Daily Current Affairs Quiz: 19 November 2018
1. Brigadier Kuldip Singh Chandpuri passed away recently. He was the hero of the battle of Longewala in the Indo-Pak war of
1) 1947
2) 1965
3) 1971
4) 1999
5) Both 1) and 2)
2. India’s Sonia Lather is associated with which of the following games?
1) Boxing
2) Shooting
3) Archery
4) Pole Vault
5) Shot Put
3. Manav Thakkar won a bronze medal in the Under-21 men’s singles in the International Table Tennis Federation Challenge Belgosstrakh Belarus Open. The capital of Belarus is
1) Beirut
2) Manama
3) Nassau
4) Minsk
5) Baku
4. Interpol’s general assembly was held recently to select a new president in Dubai. The headquarters of Interpol is situated in
1) London
2) Lyon
3) New York
4) Paris
5) Madrid
5. The World Toilet Day is observed every year on which date?
1) 01 Nov
2) 09 Nov
3) 19 Nov
4) 29 Nov
5) 30 Nov
6. Which of the following cyclones wreaked havoc in Tamil Nadu recently killing at least 45 people?
1) Gaja
2) Vardah
3) Ockhi
4) Phyan
5) Gonu
7. The Women’s World Boxing Championships 2018 is being held in which of the following Indian cities?
1) Mumbai
2) New Delhi
3) Bengaluru
4) Hyderabad
5) Chennai
8. The term ‘Le Grand K’ is associated with which of the following?
1) Industrial production of Potassium
2) A famed hotel in North Korea
3) A consort in US with 1000 musicians
4) Primary unit of temperature
5) Standard kilogram
9. Eleven state-owned banks under PCA regime are inching towards gaining stable asset quality. Letter ‘A’ in the term PCA stands for
1) Application
2) Approval
3) Action
4) Accreditation
5) Association
10. United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal 6 (SDG 6) aims to ensure availability and sustainable management of sanitation and water for all by
1) 2022
2) 2025
3) 2027
4) 2029
5) 2030
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- 1
- 4
- 2
- 3
- 1
- 2
- 5
- 3
- 5