- quandry : a state of perplexity or uncertainty over what to do in a difficult situation : आशंका
- relinquish : voluntarily cease to keep or claim : त्यागना
- heed : pay attention to : सावधान रहना
- caveat : a warning or proviso of specific stipulations : चेतावनी
- retrospective : looking back on or dealing with past events or situations : पूर्वप्रà¤ावी
- piquant : having a pleasantly sharp taste or appetizing flavour : चटपटा
- chastised : rebuke or reprimand severely : सज़ा
- inopportune : occurring at an inconvenient or inappropriate time : बेवक़्त
- surgical : done with great precision : सुनिश्चितता के साथ संपादित
- wreak : cause (a large amount of damage or harm) : क्रोध में करना
- cascade : pass (something) on to a succession of others : किसी चिज़ को आगे सौपना
- articulate : having or showing the ability to speak fluently and coherently : स्पष्ट
- indeed : used to emphasize a statement or response confirming something already suggested : वास्तव में
- dissuade : persuade (someone) not to take a particular course of action : रोकना , मना करना
- prognosis : the likely course of a medical condition : रोग का निदान
- turbulence : a state of conflict or confusion : अशांति
- deceptive : giving an appearance or impression different from the true one : à¤्रमजनक
- sheer : completely; right : सच्चा
- picturesque : (of a place or building) visually attractive : अनोखा
- imitate : take or follow as a model : नक़ल करना
Dailly English Vocabulary Set for Competitive Exams - 11
Sunday, April 09, 2017