DC Office Hamirpur Recruitment 2021: Apply Online for JOA (IT), Peon, Clerk Posts (Download PDF)
IBTSINDIA.COMMonday, September 13, 2021
DC Office Hamirpur Recruitment 2021: Apply Online for JOA (IT), Peon, Clerk Posts (Download PDF)
Dear Readers, Recently DC Office Hamirpur has announced the notification for the posts of JOA (IT), Peon, and Clerk exams you can check the details given below for DC OFFICE Hamirpur JOA (IT), Peon, Clerk Recruitment 2021/ DC OFFICE Hamirpur JOA (IT), Peon, Clerk Jobs 2021.
Applications on the prescribed proforma as per ANNEXURE-l are invited for filling up of vacant Class-11l & Class IV posts reserved for Person with Disabilities(PWDs) under the official establishment of Deputy Commissioner, Hamirpur (HP) from amongst the person with Disabilities of Himachal Pradesh only. The applicant should possess a minimum of 40% permanent disability issued by the Competent Medical Board i.e. District Medical Board or above. The application form along with all relevant/supporting documents/certificates should reach the office of the Deputy Commissioner, Hamirpur (HP) on or before 08 10. 2021 and for the candidate residing in tribal areas of Himachal Pradesh, the last date of receipt of application is 14.10.2021 The applications received after the last date or found incomplete will be rejected and no correspondence in this regard will be be be entertained. Candidates can download the detailed Employment notice along with the application format from the official website of District Hamirpur i.e. https://hphamirpur.nic.in
Last Date to Apply for DC Office Hamirpur Recruitment 2021:- 08 -10-2021
DC Office Hamirpur Recruitment 2021 Details:
1. Name of the Post: CLERK (Class-III) (Non-Gazetted) Ministerial Services with category reserved for visually impaired of (Unreserved category)
Total Posts: 01 (One) on a Contract basis
Salary Structure of DC Office Hamirpur JOA (IT), Peon, Clerk Posts
Pay Band: Rs. 5910-20200 + 1900 Grade Pay + 125% of Grade Pay of GP.
The contract appointee will be entitled to an increase in contractual amount @ 234/-(3% of the minimum of the pay band Grade pay of the post) for further extended years with revised by the Government from time to time without other allied benefits such as senior/selection scales etc.
Educational Qualification for DC Office Hamirpur Recruitment 2021:
Applicants should have passed the 10+2 examination or its equivalent from a recognized Board/University
Should possess a minimum speed of 30 words per minute in English typewriting or 25 words per minute in Hindi typewriting on Computer Provided that visually impaired persons recruited under 1% quota shall be imparted necessary basic training including computer training by the Department .concerned through Composite Regional Centre (CRC). Sundernagar instead of passing typing test. They shall have to complete the above training during which three chances will be afforded. If the incumbent fails to qualify the same his/her services shall be afforded a sufficient number of chances to complete the aforesaid training. Provided that visually impaired persons recruited under 1% quota shall be imparted necessary basic training including computer training by the Department concerned through Composite Regional Centre (CRC). Sundernagar or NIVII, Dehradun or CTC, Ludhiana instead of passing typing test. They shall have to complete the above training during which three chances will be afforded. If the incumbent fails to qualify the same his/her services shall be afforded a sufficient number of chances to complete the aforesaid training. Provided further that physically handicapped persons who are otherwise qualified to hold the clerical post as certified being unable to type, by the Medical Board may be exempted from passing the typing test. The term, physically handicapped persons do not cover those who are visually handicapped or who are hearing handicapped but cover only those whose physical disability permanently prevent them from typing
Should have the knowledge of "Word Processing" in Computer as prescribed by the Recruiting Authority
Knowledge of customs, manner, and dialects of HP and suitability for appointment in the peculiar conditions prevailing in the Pradesh,
2. Name of the Post:- JUNIOR OFFICE ASSISTANT (IT) (Class-III) (Nonwith category Gazetted) Ministerial Services reserved for visually impaired of (Unreserved category)
Total Posts:- 01 (One) on a Contract basis
Pay Band:- Rs. 5910-20200 + 1950 Grade Pay + 125% of Grade Pay of GP. The contract appointee will be entitled to an increase in contractual amount @ 236/-(3% of the minimum of the pay band +Grade pay of the post) for further extended years with revised by the Government from time to time without other allied benefits such as senior/selection scales etc.
Educational Qualification for DC Office Hamirpur JOA IT Recruitment 2021:-
Should have passed 10+2 examination from a recognized Board of School Education/University / OR
Matriculation from recognized Board of School/ Education with one/two year's Diploma/Certificate from orarlestone
3. Name of the Post:- PEON (Class-IV) (Non-Gazetted) Ministerial Services with category reserved for visually impaired of (Unreserved category)
Total Posts: 01 (One) on a Contract basis
Emoluments:-Rs. 300/- per day as revised by the Government from time to time,
Educational Qualification for DC Office Hamirpur PEON (Class-IV) (Non-Gazetted) Post
Should have passed Matriculation Examination or its equivalent from recognized Board of School Education/Institution. Provided that visually impaired persons who have crossed the age of 35 (Thirty-Five) years, competing under 1% quota reserved for visually impaired persons will be exempted from prescribed education qualification,
Knowledge of customs, manners, and dialects of Himachal Pradesh and suitability for appointment in the peculiar conditions prevailing in the Pradesh
The age of candidates shall be reckoned as on 01-01-2020.
As per R&P Rules, the minimum age limit is 18 years and the maximum is 45 years. But the upper age limit for appointment to Class-Ill posts/services as prescribed in the respective Recruitment & Promotion Rules may be allowed to be relaxed by five years in respect of persons with benchmark disabilities by the vide office memorandum No. PER(AP) CB(12)-3/2017 dated 22-06-2017
No TA/DA will be paid for appearing in typing test/evaluation process.
The candidates must read the instructions/other terms and conditions carefully, which are mentioned in this advertisement before submit/filling up the application form.
Application forms submitted incomplete without relevant documents, certificates, photographs, signature, etc. will be rejected straightway.
Applicant(s) must ensure to enclose xerox copies of valid certificate(s) along with their applications. No certificate(s) are accepted during the scrutiny of their applications as well as the last date of submission of application.
Date of determining the eligibility of all candidates in respect of essential qualification(s) and experience, if any etc. shall be prescribed closing date for submission of the application form.
Original certificates will have to be produced at the time of evaluation. If any claims of the candidates are found to be incorrect; besides rejection, they may render themselves liable to disciplinary action.
All the terms and conditions as laid down in the R&P Rules of the Clerk, JOA (IT) & Peon shall be applicable.
Incumbent can be posted anywhere in District Hamirpur according to PWDs Act, 2016
The Deputy Commissioner. Hamirpur, District Hamirpur reserves the right whether to fill up the post or withdraw the advertisement at any point in time.
The Recruiting Authority reserves the right to change any other terms & conditions of the advertisement or to rectify the inadvertent/technical errors at any stage
In case of any objection, the decision of the selection committee will be final.
यदि आप चंडीगढ़ में हिमाचल प्रदेश प्रतियोगी परीक्षा कोचिंग की तलाश कर रहे हैं, तो हमारे स्टडी पार्टनर्स IBTS INSTITUTE में शामिल हों - हिमाचल प्रदेश परीक्षा के लिए रैंक नंबर 1 संस्थान जैसे- एचएएस / एचपीएएस / एचपीपीएससी एलाइड सर्विसेज, एचपीपीएससी क्लर्क, एचपी पुलिस सब इंस्पेक्टर, फ्री स्टडी सामग्री, किताबें, परीक्षा आधारित मुफ्त मॉक टेस्ट सीरीज, एचपी जीके और हिंदी के लिए विशेष कक्षाएं, आईएएस / एचपीएएस योग्य ट्यूटर्स (मुफ्त डेमो कक्षाओं के लिए कॉल करें)
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