Important Reasoning MCQ for IBPS PO/Clerk 2018 : 16 November
Directions (Q. 1-5) : Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:
Ten friends M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U and V are sitting around a rectangular table in such a way that four of them sit at the corners, two each on the longer sides and one each on the smaller sides but not necessarily in the same order. Five of them are facing the centre and five are not facing the centre. Each of them is a Teacher, Professor, IAS, IPS, Doctor, Manager, Clerk, Farmer, Politician and Engineer.
(Note : Not more than two friends sitting together face the same direction. Facing the same direction means if one person faces the centre then the other person also faces the centre and if one person faces the out side from centre then the other person also faces out side from centre. Facing the opposite direction means if one person faces the centre then the other person faces out side from centre and vice versa. )
The Doctor sits on the immediate right of the IPS and is not an immediate neighbour of the IAS. The Teacher and the Doctor face the same direction. M sits on immediate right of R. The IPS and the Clerk sit diagonally opposite and face the opposite directions. Neither R nor U is the Farmer. T sits on the immediate left of U, who is the Politician. R sits second to the right of the IAS. Only two among the four sitting on the corners are facing the centre. The Farmer and the IPS sit on the immediate right and third to the right of the Engineer respectively. The Teacher sits on one of the smaller sides and third to the left of the Manager. S is the IPS and sits third to the right of Q. The Engineer sits on the immediate left of V. N is the Doctor and sits second to the right of P. The IPS sits at one of the corners. The Teacher and the Politician are not immediate neighbours. U is not an immediate neighbour of either the Professor or the Manager. U sits on the immediate left of the IAS who is facing the centre. U sits at one of the corner.
1. Which of the following statements is/are not true?
1) The Farmer sits third to the left of R.
2) The IAS is an immediate neigbour of Politician.
3) M is not the Professor.
4) Both 2) and 3)
5) None of these
2. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form a group. Which one does not belong to that group?
1) P
2) S
3) T
4) R
5) Q
3. Which of the following statements is/are true?
1) N sits third to the right of the Farmer.
2) Both the immediate neighbours of the Engineer face the opposite direction.
3) The Manager sits immediate left of the Farmer.
4) T is the Clerk.
5) The Clerk sits second to the left of the IAS.
4. What is the position of S with respect to the IAS?
1) Third to the left
2) Third to the right
3) Immediate left
4) Immediate right
5) None of these
5. Who is the Farmer?
1) The one who sits second to the right of the IAS.
2) The one who sits third to the right of the Clerk.
3) The one who sits immediate right of P.
4) The one who sits immediate left of M.
5) None of these
Directions (Q. 6-8) : In these questions consist of five statements followed by four conclusions. Consider the given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance with commonly known facts. Read all the conclusions and then decide which of the given conclusions does not logically follow from the given statements using all statements together. Given answer
1) If only conclusion I does not follow.
2) If only conclusion II does not follow.
3) If only conclusion III does not follow.
4) If only conclusion IV does not follow.
5) None of the above
6. Statements :
Some clerks are managers. All managers are professors.
No professor is a teacher. Some teachers are doctors.
All doctors are politicians.
Conclusions :
1) All clerks are definitely not professors. 2) Some clerks are definitely not teacher.
3) No manager is a teacher. 4) Some teachers are politicians.
7. Statements :
All poets are writers. Some poets are singers.
All singers are dancers. No dancer is an actor.
All men are actors.
Conclusions :
1) Some poets are dancers. 2) Some writers are definitely not actor.
3) Some poets are definitely not actor. 4) No singer is a man.
8. Statements :
Some cars are bikes. Some bikes are buses.
All buses are trains. All trains are cycles.
No cycle is a metro.
Conclusions :
1) Some bikes are definitely not metro. 2) No bus is a metro.
3) All cars being buses is a possibility. 4) Some trains are metro.
Directions (Q.9-10) : In each question given below three statements are followed by two conclusions numbered I and II. You have to take the given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance with the commonly known facts. Read the conclusions and decide which logically follows from the three given statements disregarding commonly known facts and give answer.
1) If only conclusion I follows.
2) If only conclusion II follows.
3) If either conclusion I or II follows.
4) If neither conclusion I nor II follows.
5) If both conclusion I and II follow.
9. Statements : No school is a hospital. All offices are schools. No hospital is a college.
Conclusions :
I. No office is a hospital.
II. No school is a college.
10. Statements : Some odd are even. All even are numbers. No prime is an odd.
Conclusions :
I. Some even are prime.
II. Some odd are numbers.
- 3
- 4
- 3
- 1
- 5
- 1
- 5
- 4
- 1
- 2