LIC HFL Assistant Manager Exam Analysis & Question Asked 6th October 2018
LIC HFL Assistant Manager Exam Analysis 2018– The LIC HFL Assistant Manager Exam will be conducted on 6th & 7th October 2018.. Now we are sharing the detailed LIC HFL Assistant Manager Exam Analysis & Question Asked 6th October 2018 in this post. We have also shared the good attempts for LIC HFL Assistant Manager exam based on the overall level of difficulty of this exam. Go through the post to get a section-wise detailed analysis of the exam conducted.LIC HFL Assistant Manager Exam 2018: Exam Highlights
- The overall level of the exam was Moderate.
- You have 200 Questions to solve for 200 marks. Also there was time limit for each section. You are not allowed to switch between the sections. The Paper was lengthy time- taking.
- The questions asked in the exam were lengthy and time-taking.
- Candidates managed to attempt a good number of questions due to the doable level of the exam.
LIC HFL Assistant Manager Exam 6th October 2018: Good Attempts
English Language
Logical Reasoning
General Awareness
Numerical Ability
Easy to Moderate
LIC HFL Astt Manager Sectional Exam Analysis- 6th Oct 2018
Now in this article here we are sharing LIC HFL Assistant Manager Sectional Exam Analysis which will provide you the detailed list of Questions asked in Assistant & Assistant Manager exam.
English Language Analysis: LIC HFL Astt Manager Exam 6th Oct 2018
The level of this section Easy to Moderate. There were 2 sets of Reading Comprehension where one passage was related to temples and the second RC was based on an economy related article.
1. Reading Comprehension – 16 Qs divided into 2 sets
- Set- 1 based on ‘Detoxification’
- Both sets had 4 vocabulary based Questions
2. Sentence Completion – 5 Qs
- Some words were highlighted and were asked to be replaced by suitable words.
3. Para completion – 1 Qs
4. Error Spotting – 5 Qs
- Based on basic grammar
- Sentence was divided into different parts and the wrong part was asked to select.
5. Cloze Test – 10 Qs
- Topic – Harmful effects of cosmetic products on skin.
Numerical Ability Analysis: LIC HFL Assistant Manager Exam 6th Oct 2018
The level of this section was Moderate. This section was the most time consuming of all the three sections due to calculative and slightly tricky questions.
- Data Interpretation – 20 Qs
- A line graph based Data Interpretation was asked.
- A tabular based data interpretation was asked.
- Pie-chart based Data Interpretation was also asked.
- A caselet DI was asked. The level of this DI was slightly tough.
- Algebra Questions
- Number Series – 5 Qs
- Find odd one out.
- The Number Series were usually based on difference, double difference, multiplication and square pattern.
- Profit Loss Questions
- Approximation 5 Qs - Easy BODMAS rule based questions were asked.
- Work & Time Questions
- Age Based Questions
- Percentage Based questions
Reasoning Ability Analysis: LIC HFL Assistant Manager Exam 6th Oct 2018
This section was scoring for candidates. The level of the questions was easy as well as less time-consuming. There were less puzzle and seating arrangement questions as compared to other slots. We are sharing the topic wise breakup of Reasoning section below.
1. Puzzle and Seating Arrangement – 5 sets - 20 Qs
- Age Based Puzzle
- Floor Based Puzzle
- Box Based Puzzle
- Linear Seating Arrangement
- A puzzle with no. of people not defined
3. Inequality – 5 Qs - Direct Inequality Questions
4. Input Output – 5 Qs - Easily recognizable patterns appeared
5. Direction – 5 Qs
6. Blood Relations – 5 Qs
7. Alphabet Coding – 2/3 Qs
8. Greater than – Smaller than Questions
General Awareness Analysis: LIC HFL Assistant Manager Exam 6th Oct 2018
- This section was moderate in terms of difficulty level. Many questions were asked from Banking awareness. Questions were from current affairs, insurance, and finance, static awareness was also asked.
- Current affairs of last 6 months were included. But most of the current affairs were asked from the month of June, July, and August.
General Awareness Questions asked in LIC HFL Assistant Manager Exam 6th Oct 2018
- Who received the Dadasaheb Phalke Best Actor Award? Akshay Kumar (for Padman)
- When is the International Labour Day celebrated? 1 May
- Anna Canteen is located in which state? Andra Pradesh
- RBI Chief Finance Officer of RBI? Sudha Balkrishnan
- Bhima Dass belongs to which state? Assam
- Alamatti Dam is built across which river? Krishna River
- Where headquarters of IDBI bank are located? Cuffe Parade, Colaba, Mumbai
- What is the Stake of LIC in IDBI?
- Manama is the capital of which Country? Bahrain
- Most of the questions were based on Insurance and Banking
- Most of the current affair questions were based on events from June-July.
- Prague is capital of?
- Currency of Argentina
- Kalidas samman given by which state?
- January 2018 padma shri to which cricketer?
- Ajanta caves is in which state?
- Theme of national voters day 2018
- Bhimbetka which state?
- Hydro expo 2018 which state?
- 13 Feburary which day?
- Yoga day which date?
- Ganeshi Lal which state governor?
- A book author question
- A question on joint military exercise
- Kathak from which state?
- A question on dam
- Gangtok capital of?
- Which is not associated with energy sector?
- A question on obituary
- Host of women T20 world cup 2018?
- Headquarters of Indian Army East Region?
- Headquarters of organization for prohibition of chemical weapons
- Winner of ISL 2018?
- Full form of UNCTAD?
All the best for upcoming exam and Stay tuned for more updates related to exams Also Read more about the LIC HFL Recruitment for Assistants & Assistant Managers by clicking on the links given below!