Bird Ringing
Station ' at Salopra?
a) Col. Napier
and Donald Macleed
b) Henry
Hardinge and Hugh Gough
c) Franscis
Bunar and T. H, Walkar
d) William
Finch and Thomas Coryat
Answer: (c)
Explanation: Francis Buner, a senior conservation
scientist with the Game and Wildlife Conservation Trust, and T.H. Walker of the
British Trust of Ornithology imparted training to the staff in bird
identification and ringing at Salopra.
Download HPAS Prelims 13 Sep 2020 Explained Solution_Set-D (2)
Which of the
following has been included in the 8 wonders of Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO)?
a) Bhimbetka caves
b) Golden Temple
c) Statue of Unity
d) Amber Fort
Answer: (c)
Explanation: The Eight Wonders of the SCO are:
India — the
Statue of Unity
Kazakhstan —
the Archaeological Landscape of Tamgaly China — The Daming imperial palace
complex Kyrgyzstan — Lake Issyk-Kul
Pakistan —
The Great Mughals’ heritage at Lahore
Russia — The
Golden Ring cities Tajikistan — The Palace of Nowruz Uzbekistan — the Poi Kalon
To which
country gifted a 'Made in India' patrol vessel named 'KAAMIYAAB'?
a) Sri Lanka
b) Maldives
c) South Africa
d) Bangladesh
Answer: (b)
Explanation: - India in December 2019 gifted a 'Made in
India' Patrol Vessel named "KAAMIYAAB” to the Maldives National Defence
Force (MNDF) as part of Delhi's efforts to be net security provider in the region amid China's increasing
forays in the Indian Ocean Region.
Which Indian
Air Force aircraft decommissioned on December
a) MiG-27
b) MiG-29
c) Sukhoi-30
d) MiG-21
Answer: (a)
Explanation: Indian Air
Force aircraft decommissioned MiG-27 in December 2019. The plane has been at
the frontline and has proved its worth in the 1999 Kargil War.
Which Tribal
refugee community will now be given permission to settle in Tripura following
the signing of a historic agreement on January 16, 2020?
a) Jayantia
b) Bru-Reang
c) Tengma-Bodo
d) Deori-Garo
Answer: (b)
Explanation: During 1997-98, about 5000 Bru-Reang
families i.e. around 30,000 Bru-Reang tribals were displaced from Mizoram to
Tripura because of ethnic violence in Mizoram. In the North Tripura, these
people were living in temporary camps. To permanently rehabilitate these
refugees, the Government of India, since 2010 has been making sustained efforts.
Bru-Reang tribes are one of the 21 scheduled tribes of the Tripura state in
India. They are the second largest tribal community of Tripura and are
recognised as the 75 primitive tribes in India. The Bru tribes are found in
Tripura, Mizoram, Assam, Manipur, and Bangladesh.
The Bru-Reang agreement is signed between the
Government of India, Presided by the Home Minister for Home Affairs, Shri Amit
Shah, Governments of Tripura and Mizoram and Bru-Reang representatives. After
the agreement about 34,000 Bru refugees will be settled in Tripura. Centre will
provide help to these tribes for their all-round development and for this
around Rs 600 crores were sanctioned. According to the Home Minister, each
displaced family would be given a residential plots, for 2 years they will be
given the aid of Rs 5000 per month, Free ration for 2 years and about Rs 1.5
lakh aid to build their house.
What is the
ranking of Indian Passport in Henry Passport Index 2020?
a) 40
b) 52
c) 66
d) 84
Answer: (d)
Explanation: Henley &
Partners, the residence and citizenship planning firm has published the Henley
Passport Index for 2020 according to the number of destinations the respective
passport holders can access without a prior visa. The ranking is based on data
from the International Air Transport Association (IATA), a trade association of
some 290 airlines, including all major carriers. The index includes 199 different passports and 227 different travel
destinations. The Henley Passport Index was launched in 2006 with the aim of providing
a global picture of freedom of travelling.
Japan has the world’s strongest passport
whereas Afghanistan (107th rank) has the weakest. Japan has been topping the
Index for three years continuously. Singapore, in second place (same as in
2019) followed by Germany and South Korea both shares the third position in the
index. The Indian passport is closer to the bottom, ranked 84th in the world.
Where is the
headquarter of Global Tiger Forum (GTF)?
a) Kathmandu
b) New Delhi
c) Dhaka
d) Beijing
Answer: (b)
Explanation: The GTF is the only intergovernmental
international body established with members from willing countries to embark on
a global campaign to protect the Tiger. It was formed in 1993 on
recommendations from an international symposium on Tiger Conservation at New
Delhi, India. It is located in New Delhi, India.
What is
'BOID QIT', which was in the news recently?
a) Biodiversity
conservation techniques
b) Digital
monitoring of the borders
c) DNA editing tool
d) F-16 Missile
Answer: (b)
Explanation: The Union Home Minister has inaugurated the
project BOLD-QIT (Border Electronically Dominated QRT Interception Technique).
The project has been constructed under the CIBMS (Comprehensive Integrated
Border Management System) on India-Bangladesh border in Dhubri District of
What is the
status of House Sparrow in India as per the State of India's Birds 2020 Report?
a) Stable
b) Uncertain
c) Strong Decline
d) Data not
Answer: (a)
Explanation: The House Sparrow has been found to be
stable across the country as a whole, although declining in the major cities.
It has been declared as the “State Bird of Delhi” to save the species and
enhance awareness about their life and habitat.
India signed
an agreement with which country to establish Addu Tourism?
a) Maldives
b) Bhutan
c) Afghanistan
d) Nepal
Answer: (a)
Explanation: India and Maldives have signed 5 MoUs for
establishing the Addu Tourism zone in five islands of Addu atoll. The tourism
zone is expected to generate local employment and enhance eco-tourism
opportunities in Addu
What was
India's rank among 156 countries in the Global Happineness Index 2019?
a) 140th
b) 124th
c) 132nd
d) 137th
Answer: (a)
Explanation: India's happiness
ranking drops to 140; way behind Pakistan, China, Bangladesh. The world
happiness report for 2019 has put Finland on the top spot on the most-happiest
country for the second consecutive year. According to reports, Finland is the
happiest country amongst 156 nations surveyed by the UN Sustainable Development
Solutions Network. India has dropped down seven spots in the happiness rankings
as compared to its 2018 ranking.
Download HPAS Prelims 13 Sep 2020 Explained Solution_Set-D (2)
Which state
Government has launched 'One family, one job'
a) Uttarakhand
b) Sikkim
c) Meghalaya
d) Madhya
Answer: (b)
Which cities
are called 'Non-attainment cities' in India?
a) The cities
where solid waste management system has not been implemented
b) The cities
that are not following water quality standards
c) The cities
which are not complying noise pollution norms
d) Consistently
showing poorer air quality than National Ambient Air Quality Standards
Answer: (d)
Explanation: Consistently showing poorer air quality
than National Ambient Air quality standards. CPCB maintains the list of non-attainment
cities which do not meet the NAAQS.
country topped the list of Global Diplomacy Index 2019 released by Sydney based
Lowy institute?
a) USA
b) Russia
c) France
d) China
Answer: (d)
country has criminalized offences related to match fixing?
a) Pakistan
b) South Africa
c) Bangladesh
d) Sri Lanka
Answer: (d)
Explanation: Sri Lanka has become the first South Asian
country to criminalise match-fixing and sports betting.
Dashain' is the festival celebrated in which
a) India
b) Nepal
c) Myanmar
d) Sri Lanka
Answer: (b)
What is the
campaign theme of the 'International Women's Day 2020'?
a) Planet 50-50
by 2030
b) Equality for women
c) Think Equal,
Act Equal
d) Each for
Answer: (d)
The term
'Operation Car Wash' that was making news recently, is related to which country?
a) Brazil
b) South Africa
c) Russia
d) Argentina
Answer: (a)
Explanation: "Operation Car Wash" is said to
be the largest criminal investigation in history of Brazil.
country will host the UN climate Summit "COP26'?
a) USA
b) UK
c) France
d) India
Answer: (b)
Explanation: Glasgow in
UK will host the meeting in 2021, which was originally scheduled in November,
In a latest
report (2019) World Bank appreciated India's efforts and policies to
a) Reduce
Poverty by half since 1991
b) Provide clean
and wholesome water to all
c) Immunization
all the children in the age group 0-5 years
d) Achieve
gender parity in primary education
Answer: (a)
Explanation: In recent years, the country has made a
significant dent in poverty levels, with extreme poverty dropping from 46
percent to an estimated 13.4 percent over the two decades before 2015. While
India is still home to 176 million poor people, it is seeking to achieve better
growth, as well as to promote inclusion and sustainability by reshaping policy
approaches to human development, social protection, financial inclusion, rural
transformation, and infrastructure development.
The nobel
Prize 2019 for Economics has been awarded to Abhijit Bhanerjee, Esher Duflo and Michael Kremer for:
a) To discover
the most effective ways to tackle poverty in the developing world
b) To discover
consumption pattern among rural mass
c) To discover
decision making under aymmetric information
d) To discover
role of no-economic factors on trade distortions
Answer: (a)
Explanation: The research conducted by this year’s
Laureates has considerably improved our ability to fight global poverty. This
year’s Laureates have introduced a new approach to obtaining reliable Answers
about the best ways to fight global poverty. In brief, it involves dividing
this issue into smaller, more manageable, questions – for example, the most
effective interventions for improving educational outcomes or child health.
They have shown that these smaller, more precise, questions are often best Answered
via carefully designed experiments among the people who are most affected.
Why is there
a great concern about the 'microbeads' that are released into environment?
a) They are
considered harmful to marine ecosysmtem
b) They are
considred to cause skin cancer in children
c) They are
small enough to be absorbed by crop plants in irrigatioed fields
d) They are
often found to be used as food adultrants.
Answer: (a)
Explanation: Microbeads are small, solid, manufactured
plastic particles that are less than 5mm and don’t degrade or dissolve in
water. They may be added to a range of products, including rinse-off cosmetics,
personal care and cleaning products. Microbeads are used as ingredients in
these products for a variety of purposes. This includes as an abrasive or
exfoliant, a bulking agent, for controlled timed release of active ingredients,
and to prolong shelf life. They are also a relatively cheap ingredient.
Microbeads are not captured by most
wastewater treatment systems. If they are washed down drains after use, they
can end up in rivers, lakes and oceans. Once in the water, microbeads can have
a damaging effect on marine life, the environment and human health. This is due
to their composition, ability to adsorb toxins and potential to transfer up the
marine food chain. These tiny plastics persist in the environment as they are
almost impossible to remove. The best way to reduce their impact is to prevent
them from entering the environment.
Among the
following which one is the largest exporter of rice in world in last 5 years?
a) China
b) India
c) Myanmar
d) Vietnam
Answer: (b)
Explanation: India surpassed Thailand to become no.1
rice exporting countries in world.
country's capital name is renamed as "nursultan'?
a) Kazakhstan
b) Uzbekistan
c) Azerbaijan
d) Kyrgzstan
Answer: (a)
Explanation: Kazakhstan's capital city Astana was
renamed as noor Sultan in 2019.
Which of the
following are called Brettonwoods Twins?
b) IMF & WTO
d) None of the above
Answer: (a)
Explanation: The Bretton Woods twins refers to the two
multilateral organizations created at the Bretton Woods Conference in 1944.
They are: The World BankIBRD. The International Monetary Fund.
Which state
got a separate high court on 1 January 2019, which is the 25th high court
of India?
a) Telangana
b) Mizoram
c) Sikkim
d) Andhra
Answer: (d)
Which of the
following states do not have a bicameral legislature?
a) Jammu & Kashmir
b) Telanagana
c) Karnataka
d) West Bengal
Which state
first adopted the Panchayati Raj in India in
a) Rajasthan
b) Karnataka
c) Gujarat
d) Punjab
Answer: (a)
Explanation: Nagaur district in Rajasthan
Which of the
following is/are true regarding Panchayati Raj
I. The act wont
apply to Darjeeling district of West Bengal.
II. Allotment fo
seats in constituencies for Panchayat elections cannot be questioned in court
of law.
a) Only I
b) Only II
c) Both I and II
d) None of these
Answer: (c)
Explanation: Both statements are correct. The act is not
applicable is Darjeeling district and courts are exempt to interfere in
electoral matters including delimitation of constituencies.
Which of the
following are recommendations of the L.M. Singhvi Committee?
Nyaya Panchayat should be created for a cluster
of villages.
Constitutional recognition for Panchayati Raj institutions.
More financial resources for village panachayats.
a) II & III
b) I & III
c) I & II
d) All of these
Answer: (d)
PAHAL Scheme
is related with?
a) Agricultural loan
b) Direct
transfer of LPG subsidy
c) Women education
d) Child Education
Answer: (b)
Under which
Schedule of Constitution of India can the transfer o tribal land to private
parties for mining be declared null and void?
a) Third schedule
b) Fifth schedule
c) Ninth schedule
d) Twelfth
Answer: (b)
Rajya Sabha
can delay the finance bill sent for the consideration by the Lok Sabha for a maximum period of
a) 14 days
b) 15 days
c) 1 month
d) 6 months
Answer: (a)
Constitution 86th
amendment Act, 2002 deals with:
a) Right to
Education a Fundamental Right for children in the range of 6 to 14 years
b) Right to
employment a fundamental right
c) Right to
employment a fundamental right for rural people
d) Right to
education a Fundamental Right for children in range of 5 – 13 years.
Answer: (a)
Human Rights commission is a
a) Constitutional Body
b) Extra
Constitutional body
c) Statutory body
d) Public
Private body
Answer: (c)
Which Union
Ministry has launched a new portal Santusht for effective delivery of public
a) Ministry of Education
b) Ministry of Environment
c) Ministry of
Labour and Employment
d) Ministry of Finance
Answer: (c)
Explanation: The Ministry of Labour and Employment has
launched ‘Santusht portal’ to monitor the implementation of labour laws at the
grassroots level.
Download HPAS Prelims 13 Sep 2020 Explained Solution_Set-D (2)
Which state
topped the good governance index (GGI), launched by the Central Government on 25th
December, 2019?
a) Tamil Nadu
b) Maharashtra
c) Kerala
d) Gujarat
Answer: (a)
Explanation: The event
was organised by the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions to
celebrate the birth anniversary of former Prime Minister (PM) Shri Atal Bihari
Vajpayee. Tamil Nadu (TN) won the 1st position in the composite ranking for
good governance index (GGI).
Which on the
following was not an Arya Samajist?
a) Lala Hansraj
b) Baba Ramchandra
c) Bhai Parmananda
d) Lala Lajpat
Answer: (b)
Explanation: Lala Hansraj, Lala Lajpat Rai and Bhai
Parmanand all were the Arya Samajists. Baba Ram Chandra was an Indian trade
unionist who organised the farmers of Oudh, India into forming a united front
to fight against the abuses of landlords in 1920s and 1930s. He was also an
influential figure in the history of Fiji, and owed his inspiration to take up
the cause of the down-trodden to his 12 years as an indentured labourer in Fiji
and to his efforts to end the indenture system. He is one of the prime
characters in Kamla Kant Tripathi's history based novel "Bedakhal".
Which of the
following organization was the last to be established?
a) Rashtriya
Swayamseval Sangh
b) Hindu Mahasabha
c) Satya Sodhak Samaj
d) Hindustan
Republican Association
Answer: (a)
Explanation: Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, RSS is an
Indian right-wing, Hindu nationalist volunteer organisation.
· The RSS was founded on 27 September 1925.
· Hindustan Republican Association (HRA) was a
revolutionary organization of India established in 1924. The HRA was also
socialist in its attitude and was inspired by Bolshevik Russia. Their manifesto
stated the railways and other means of transportation and communication, the
mines and other kinds of very great industries shall be nationalised. Instead
of private and unorganised business enterprise, the Party prefers co-operative
unions.” Amongst other goals stated by the manifesto are universal suffrage,
supremacy of the legislature and religious freedom.
· Hindu Mahasabha was established in 1915, the
Mahasabha (known previously as the Sarvadeshak Hindu Sabha). In 1921 it changed
its name to Akhil Bharat Hindu Mahasabha.
· Satyashodhak Samaj (Truth-seekers' Society)
was a social reform society founded by Jyotirao Phule in Pune, Maharashtra, on
24 September 1873.
When was the
'Vernacular Press Act' passed?
a) 1878
b) 1881
d) 1887
Answer: (a)
Explanation: Vernacular Press Act, in British India, law
enacted in 1878 to curtail the freedom of the Indian- language (non-English)
press. Proposed by Lord Lytton, then viceroy of India (governed 1876–80), the
act was intended to prevent the vernacular press from expressing criticism of
British policies— notably, the opposition that had grown with the outset of the
Second Anglo-Afghan War (1878– 80). The act excluded English-language
publications. It elicited strong and sustained protests from a wide spectrum of
the Indian populace.
Which one of
the following regions did the 'Pabna' Revolt (1873-76) take place?
a) Punjab
b) Gujarat
c) Bengal
d) Malabar
Answer: (c)
Explanation: Pabna Peasant Uprising (1873–76) was a
resistance movement by the peasants ("Ryots") against the lords of
the lands in Bengal ("zamindars") in the Yusufshahi pargana (now the
Sirajganj District, Bangladesh) in Pabna.
In which
year was first session of the 'Chamber of Princes' held?
a) 1858
b) 1905
c) 1921
d) 1935
Answer: (c)
Explanation: The Chamber of Princes was established in
1920, by King-Emperor George V's proclamation on 23 December 1919, after the
Government of India Act 1919 was given royal assent. The creation of the
chamber followed the abandonment by the British of their long-established
policy of isolating the Indian rulers from each other and also from the rest of
the world. The Chamber first met on 8 February 1921 and initially consisted of
120 members.
Who presided
over the commission appointed on Famine Policy in 1880?
a) James Lyall
b) Richard Strachey
c) Anthony Mac Donnel
d) John Lawrence
Answer: (b)
Explanation: The great famine of 1876-78 was perhaps the
most grievous calamity experienced since the beginning of the 19lh century. It
affected Madras, Bombay, Uttar Pradesh and the Punjab. About five million
people perished in a single year. The Government made half-hearted efforts to
help the famine-stricken. The government famine machinery was inadequate and
ineffective and the unwise policy was amply clear. In 1880, the Government of
Lytton appointed a commission under Richard stretchy to formulate general
principles and suggest particular' measures of preventive or protective
ü Famine
commissions during British period
ü Campbell
Commission 1866
ü Stretchy
Commission 1880
ü Lyall
Commission 1896
ü McDonnell
Commission 1900
Which one of
the following attended the 'Congress of Opposed Nationalists' at Brussels in 1927?
a) Mahatma Gandhi
b) Maulana
Abdul Kalam Azad
c) Dr B.R. Ambedkar
d) Jawaharlal Nehru
Answer: (d)
Explanation: In February 1927, Jawaharlal Nehru on
behalf of the National Congress attended the Congress of Oppressed
Nationalities at Brussels organised by political exiles and revolutionaries
from the countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America suffering from economic or
political imperialism. The Congress was called to coordinate and plan their
common struggle against imperialism. Many left wing intellectuals and political
leaders of Europe also joined the Congress.
What was 'Ulgulan'?
a) A Munda Revolt
b) A Khasi Revolt
c) A bhil
d) A Koya Revolt
Answer: (a)
Explanation: Munda Rebellion is one of the prominent
19th century tribal rebellions in the subcontinent. Birsa Munda led this
movement in the region south of Ranchi in 1899-1900. The ulgulan, meaning
'Great Tumult', sought to establish Munda Raj and independence. Statue of
Ulgulan is a proposed 150 feet tall statue of Birsa Munda, a tribal freedom
fighter from the Eastern Indian state of Jharkhand. The statue will be built on
NH 33 Ranchi-Jamshedpur national highway near Bundu.
Which one of
the following organization was the last to be
a) East India Association
b) Madras
Mahajan Sabha
c) Indian Association
d) Poona
Sarvajanik Sabha
Answer: (b)
The East
India Association was founded by Dadabhai Naoroji in 1866, in collaboration
with Indians and retired British officials in London.
Sarvajanik Sabha was formed in 1870 by S. H. Chiplunkar, Ganesh Vasudeo Joshi,
Mahadev Govind Ranade.
The Indian
Association was the first avowed nationalist organization founded in British
India by Surendranath Banerjee and Ananda Mohan Bose in 1876.
Mahajana Sabha was established by S. Ramaswami Mudaliar and P. Anandacharlu in
When did the
British Prime Minister declare in the British Paliament that transfer of power
to responsible India hands will be done by June,1948?
a) January 26, 1947
b) February 20, 1947
c) March 20, 1947
d) January 20, 1947
Answer: (b)
Explanation: On 20th February, 1947, The Prime Minister
(Mr. Attlee) Government announced their intention of transferring power in
British India to Indian hands by June, 1948.
Which of the
following works was written by 'Sachindranath Sanyal' to attract the youth to Revolutionary Nationalism
a) Bhavani Mandir
b) Manifesto of
Navjawan Sabha
c) Philosophy
of the Bomb
d) Bandi Jivan
Answer: (d)
Explanation: Sachindra Nath Sanyal: The unsung hero who
pioneered Indian armed resistance against the British. Sanyal was known for his
maverick views and revolutionary ideas. At the age of 20, he opened a branch of
Anushilan Samiti in Patna. Anushilan Samiti was a Bengali Indian organisation
that existed in the first quarter of the twentieth century and expounded revolutionary
violence as the means to end the British Raj in India.
Sachindra Nath Sanyal played a pivotal role
during the Gadar party conspiracy. It was an anti- British mutiny modelled on
the great uprising of 1857. Sanyal, however, was caught and sentenced to jail
in the Cellular prison in Andaman & Nicobar Island. There he wrote his
famous book titled Bandi Jeevan (A Life of Captivity, 1922). He was briefly
released from the jail since then. The agony he endured in prison did not deter
him from continuing his subversive activities after his release from the
prison. Following the end of Non-Cooperation movement, Sanyal, Ram Prasad
Bismil and other revolutionaries founded the Hindustan Republican Association
in October 1924. He was the author of the HRA manifesto, titled The
Revolutionary. Sanyal was once
again incarcerated in 1925 and sent to the Cellular prison in the Andamans for
being allegedly involved in Kakori conspiracy. He died while serving his second
term in cell prison on February 7, 1942.
Which one of
the following is not a soil type in India?
a) Arid
b) Peat
c) Laterite
d) Choes
Answer: (d)
Explanation: Choes are seasonal streams flowing down the
doab is closely related to which of the following?
a) Area between
Ghaggar and Sutlej
b) Area between
Beas and Ravi
c) Area between
Chenab and Ravi
d) Area between
Beas and Sutlej
Answer: (d)
Explanation: Jalandhar is located in Bist doab between
beas and Sutlej rivers.
Which of the
following is the highest peak in the eastern
a) Madugula Konda
b) Arma Konda
c) Gali Konda
d) Vagai Konda
Answer: (b)
Explanation: Arma Konda or Sitamma Konda , is a mountain
peak in the northern part of the Eastern Ghats and located in Godavari river
basin. At 1,690 metres (5,540 ft), Arma Konda or Seethamma Konda is the highest
mountain peak in the state of Andhra Pradesh as well as in the Godavari river
basin. It is also the tallest peak of the Eastern Ghats. The peak is named as
Sitamma Konda in Survey of India maps.
Khetri has
rich deposits of:
a) Mica
b) Salt
c) Copper
d) Gypsum
Answer: (c)
Explanation: Khetri are famous copper mines located in
Jhunjhunu district of Rajasthan.
49th parallel is
associated with:
a) Portugal and Spain
b) Canada & USA
c) Germany and Poland
d) Kazakhstan
and Turkmenistan
Answer: (b)
Explanation: Roughly 2,030 kilometres of the
Canada–United States border was designated to follow the 49th parallel from
British Columbia to Manitoba on the Canada side, and from Washington to
Minnesota on the U.S. side.
Lena river
in Russia empties in :
a) Laptev Sea
b) Lake Baikal
c) Sea of Okhotsk
d) Barents Sea
Answer: (a)
Explanation: At the end of the Lena River there is a
large delta that extends 100 kilometres into the Laptev Sea and is about 400 km
wide. The delta is frozen tundra for about seven months of the year, but in May
the region is transformed into a lush wetland for a few months.
Barren Falls
are associated with which structural division of Australia?
a) Eastern Highlands
b) Western
c) Central Lowlands
d) Barkley Tableland
Answer: (a)
Explanation: The Barron Falls is a steep tiered cascade
waterfall on the Barron River located where the river descends from the
Atherton Tablelands to the Cairns coastal plain, in Queensland, Australia.
Atherton Tablelands are part of the Great Dividing Range, also known as Eastern
100) Winnipeg in Canada is famous for:
a) Fur trapping
b) Softwood collection
c) Saw mills
d) Newsprint
Answer: (b)
Explanation: In our understanding Winnipeg is in the
Minitoba Province of Canada and is famous for paper and pulp industries or for
manufacturing Newsprint which has a great market in USA. Ontario and Quebec
Provinces are also famous for Softwood collection and Newsprint industries.
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