Reasoning MCQ for IBPS PO/RRB Mains 2018: 03 Sep
Directions (Q. 1-5): Study the information carefully and answer the questions given below:
In a certain code language ‘India became developing country’ is coded as ‘XN3 RM9 TF7 VF5’, ‘survey base for nation’ is coded as ‘MB14 UN6 BV25 VB5’ and ‘pollution should have minimise’ is coded as ‘WI4 VB5 KN16 VJ5’
1. What is the code for ‘went’ in the given code language?
1) GH19 2) GF20 3) GF19 4) GH20 5) None of these
2. What is the code for ‘invention’ in the given code language?
1) RM8 2) MN9 3) RM9 3) QM9 5) None of these
3. What is the code for ‘controversy’ in the given code language?
1) YN3 2) XN4 3) NX3 4) XN3 5) None of these
4. What is the code for ‘prediction chemistry’ in the given code language?
1) XG3 MS14 2) LN3 MS13 3) XO3 NS13 4) YN3 MS14 5) None of these
5. What is the code for ‘competent authority’ in the given code language?
1) GI3 QR2 2) XN3 ZT1 3) DN4 ZT3 4) CN3 ZU1 5) None of these
Directions (Q. 6-10): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:
A word and number arrangement machine when given an input line of words and numbers rearranges them following a particular rule in each step. The following is an illustration of an input and its rearrangement.
Input: 33 theory 38 formal set 68 velocity uniformity 14 biscuit 49 26
Step I: 16 33 theory 38 formal set 68 velocity uniformity 49 26 biscuit
Step II: formal 16 33 theory 38 set 68 velocity uniformity 49 biscuit 28
Step III: 31 formal 16 theory 38 68 velocity uniformity 49 biscuit 28 set
Step IV: theory 31 formal 16 68 velocity uniformity 49 biscuit 28 set 40
Step V: 47 theory 31 formal 16 68 velocity biscuit 28 set 40 uniformity
Step VI: velocity 47 theory 31 formal 16 biscuit 28 set 40 uniformity 70
And step VI is the last step of the above input. As per rules followed in the above step, find out in each of the following questions the appropriate steps.
Input: most guide 17 outer 48 37 apex 77 hold 53 entitle 61
6. What is the position of ‘50’ in the last but one step?
1) Seventh from the right end
2) Ninth from the right end
3) Sixth from the left end
4) Third from the left end
5) Eighth from the right end
7. In which step are the elements ‘hold 50 entitle 15 apex’ found in the same order?
1) Step VI 2) Step III 3) Step V 4) Step II 5) There is no such step
8. Which of the following elements (words/numbers) comes exactly between ‘apex’ and ‘53’ in Step III?
1) 35 2) hold 3) 61 4) entitle 5)None of these
9. How many steps will be required to complete the arrangement?
1) Five 2) Four 3) Seven 4) Six 5) None of these
10. Which of the following will be the second step of the given input?
1) hold 50 entitle 77 most outer 15 61 apex 35 guide 51
2) hold 50 entitle 15 most outer 77 61 apex 35 guide 51
3) entitle 15 most guide outer 48 77 hold 53 61 apex 35
4) 50 entitle 15 most outer 77 hold 53 61 apex 35 guide
5) None of these
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 1
- 2
- 4
- 1
- 3
- 4
- 3