Question Asked in RRB ALP Exam 10th August 2018 (All Shifts)
Dear Readers, In this Article we are providing you the Question Asked in RRB ALP Exam 10th August 2018 (All Shifts). Read the Question Asked in RRB ALP Exam Shift wise and also share the maximum
Railways RRB ALP exam is taking place today, 10th August 2018, in 3 shifts (10-11 AM, 1-2 PM, 4-5 PM)! Go through Railways RRB ALP questions asked and analysis 2018 to understand the RRB ALP difficulty level. Get to know the RRB ALP 2018 Questions Asked 2018 and analyse your paper.
Question Asked in RRB ALP Exam 10th August 2018 - 1st Shift
RRB ALP Questions Asked in Maths
- Cosec@+Cot@=2 Find Cot@=????
- cot⁴@+cot²@=3 then cosec⁴@-cosec²@=??…
- 4:37 – Theta value
- Find the Mean of First Five Triangular Number? (1+3+6+10+15) i.e 35/5 = 7
- A shopkeeper will get a profit of 10% if he will sell an article for Rs 440. Find the Loss% if he sold that article for Rs 370. 30 Rs Loss i.e 7.5% Loss
- X+y=5, Y+z=7, Z+x= 6 then Find x y z
Cost of pen in Rs 20, A merchant sells first pen for Rs 2, 2nd pen for rs4 3rd pen for rs6 and so on.what is the no. Of pen he should sell to get profit of 20%. A-20 B-21 C-22 D-23
Perfect square m option tha 192 333 441 aur 327
2210 rupye bachat krta he aur 60% ghar me karcha karta he aur 15% apne liye kharch karta h to total salery kya h
At what time between 4 and 5 oclocks will the hands of clock be at right angle.
sum of no's is .468 if a no is 1.6 so what will other no
Agar koi vastu 440 me bechne pr 10 percentage ka profit ho to 370 me bechne pr kitni hani hogi
6,12,20,32, 42,56. Find the incorrect number
sankhyawo ka gunanfal 0.432h , 1 sankhya 1.6 h to dusari sankhya kya h: Ans=27,0.27,2.7,00.27
a+b+c=3 तो (a3+b3+c3)2=? 2= squre 3=क़ुव
Mix of water and milk but milk part is 2/ mix is 21ltr. Meet 4 LTR water than find precent of milk.
RRB ALP Questions Asked in General Intelligence & Reasoning
1. Series related question – 6, 12, 20, 32, 42 and 56 (Difference method)
2. Statements
- All caps are books
- All books are pens
- Some caps are not pens
- Some pens are not pens
3. Which one is true
- people will still travel in train
- other transport fare will also increase
4. There is poverty is india..which statement is correct
- politicians should be replaced
- politicians should love in poverty area
- क. 7 साल
- ख. 8 साल
- ग. 10 साल
- घ. 9 साल
- 120
- 115
- 135
- 125
- 250π/3
- 50π/3
- 250π/7
- 50π/7
- Nucleus: Nuclei
- Fungus: fungi
- cacti : cactus
9. Analogy – Grapes:bunches:: sheep:?
RRB ALP Questions Asked in General Science
- Basic unit of Protein
- Plasmodium Vivax related question
- Unit of Force – Newton
- 11CU Atomic Nom
- Helium related question
- How many electrons does outer most shell have?
- What is on top of a flower – Stigma, style, ovary?
- Total how many atoms are there in a molecule?
- Nuclear Fusion related question
- GST related question
- First element of periodic table – Hydrogen
- How many vertebral columns does human have?
- pH value related question
- Fibrin is made up of what?
- Atomic number of Copper?
- Vitamin C chemical name?
- Who discovered telephone? – Alexender Gram Bell
- Ohm’s law related question?
- RBC related question
- Celcius and Farenheit related question
- who discovered blood group?
- Who is father of genetics?
- Chemical formula of protein
- Teflon coating related question
- Which Gas is to avoid the food form oxide – Nitrogen
- Formula of Prpane – C3H8
- C Stands in BCG- Bacillus Calmette Guerin (BCG)
- If the value of current is increased what will be effect on resistance ?
- What is the scientific name of Laughing Gas? – Nitrous Oxide
- Which instrument determines specific gravity of liquids? – Hydrometer
- Propane’s chemical formula?
- The desert is cold in the night and hot in the day, why?
- The source of energy in the Sun?
RRB ALP Questions Asked in General Awareness on Current Affairs
- GST Relative Qs
- CAT Director – Rajeev Maharishi
- Chief of Election Commissioner
- NATO relative QS
- Capital of Holland
- Who was Olympic 2016 Flag Bearer (India)- Abhinav Bindra
- President of IOA
- Neeraj Chopra is associated with which game?
- Who got the 2017 PETA’s person of the year award? – Anushka Sharma
- Dadasaheb Phalke Award – Vinod Khanna
- Vyas Samman – Manta Kaliya
- Padma Shree – Murlikant Petkar
- Economic Nobel – Amar Sen
- Brand Ambassador of
- Who is the owner of spicejet ? – Kalanidhi Maran
- Who invented the telephone ? – Antonio
- Who discover the Insulin ? – Frederick Banting
- The Union Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports constituted a Task Force to prepare an action plan for ________ Olympic games – 2020, 2024 and 2028
- The Dholera International Airport is located in which state? – Gujarat
- When did Harimau Shakti Exercise happened?
RRB ALP & Technician Exam All Question Asked On 10th August 1st Shift 2018 (FOR HINDI MEDIUM STUDENTS)
- आवर्त सारणी में कापर (Cu) का परमाणु क्रमांक क्या है - 29
- बल की इकाई क्या है - न्यूटन
- मलेरिया का परजीवी - प्लाज्मोडियम
- विटामिन C का रासायनिक नाम क्या है - स्कोर्बिक अम्ल
- टेलीफोन का खोज किसने की - ग्राहम बेल
- हीलियम के बाहरी कक्ष में कितने इलेक्ट्रान होते है - 2
- सूर्य में ऊर्जा का स्रोत क्या है - नाभिकीय संलयन
- मरुस्थल रात को ज्यादा ठंड और दिन में ज्यादा गर्म क्यों होता है - ऊष्मा का उत्सर्जन
- रक्त समूह की खोज किसने की - कार्ल लैंडस्टीन
- प्रोपेन का रासायनिक सूत्र - C3H8
- फूल का सबसे ऊपरी भाग कौन -सा होता है - Pistil
- सेल्सियस और फोरेनाइट किस तापमान पर समान होता है - -40
- ओंम का नियम है - R=V/I
- स्पाइस जेट के मालिक कौन है - अजय सिंह
- PH की वैल्यू घटाने पर H^+ आयन की सांद्रता - बढती है
- CAG के डायरेक्टर कौन है - राजीव
- एक प्रश्न क्लॉक से पूछा गया था
- economics nobel prize 2017 के winner कौन है - Richard H. Thaler
- NATO किस साल बना था - 1949 में
- नीरज चोपड़ा किस खेल से सम्बंधित है - जेवलिन थ्रो
- फतेहपुर सिकरी को किसने बसाया था - अकबर
- PETA person of the year अवार्ड 2018 किसने जीता - अनुष्का शर्मा
- रिओ ओलिंपिक 2016 में flag bearer कौन था - अभिनव बिंद्रा
- कौन सा पदार्थ आसानी s चाकू से कट जाता है - सोडियम
- Unnati credit card किसने लांच किया - SBI
- ओजोम में Atom होते है - तीन oxygen atoms (O3)
Question Asked in RRB ALP Exam 10th August 2018 - 2nd Shift
RRB ALP Questions Asked in Maths
- What is the average of 5 Consecutive Odd Numbers ?
- Questions based on Dates and Calendar
RRB ALP Questions Asked in General Intelligence & Reasoning
- complete the full image - 5Qs
- Building structure of ancient times
- Angle of Clock
- Analogy - Grapes:bunches:: sheep:?
- Counting Figure
RRB ALP Questions Asked in General Science
- Biology Protein Made up of?
- Earth Science How energy produced in Sun?
- Question related to PH Value
- Blood fibrin is made up of?
- Chemical formula of Propane
- Question related to H+ or OH-
- Newton inverted which part in maths
- Chemistry - 1 related to periodic table, chemistry equation
- Question related to periodic table
RRB ALP Questions Asked in General Awareness on Current Affairs
- EEG full Form – Electroencephalography
- Which stock exchange is planning to launch there IPO?
- Unnati Card issued by which bank?
- Where is URI Dam situtated?
- Captain of Volleyball team
- Women Aisa Cup Hockey Winner
- Where is URI Dam situtated?
- Which University Raghuram Rajan is serving as a professor?
- Chief Secretary of Delhi Government?
- Governor of Jharkhand?
- Book written by Sania Mirza
RRB ALP & Technician Exam All Question Asked On 10 August 2nd Shift 2018 (FOR HINDI MEDIUM STUDENTS)
- PH की वैल्यू 6 से 8 हो जाता है तो ph का मान - घटेगा
- bryphyta वाले जीव कहाँ रहते है - पानी और जमीन
- अक्रिय गैस के बाहरी कक्ष में कितने इलेक्ट्रान रहते है - 8
- 2017 राष्ट्रमंडल खेल के ध्वज वाहक - PV सिन्धु
- पतेहपुर सिकरी में कौन सूफी संत रहते थे - सलीम चिश्ती
- 2017 PETA persion of the year किसे चुना गया - अनुष्का शर्मा
- योजना आयोग के अंतिम अध्यक्ष - मोंटेन सिंह अहुवालिया
- खाने वाले पैकेट में कौन सी गैस भारी जाती है - N2
- इन्सुलिन की खोज किसने की - एफ. टी . बेन्टिंग
- 3 रजिस्टर को श्रेणी में जोड़ा जाता है तो R - बढ़ जायेगा
- टच ग्लास किसके बने होते है - एल्युमीनियम या सिलिकॉन
- विखंडन क्रिया किसमे पाई जाती है - अमीबा में
- जिंक के बाहरी कक्षा में इलेक्ट्रान की संख्या - 2
- एयर एशिया चीफ कौन है - टोनी फ़र्नान्डिस
- PH का मान 3 से 6 हो गया तो H positive कितना होगा - 1/1000
- sound की pitch किस पर निर्भर करती है - आवृति पर
- capacitar की धारिता क्या है - फेराड
- विटामिन A शरीर में कहा होता है - लीवर में
- EEG का full form - Electroencephalogram
- गोवा के CM कौन है - मनोहर पर्रिकर
- Uri बांध कहा है - J &K
- women एशिया कप हॉकी किस देश की टीम ने जीता है - भारत
- delhi कोर्ट के मुख्य सचिव कौन है - अंशु पारेख
- मिरर का सेंटर क्या होता है -
- एक प्रकाश वर्ष में कितना होता है - 9*10 power 15 m
- Ace against odds किताब किसने लिखी - सानिया मिर्जा
- झारखण्ड के गवर्नर कौन है - द्रौपदी मुर्मू
- एंटीजन कहा पाए जाते है - RBC में
- आलू किस कुल का पौधा है - सोलेनम
- टेलेफोन के अविष्कारक कौन है - ग्राहम बेल
- रन ऑफ़ कच्छ कहा है - गुजरात में
- न्यूटन का प्रथम नियम किससे मिलता है -
- फ्लोटिंग बाजार कहा है - कोलकाता
- A Century is not enough - सोरव गांगुली
- सूर्य मंदिर कहा है - कोणार्क (उड़ीसा)
- पहला सोलर सौचालय पूर्वोंत्तर भारत के किस राज्य में लगा - मणिपुर
- पिंड की गति से एक प्रश्न
Question Asked in RRB ALP Exam 10th Aug 2018- 3rd Shift
RRB ALP Questions Asked in Maths
- Find the Mean of First Five Triangular Number? (1+3+6+10+15) i.e 35/5 = 7
- A shopkeeper will get a profit of 10% if he will sell an article for Rs 440. Find the Loss% if he sold that article for Rs 370. 30 Rs Loss i.e 7.5% Loss
- 1. At what time between 4 and 5′ o clocks will the hands of clocks be at right angle
RRB ALP Questions Asked in General Intelligence & Reasoning
- Name the day on 26th Jan 1950?
RRB ALP Questions Asked in General Science
- Lens used in front of a 2 wheeler is known as?
- What is Coulomb’s Law?
- Which element has least atomic mass.
- SI unit of weight.
- Ozone layer – 1 Qs
- 2nd law of motion – 1 Qs
- Biology - 1 Qs based on RBC & WBC. Who Discovered Blood?
- Chemistry - Name the heaviest metal?
- Physics - 1 Qs on 2nd law of motion.
- Name the chemical formula of Milk Water.
RRB ALP Questions Asked in General Awareness on Current Affairs
- Who was the director of Bahubali?
- Captain of indian volleyball team
- Author of dimple met rishi
- ‘Ace against the odd’ written by?
- Which stock exchange issued ipo
- Borderline element of periodic table
- Who won hockey Asia cup in Japan 2017
- Who is the deputy CM of Bihar?
- Where is Gangotri Research Station situated?
- Who is the CM of Goa?
- Head Quarters of UNO and Foundation day
- CEO of JP Morgan.
- Which movie was nominated for Oscar Award from India this year?
- Deputy CM of Bihar
- B.C. Roy Award (on Doctors Day- 1 July)
- Oscar 2018 (Indian Movie whose not selected for Oscar)
- Dipa Karmakar Belongs to Which State
- Great American Wish Book Written by Whom
- Director of Bahubali
- 300 Fastest Wicket Taken by Ashwin
- ISRO Headquarter (Situated)
- Name the female who climbed Mount Everest in 5 days?
- 01st July is celebrated as?
RRB ALP & Technician Exam All Question Asked On 10th August 3rd Shift 2018 (FOR HINDI MEDIUM STUDENTS)
- update soon