NIACL Assistant Mains Exam Analysis & Questions Asked 6th October 2018
NIACL Assistant Mains Exam 2018 was held on 6th October 2018, today and it is over now. NIACL Recruitment exam shall be appointing candidates for 685 vacancies. In this article, we are here with NIACL Assistant Mains Exam Analysis & Questions Asked 6th October 2018 and this is helpful to check the Good attempts for the exam as well as sectional difficulty. So that you can estimate your chances of clearing the exam and also estimate the cut off score. we will discuss the the pattern and types of questions asked in the two sections viz. Quantitative Aptitude Section and Reasoning Ability Section,
NIACL Assistant Mains 2018: Exam Highlights
- The overall difficulty level of this examination was Moderate.
- The sequence of Section- Reasoning, English, Computer, General Awareness, Quantitative Aptitude
- Reasoning Section - Major chunk of questions were asked from Puzzle
- Numerical Ability Section- The level was difficult and no new pattern questions were asked.
- English Language Section- New type of Word arrangement Questions was asked.
- General Awareness Section- Current Affairs were mainly from May to July
- Computer Knowledge Section- Questions were easy and most of them were from basics.
NIACL Assistant Mains Exam 2018: Good Attempts
Section | Total Marks | Difficulty Level | Good Attempts |
English Language | 50 | Easy to Moderate | 21-25 |
Reasoning Ability | 50 | Moderate | 25-29 |
Quantitative Aptitude | 50 | Moderate | 22-25 |
General Awareness | 50 | Easy to Moderate | 26-30 |
Computer Knowledge | 50 | Easy | 28-32 |
Overall | 250 | Easy to Moderate | 115 -125 |
NIACL Assistant Mains Exam 2018: Section-wise Analysis
Let's move forward to the section-wise analysis of NIACL Assistant Mains Examination 2018.
English Language Analysis - NIACL Assistant Mains Exam 6th October 2018
The level of this section was Easy to Moderate. New pattern word replacement was asked in which four words were given in bold in a sentence and the candidates were supposed to arrange those words in a way that makes the sentence meaningful.
- Reading Comprehension - 10 Q
- Fillers - 5 Q
- Spot the Error - 10 Q
- Wrong Sentences - 5 Q
- Sentence correction - 5 Q
- Para Jumble - 5 Q
- Sentence improvement- 5 Q
- Cloze Test - 5 Q
English Questions Asked NIACL Assistant Mains Exam 6th October 2018
1, Reading Comprehension: Topic Details: Two RC were asked having 5 questions each. The topic are
- RC 1: Insurance Based.
- RC 2: Food Security
2. Para Jumble: Topic: There were total 7 sentences. First and the last sentence was fixed. Students have to arrange middle 5 sentences.
Reasoning Ability Exam Analysis - NIACL Assistant Mains 6th October 2018
The level of reasoning section was Easy to Moderate.
1. 5 Sets of puzzles were asked in the exam, that are as follows: - 20 Q
- Month, place and persons based puzzle
- Circular Seating Arrangement
- Parallel Seating Arrangement
- Linear Seating Arrangement
- Box-based Puzzle
2. Data Sufficiency - 5 Q
3. Input and Output - 5 Q
4. Logical Reasoning - 5 Q
5. Syllogism - 3 Q
6. Order & Ranking - 2 Q
Reasoning Questions Asked NIACL Assistant Mains Exam 6th October 2018
- Puzzles and Seating Arrangement - Floor Based Puzzle - 20 Q
- Twelve members i.e. A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, K, L and J are from 4 different flats, only 3 members live in each flat. Flats are numbered as 14, 15, 16, 11. Each flat is painted with different colours Red, Green, Blue, Yellow (not necessarily in same order). Each flat is situated in different apartments namely X, Y, Z, V (not necessarily in same order) A and G are from same flat and their flat’s number is an odd number. J’sflat colour is Green. B’s and K’s flat colour is red. E and D are from different flats but they are from even numbered flat. Yellow and blue are colours of even numbered flats. H is from odd numbered flat. F and C are not from same flat but C is from blue coloured flat. Colour of Flat number 14 is not yellow. C’s flat in Y apartment. 11 numbered flat is in Z apartment but it is not red coloured flat. D and L share same flat in V apartment.
Quantitative Aptitude Exam Analysis - NIACL Assistant Mains 6th October 2018
The level of this section was Moderate. The total number of DI's asked in the exam is 4, each with 5 questions. Following type of DI's were asked in the exam:
- Data Interpretation: 03 Set - 15 Q
- Wrong number series - 5 Q
- Simplification -5 Q
- Data Sufficiency - 5 Q
- Quadratic Equation - 5 Q
- Miscellaneous Questions - 15 Q (Time Speed and Distance, Time & Work, Percentage, Profit & Loss, Average, Ages, Mensuration, Probability, numerical based etc
Quants Questions Asked NIACL Assistant Mains Exam 6th October 2018
1. Wrong Number Series
- 8, 56,336, 1680, 6720, 20040
- 6 127 227 300 372 421 457
- 10 15 30 75 225 900 3150
- 7 92 173 250 323 394 457
- 7 11 36 54 179 215 558
2. Data Interpretation
- Pie Chart: 800 Students were there. % of boys and girls was given for different games like cricket, football, volleyball, basketball, etc.
- Line Graph: Two parameters were there; No. of students appeared for the exam was given along with the successful number of candidates.
- Caselet: 600 persons were going to market. Data regarding the purchase of different vegetables like only onion, only potato, onion and tomato, etc was gven.
General Awareness Analysis - NIACL Assistant Mains Exam 6th October 2018
- Most of the Questions asked in this section were based on Current Banking Affairs. Major chunk of questions were asked from July to September.
- There were around 4-5 questions from Static GK.
- Around 10-12 questions were asked from Banking and Financial Awareness.
General Awareness Questions Asked NIACL Assistant Mains Exam 6th October 2018
- SIP is an investment vehicle offered by mutual funds. SIP Stands for? Systematic Investment Plan'
- One question related to New business premium.
- One question related to Assignment.
- International Literacy Day, celebrated annually on 8 September. What is the thme for ILD 2018? This year’s theme is ‘Literacy and skills development.’
- International Day of Remembrance and Tribute to the Victims of Terrorism is observed on. 21 August.
- Apsara, a swimming pool type research reactor has been started in? Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC).
- What is the Capital City of Bulgaria? Sofia
- Name the compamy that has announced the launch of 'E@Secure', a Cyber Insurance Policy for
- individuals. HDFC ERGO.
- KAZIND is a Joint Army Exercise held between ___________. Indo-Kazakhstan
- 1st Indian Heptathlete To Win Gold In Asian Games. Swapna Barman
- No spin is an autobiography of? Shane Warne
- 5th BIMSTEC Summit was held in _______. Sri Lanka
- Indo-Americal 2+2 Dialogue was signed in _______. New Delhi
- Lakhwar Dam is in _______. Uttarakhand
- Kofi Annan is From which Country? Ghana.
- Bogibeel bridge is situated on which of the following river? Brahmaputra River.
- Duleep trophy is related to which sports? Cricket.
- Bogibeel bridge is situated on which of the following river? Brahmaputra River
- Total how many Gold Medals were won by India in Asian Games 2018? 15 Gold
- Which state government is host to the 2018 Krishi Kumbh International Conference and Exhibition? Uttar Pradesh
- Name the 2 Indians who are among the six winners of Ramon Magsaysay Award 2018. Bharat Vatwani and Sonam Wangchuk. Vatwani was given for his tremendous courage and healing compassion in embracing India's mentally-afflicted destitutes.
- World Hindi Conference 2018 was held in. Mauritius.
- HOPE space mission is launched by which Arabian country? UAE
- India is going to send manned mission on Mars. Which is the third country after USA Russia to send manned mission? China
- Who is the New BSNL Brand ambassador? Mary Kom
- Lippa Asrang wildlife sanctuary is situated in? Himachal Pradesh
- “Moving On, Moving Forward: A year in Office” has been authored by- Vice-President M. Venkaiah Naidu
- What is the theme for International Literacy day 2018? ‘Literacy and skills development.’
- Headquarter of NDB (New Development Board) is in ___. Shanghai
Computer Knowledge Analysis - NIACL Astt Mains Exam 6th October 2018
- This section was quite easy to attempt as questions were asked from familiar topics
- Questions were on basics of the computer, history, abbreviations, networking and some other topics.
- You can easily score well if you have the basics of computer clear.
Computer Questions Asked NIACL Assistant Mains Exam 6th October 2018
- Which is the greatest unit among options?
- 1tb,
- 1gb,
- 1 petabyte,
- 1 mb
- Hyperlink shortcut key
- Which key combo will lock screen (apart from Ctrl alt del)? Window & L
- 1 GB equals to? 1024 MB
- Full form of MAN. Metropolitan area network
- Which port is used for printers and scanners? Parallel
- Which language is used in 2nd generation? Assembly
- Line by line compiling is done by? Interpreter
- Which key is pressed to bring the cursor to start of the line? Home
This was the complete exam analysis of NIACL Assistant Mains 2018 exam. Also, we will share the Questions asked in NIACL Assistant Mains 2018.
Hope this analysis will help you to Enhance your preparation by taking Coaching Classes & online tests and going through the exam paper review of the previous shifts Keep your admit card and other important document ready that you have to carry to the examination center. If you haven't downloaded the admit card then download it immediately from the official NIACL site.
We wish you all the best for the exam. And Stay Connected for more updates related to exam & Note: If you remember any question from the exam, feel free to share it in the comments section below!