A Unique Way of Learning Vocabulary from Leading Newspaper (Indian Express)

Higher Education, Low Regulation

Regulators were meant to promote excellence in institutions. They didn’t

The University Grants Commission (UGC) notification, that higher educational institutions once selected for being developed into world-class universities, shall be freed of regulatory clutches, is a public admission that regulation is a major stumbling block in promoting excellence in education. The idea is further reinforced by the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) moving to significantly reduce its involvement in the constitution of the IIM board and the selection and appointment of their chairperson and directors. Disquieting as these may sound in view of the long-held belief that higher education is too important to be left to the vagaries of market forces, and that regulations are supposed to set norms and standards to ensure quality and promote excellence, the harsh realities on the ground leave one with no option but to concur with this approach. 

Time bears this out. The first three universities in modern India were established in 1857, whereas the first regulator of higher education, the UGC, came about only in 1956, though a loose coordination mechanism, the Inter University Board (IUB), a precursor to the present Association of Indian Universities (AIU), had come into existence in 1925. Thus, in the first phase spanning over seven decades, higher education in India grew on its own, in a self-regulatory environment. Continioue Reading (Indian Express)...................


1) Clutches (पकड़) - Clutch-esMeaning - grasp (something) tightly - Verba mechanism for connecting and disconnecting an engine and the transmission system in a vehicle, or the working parts of any machine - Noun
Synonyms -
 grip, grasp
Antonyms - misconception, release
Example - 
He had managed to escape the clutches of the police yet again.
2) Stumbling (ठोकर) - Stumb-lingMeaning - tripping or losing balance while walking; moving with difficulty - Adjective
- bumble, falter
Antonyms - continue, correct
Example -
 We were stumbling around, in the dark looking for a candle.
3) Reinforced (प्रबलित) -  Re-in-forcedMeaning - strengthen or support (an object or substance), especially with additional material - Verb
- assisted, banded
Example - 
The pockets on my jeans are reinforced with double stitching.
4) Disquieting (बेचैन) - Dis-quiet-ingMeaning - inducing feelings of anxiety or worry - Adjective
Synonyms - 
annoying, disturbing
Antonyms - calming, soothing
Example - 
It was a disquieting story.
5) Vagaries (अनियमितता) - Vag-riesMeaning - an unexpected and inexplicable change in a situation or in someone's behaviour - Noun
- whim, fancy
Example - The country became highly exposed to the vagaries of international markets.
6) Concur (मिलना-जुलना) - Cun-karMeaning - be of the same opinion, agree - Verb
- coincide, assent
Antonyms - clash, disagree
Example - 
They must concur in their judgment.
7) Precursor (अग्रगामी) - Pre-cur-sirMeaning - a person or thing that comes before another of the same kind, a forerunner - Noun
Synonyms - 
usher, outrider
Example - 
Sulphur dioxide is the main precursor of acid rain.
8) Ubiquitous (देशव्यापी) - Uba-q-tusMeaning - present, appearing, or found everywhere - Adjective
Synonyms - 
everywhere, universal
Antonyms - race, scarce
Example - 
Sugar is ubiquitous in the diet.

9) Ferret (भगाना) - Fer-ret

  • Meaning - rummage about in a place or container in search of something - Verb
  • a domesticated polecat used chiefly for catching rabbits. It is typically albino in coloration, but sometimes brown - Noun
  • Synonyms - beat, break
  • Antonyms - cover, dirty
  • Example (English) - Government is considering to appoint extra staff to ferret out cases of tax evasion in the country.
  • Example (Hindi) - सरकार देश में टैक्स चोरी के मामलों का पता लगाने के लिए अतिरिक्त कर्मचारियों की भर्ती करने का विचार कर रही है।

Now considering the article above as a Reading Comprehension question, try to answer the following -
  • What type of reforms can be introduced to tackle the situation?
  • How the idea has been reinforced by the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD)?

Given below are some words to check your vocabulary you can make sentences with those words in the comment section which will be reviewed by us.
  • Eminent
  • Conclusion
  • Endowed
  • Prominent
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