Latest Pattern English MCQs for IBPS PO/Clerk 2018: 04 October
Directions (1-5): Please select the most appropriate option out of the five options given for each of the following sentences, which in your view should be grammatically and structurally correct. Please note that the meaning and context of the sentence must not change.
1. 1) Solar manufacturers are getting desperate as they say they have marginalised in the country’s ambitious solar energy programme.
2) Solar manufacturers are getting in desperated as they say they have marginalised in the country’s ambitious solar energy programme.
3) Solar manufacturers are getting desperate as they say they have been marginalised in the country’s ambitious solar energy programme.
4) Solar manufacturers are getting desperated as they say they have been marginalised in the country’s ambitious solar energy program.
5) None is correct
2) Solar manufacturers are getting in desperated as they say they have marginalised in the country’s ambitious solar energy programme.
3) Solar manufacturers are getting desperate as they say they have been marginalised in the country’s ambitious solar energy programme.
4) Solar manufacturers are getting desperated as they say they have been marginalised in the country’s ambitious solar energy program.
5) None is correct
2. 1) Point-of-sale software provider is helping retailers to compute sales with real-time changes in the tax rate under the GST and automating the invoicing and report generation required for compliance procedures.
2) Point-of-sale software provider is helping retailers to compute sales with real-time changes in tax under the GST and automating the invoicing and report generation required for compliance procedures.
3) Point-of-sale software provider is helping retailers compute sales with real-time changes in tax rate under the GST and automating the invoice and report generation required for compliance procedures.
4) Point-of-sale software provider is helping retailers compute sales with real-time changes in the tax rate under the GST and automating the invoicing and report generation required by compliance procedures.
5) None is correct
2) Point-of-sale software provider is helping retailers to compute sales with real-time changes in tax under the GST and automating the invoicing and report generation required for compliance procedures.
3) Point-of-sale software provider is helping retailers compute sales with real-time changes in tax rate under the GST and automating the invoice and report generation required for compliance procedures.
4) Point-of-sale software provider is helping retailers compute sales with real-time changes in the tax rate under the GST and automating the invoicing and report generation required by compliance procedures.
5) None is correct
3. 1) Ever since the Dalai Lama and his followers fled from Lhasa in 1959 to take shelter in India, China has been implacably hostile towards the pontiff.
2) Ever since the Dalai Lama and his followers fled in Lhasa in 1959 to take shelter in India, China has been implacably hostile towards the pontiff.
3) Ever since the Dalai Lama and his followers fled Lhasa in 1959 to shelter in India, China was implacably hostile against the pontiff.
4) Ever since the Dalai Lama and his followers fled Lhasa in 1959 to take shelter in India, China has been implacably hostile towards the pontiff.
5) None is correct
2) Ever since the Dalai Lama and his followers fled in Lhasa in 1959 to take shelter in India, China has been implacably hostile towards the pontiff.
3) Ever since the Dalai Lama and his followers fled Lhasa in 1959 to shelter in India, China was implacably hostile against the pontiff.
4) Ever since the Dalai Lama and his followers fled Lhasa in 1959 to take shelter in India, China has been implacably hostile towards the pontiff.
5) None is correct
4. 1) The city of Charminar remains the city with the best quality of living in the country for the third consecutive years.
2) The city of the Charminar remains the city with the best quality of living in the country for the third consecutive year.
3) The city of the Charminar remains the city with the best quality of living in the country for third consecutive years.
4) The city of Charminar remains the city with best quality of living in the country for the third consecutive year.
5) None is correct
2) The city of the Charminar remains the city with the best quality of living in the country for the third consecutive year.
3) The city of the Charminar remains the city with the best quality of living in the country for third consecutive years.
4) The city of Charminar remains the city with best quality of living in the country for the third consecutive year.
5) None is correct
5. 1) A video of a baby monkey crying over the body of her mother killed by a road mishap went viral and was featured in top dailies across the world.
2) A video of a baby monkey crying over the body of her mother killed in a road mishap goes viral and is featured in top dailies across the world.
3) A video of a baby monkey crying over the body of her mother killed in a road mishap went viral and was featured in top dailies across the world.
4) A video of a baby monkey crying over the body of her mother killed from a road mishap went viral and was featured in top daily across the world.
5) None is correct
2) A video of a baby monkey crying over the body of her mother killed in a road mishap goes viral and is featured in top dailies across the world.
3) A video of a baby monkey crying over the body of her mother killed in a road mishap went viral and was featured in top dailies across the world.
4) A video of a baby monkey crying over the body of her mother killed from a road mishap went viral and was featured in top daily across the world.
5) None is correct
Directions (6-10) : Rearrange the following Six sentences (A), (B), (C), (D) (E) and (F) in the proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph and then answer the questions given below.
(A) The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) guidelines for licensing full service universal banks are path-breaking. The licences would be available for the asking or tap – provided the norms on asset requirements, capital structure, stakeholding, etc, are met-rather than once in a decade or so, as has been the norm for over two decades, and worse, with the number of licences granted in the low single digits.
(B) Experienced bankers and non-banking financial companies can now apply for banking licence, but not corporate houses, to avoid conflict of interest, as per the precautionary principle, who can, nonetheless, own a stake up to 10% in a banking venture.
(C) But banking in India is highly fragmented, with some 30 banking units contributing almost half of deposits and 60% of advances.
(D) India is not just a fast-growing large economy, but one that is underbanked, with a low ratio of private sector credit to GDP.
(E) We have 26 scheduled commercial banks in the public sector, 21 in the private sector, at least 36 foreign banks, and over 80 regional rural banks and many more urban and state co-operative banks.
(F) Besides, the reality is that small and medium enterprises face great difficulty in obtaining credit and meeting their banking needs.
6. Which of the following should be the FIRST sentence after rearrangement ?
1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D 5) F
7. Which of the following should be the SECOND sentence after rearrangement ?
1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D 5) E
8. Which of the following should be the THIRD sentence after rearrangement ?
1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D 5) F
9. Which of the following should be the FOURTH sentence after rearrangement ?
1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D 5) E
10. Which of the following should be the SIXTH (LAST) sentence after rearrangement ?
1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D 5) F
- 3
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 3
- 1
- 2
- 4
- 5
- 5