Directions (Q. 1- 5): Study the following pie-chart and answer the following questions.
Percentage wise distribution of teachers in six different universities.
Total number of teachers = 6400
Percentage of Teachers
1. The number of teachers in University B is approximately what per cent of the total number of teachers in University D and University E together?.
1) 55
2) 59
3) 49
4) 45
5) 65
2. If twenty five per cent of the teachers in University C are females, what is the number of male teachers in University C?
1) 922
2) 911
3) 924
4) 912
5) None of these
3. The difference between the total number of teachers in University A, University B and University C together and the total number of teachers in University D, University E and University F together is exactly equal to the number of teachers of which University?
1) University A
2) University B
3) University C
4) University D
5) University F
4. If one-thirty sixth of the teachers from University F are professors and the salary of each professor is ₹ 96000, what will be the total salary of all the professors together from University F?
1) ₹ 307.2 lakh
2) ₹ 32.64 lakh
3) ₹ 3.072 lakh
4) ₹ 3.264 lakh
5) None of these
5. What is the average number of teachers in University A, University C, UniversityD and University F together?
1) 854
2) 3546
3) 3456
4) 874
5) None of these
Directions (Q. 6-10): Study the table carefully to answer the questions that follow
Number of cars (in thousand) of two models (Basic and Premium) produced by five different companies in five different years
6. The number of cars of premium model produced by Company D in the year 2009 was approximately what per cent of the total number of cars (both models) produced by Company C in the year 2007?
1) 70
2) 51
3) 56
4) 61
5) 66
7. What was the approximate percentage decrease in the number of cars of basic model produced by Company B in the year 2009 as compared to the previous year?
1) 15
2) 20
3) 10
4) 80
5) 85
8. What was the average number of cars of premium model produced by Company A over all the years together?
1) 9000
2) 8000
3) 6000
4) 48000
5) None of these
9. In which year was the difference between the basic model and the premium model of cars produced by Company E the second highest?
1) 2010
2) 2006
3) 2007
4) 2008
5) 2009
10. In which company did the production of cars of premium model consistently increase from the year 2006 to the year 2010?
1) Both C and E
2) Both C and D
3) C only
4) D only
5) E only
- 3
- 4
- 4
- 5
- 5
- 5
- 2
- 5
- 5
- 3