Error Detection for IBPS PO/Clerk/ESIC 2018
Directions (Q. 1-10): Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical or idiomatic error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. The number of that part is the answer. If there is ‘No error’, the answer is 5). (Ignore errors of punctuation, if any.)
- 1) In India, many of the middle class / 2) now live a lifestyle / 3) that approximates / 4) that in Western countries. / 5) No error
- 1) The murder of seven local aid workers / 2) on New Year’s Day shows that vaccinating / 3) children against polio has / 4) entered their litany of capital crimes. / 5) No error
- 1) The vast difference between the day temperature / 2) and the night is an ideal environment / 3) for the growth and spread / 4) of viruses and bacteria. / 5) No error
- 1) Modern lifestyles have also made it / 2) inevitable for natural nutritious foods to be / 3) replaced by their more processed / 4) variants which are lacking nutrition. / 5) No error
- 1) The very possible sources of black money include / 2) drug trafficking, weapon trading, selling counterfeit or stolen goods / 3) and selling pirated versions of copyright items / 4) such as software and musical recordings. / 5) No error
- 1) Retail banking refers to provision of banking services to individuals / 2) and small businesses where the financial / 3) institutions are dealing in large / 4) number of low-value transactions. / 5) No error
- 1) Nothing great has ever been / 2) achieved without consistent effort / 3) in the face of seeming / 4) insurmountable difficulties. / 5) No error
- 1) Three-fourth of the earth / 2) consists of water yet / 3) there is a scarcity / 4) of potable water. / 5) No error
- 1) The freedom struggle of India is a classic / 2) example of the heroic sacrifices made by / 3) the freedom fighters, who neither cared for their / 4) lives nor for their families. / 5) No error
- 1) The basic reason for not allowing women / 2) in combat roles, of course, is simply that / 3) for the most part they are physically unable to / 4) match up the required standards. / 5) No error
- 4; Replace ‘that’ with ‘that of those’
- 5
- 2; Add ‘temperature’ after ‘night’
- 4; Add ‘in’ after ‘lacking’
- 3; Replace ‘copyright’ with ‘copyrighted’
- 3; Replace ‘in’ with ‘with a’
- 3; Replace ‘seeming’ with ‘seemingly’
- 1; Replace ‘three-fourth’ with ‘three-fourths’
- 3; Replace ‘neither cared’ with ‘cared neither’
- 4; Replace ‘match up’ with ‘match up to’