NABARD Development Assistant Mains Exam Analysis 21 October 2018
National Bank For Agriculture And Rural Development (NABARD) Recruitment Exam has successfully conducted today for the post of NABARD Development Assistant Mains 2018, Now it's time for the NABARD Development Assistant Mains Exam Analysis 21 October 2018.
In this article you’ll find detailed NABARD Development Assistant Exam Analysis 2018. The exam had three sections,Test of Reasoning, Test of Numerical Ability and Test of English Language for a composite duration of 90 minutes for objective and 30 minutes were given for the descriptive test. Considering the time limit of 30 minutes and the topics asked in the descriptive test, many candidates found it to be lengthy.The overall exam was of Easy to Moderate Level. Let us check the section-wise Exam Analysis.
In this article you’ll find detailed NABARD Development Assistant Exam Analysis 2018. The exam had three sections,Test of Reasoning, Test of Numerical Ability and Test of English Language for a composite duration of 90 minutes for objective and 30 minutes were given for the descriptive test. Considering the time limit of 30 minutes and the topics asked in the descriptive test, many candidates found it to be lengthy.The overall exam was of Easy to Moderate Level. Let us check the section-wise Exam Analysis.
NABARD Development Astt. Mains Over-all Exam Analysis
Reasoning | 21-24 |
Quantitative Aptitude | 17-23 |
Computer Knowledge | 28-34 |
General Awareness | 31-36 |
TOTAL (for the objective test out of 150) | 116-127 |
Total 100 questions were asked from the above-mentioned sections, and one had to finish this exam in a composite time of only 270 Min.. We will now have a look at the exam analysis of individual sections.
Section wise NABARD Development Assistant Mains Exam Analysis 21 October 2018
This exam analysis has been provided based on the reviews shared by our readers. If you come across any anomaly, do notify us in the comments section. We will update it at the earliest.
Quantitative Aptitude Analysis: NABARD Mains Exam 2018:
This section again comprised of 30 questions. The overall level of this section was moderate to lengthy. Following topics were asked under the quant section in this exam.
- Data Interpretation : 10 Qs - There were 2 sets of Data Interpretation. Moderate - Lengthy
- Quantity 1, Quantity 2 : 2 Qs - Moderate
- Wrong Series : 3 Qs - Moderate
- Data Sufficiency : 5 Qs- Moderate
- Miscellaneous (Mensuration, Boat & Stream, CI and SI, Profit & Loss, Time and Work, Partnership etc.): 10 - Moderate-Lengthy
Quantitative Aptitude Questions Asked in NABARD Mains Exam 2018
Data Interpretation:- Mixed DI
- Pie Chart
Reasoning Ability Analysis: NABARD Mains Exam 2018
This section comprised of total 30 questions. The overall level of this section was Moderate-Lengthy. In this section, 25 questions out of 30 were from puzzles and seating arrangement.
The Questions were:
- Sitting Arrangement and Puzzles : 25Qs - Moderate-Lengthy
- Coding Decoding : 5Qs - Moderate
Reasoning Ability Questions Asked in NABARD Mains Exam 2018
- Parallel Lines, 12 people
- Random Arrangement based puzzle
- Linear Single Line Seating Arrangement
- Year-Age based Puzzle
- Height based Puzzle
General Awareness Analysis: NABARD Mains Exam 2018
General Awareness section had 50 questions for 50 marks. Most of the questions were from current affairs. This section was relatively easier when compared with Reasoning and Quantitative Aptitude. The overall level of this section was Easy-Moderate.- Most of the questions were with related to agriculture, rural development and banking .
- There 5-6 questions from static awareness as well.
- There were also few questions from basic banking awareness and the questions asked from static were based on those cities which were recently in news.
General Awareness Questions Asked in NABARD Mains Exam 21 October 2018
- Update soon
Computer Knowledge Analysis: NABARD Mains Exam 2018
This section again comprised of 40 questions for 40 marks. The level of this section was very basic and Easy
- Most of the questions were from simple definitions and basic concepts.
- The questions asked in this section covered various topics like networking, computer and internet security, MS Office, basics of computer software and hardware.
Descriptive Writing Analysis: NABARD Mains Exam 2018
The descriptive writing test had 3 questions- Letter, Essay, and Precis, and candidates had to attempt it in a time limit of 30 minutes. The level of this section was very Lengthy
Letter Writing Topics
In letter writing there were two topics to chose from,
- One was a letter to the editor of a newspaper on the need of today's youth to pursue agriculture as a career
- Second option was an informal letter.
Essay Writing Topics
In essay writing a total of 4 choices were given to the candidates out which they can choose one to write an essay within the word limit of 200 words. Two of those topics were-
- Related to the green economy
- Importance of skilled youth. Precis writing had a word limit of 150 words and the passage given was based on education in rural India.
For more NABARD Development Assistant Mains Exam 2018 Updates and Questions asked in NABARD Development Assistant Mains Exam 2018 Please stay connected and keep visiting us. for sharing feedback of the exam pls comment in aimsuccess discuss
Thanks & all the best for exams