MS Word Shortcuts - Computer Awareness for SBI PO Mains
IBTSINDIA.COMFriday, March 24, 2017
A. Microsoft Word – common shortcuts
Ctrl + N = will open a new word document
Ctrl + O = will open the ‘Open’ box to open previously saved documents
Ctrl + W = will close the current word document
Ctrl + S = to save the currently open word document
Ctrl + P = will give the print option for current document
Ctrl + Z = will undo the last action
Ctrl + Y = will restore the action undone
Ctrl + X = will cut selected item
Ctrl + C = will copy selected text/item
Ctrl + V = will paste the previously cut/copy selected text/item
Ctrl + A = Selects all the text
Ctrl + F = will open Find and Replace option/dialogue box
B. Microsoft Word’s Formatting Shortcuts
Ctrl + B = willbold-enthe selected text
Ctrl + I = willitalicizethe selected text
Ctrl + U = willunderlinethe selected text
Ctrl + Shift + D =Doubleunderline
Ctrl +Shift + > = will increase the font size of selected text
Ctrl +Shift + < = will decrease the font size of selected text
Ctrl + 2 = double line spacing
End = will take you to the end of a line
Home = will take you to the beginning of a line
Ctrl + End = will take you to the very end of a document (last page/last line/last word!)
Ctrl + Home = will take you to the very beginning of a document
Shift + F3 = will change the case of letters of selected text (keep pressing the F3 and see how it keeps changing from All CAPS, to all lower, to Sentence case!)
Ctrl + Shift + F = will activate the ‘Font’ option and you can chose the font you want
Ctrl + Shift + N = will apply the ‘Normal’ style to the selected text.
Ctrl + ‘equal sign’ = for superscript. -i.e., select a text first, then do - ‘ctrl + =’. example: Birds(of all kinds).
Ctrl + Shift + ‘the plus sign’ = for superscript. - Example: November the 30th of 2014.
C. Microsoft Word – insert option shortcuts
Ctrl + Enter = will give/insert a page break, i.e., it’ll go to the next page
Ctrl + K = to insert a hyperlink
Alt + Shift + D = will insert the currentDate
Alt + Shift + T = will insert the currentTime
Alt + I + P + C = will open the Clip Art box on the right side of the document
Alt + I + P + W = will open the Word Art options box
Alt + I + P + H = will insert/open graph/chart input/options box in the form of an excel sheet! (Try it out!)
Alt + I + P + O = will insert an organization flow chart, which you can edit as per your requirement