RRB ALP 2018 Exam Analysis & Questions Asked (All Days & Slots)
Dear Readers,
RRB ALP 2018 Exam Analysis & Questions Asked: The Railways RRB ALP Exam is started form 9th August 2018 onwards in 3 shifts (10-11 AM, 1-2 PM, 4-5 PM). RRB ALP & Technician Exam conducted by Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) and it will continue from 9th August to 31st August 2018. on different dates (10th, 13th, 14th, 17th, 20th, 21st, 29th, 30th, and 31st August 2018).
Here, In this post we will provide you the:
- Detailed Exam Analysis of RRB ALP &Technician exam
- Overall as well as the Sectional Difficulty Level
- Weightage of topics
- Good number of attempts
- Questions Asked in RRB ALP and Technician exam
Those students who have to appear for the exam in upcoming dates can make most of this analysis & can increase their scores. Scroll down to find the same.
RRB ALP & Technician Exam Analysis (All Days & Slots)
The table below shows the exam analysis of all days & all slots. We will keep updating the link as the exam gets over.
Date | Shift 1 (10-11 AM) | Shift 2 (1-2 PM) | Shift 3 (4-5 PM) |
9th August | Day 1 Shift 1 Analysis | Day 1 Shift 2 Analysis | Day 1 Shift 3 Analysis |
10th August | Day 2 Shift 1 Analysis | Day 2 Shift 2 Analysis | Day 2 Shift 3 Analysis |
13th August | Day 3 Shift 1 Analysis | Day 3 Shift 2 Analysis | Day 3 Shift 3 Analysis |
14th August | Day 4 Shift 1 Analysis | Day 4 Shift 2 Analysis | Day 4 Shift 3 Analysis |
17th August | Day 5 Shift 1 Analysis | Day 5 Shift 2 Analysis | Day 5 Shift 3 Analysis |
20th August | Day 6 Shift 1 Analysis | Day 6 Shift 2 Analysis | Day 6 Shift 3 Analysis |
21st August | Day 7 Shift 1 Analysis | Day 7 Shift 2 Analysis | Day 7 Shift 3 Analysis |
29th August | Day 8 Shift 1 Analysis | Day 8 Shift 2 Analysis | Day 8 Shift 3 Analysis |
30th August | Day 9 Shift 1 Analysis | Day 9 Shift 2 Analysis | Day 9 Shift 3 Analysis |
31st August | Day 10 Shift 1 Analysis | Day 10 Shift 2 Analysis | Day 10 Shift 3 Analysis |
Questions Asked in RRB ALP & Technician Exam (All Days & Slots)
The table below shows the Questions Asked in all days & all slots. We will keep updating the link as the exam gets over.
RRB ALP Exam Pattern
RRB has released the latest exam pattern for ALP and Technician. Previously, the subject-wise marks distribution was not specified. Now, the same has been announced. Please find the first stage CBT exam pattern below.
Section | No. of Qs | Time |
Numerical Ability | 20 | 60 Minutes |
Reasoning Ability | 25 | |
General Science | 20 | |
General Awareness & Current Affairs | 10 | |
Total | 75 |
We hope that you found the question paper reviews helpful. The RRB ALP admit card are available for downloading in RRB official site. Therefore, download the RRB ALP Admit Card and take out its print out ready for the examination. You may also check the RRB ALP Cut Off for Previous Years here.
In case you are having exam fear, which is very likely the case, we assure you that you will do very well in the exam - provided you have worked hard and attempted enough Mock Tests. There is no use stressing over the exam outcome - what has to happen will happen. And experience tells that whatever happens, happens for the best. So, go ahead and give your best.
All the best for the exam!
Team aimsuccess.in