Numerical Ability MCQ for RRB PO/Clerk Mains 2018: 11 September
1. In a party, every member shakes hands with every other member. If the total number of handshakes is 561, how many members are there in the party?
1) 36
2) 35
3) 34
4) 33
5) 32
2. In a throw of two dice, what is the probablity that the sum of numbers appeared is greater than or equal to eight?
1) 5/36
2) 5/18
3) 5/12
4) 1/6
5) None of these
3. What is the difference between the compound interest and the simple interest on ₹ 24000 for 3 years at 5% per annum?
1) ₹ 181
2) ₹ 183
3) ₹ 185
4) ₹ 187
5) None of these
4. A person invested an amount of ₹ 4200 at a certain interest rate and ₹ 6400 at 1% higher interest rate. If the total interest received after five years is ₹ 3500, what is the rate of interest at which the amount of ₹ 6400 was lent?
1) 8%
2) 7%
3) 6%
4) 5%
5) 4%
5. 210 litres of water is filled into a tank and it is still 40% empty. What is the capacity of the tank (in litres)?
1) 280 litres
2) 320 litres
3) 350 litres
4) 380 litres
5) 420 litres
6. The ratio of the present ages of two persons ‘A’ and ‘B’ is 14:9. If 20 years ago the age of ‘A’ was 200% of the age of ‘B’, what is the difference between the ages of ‘A’ and ‘B’?
1) 15 years
2) 20 years
3) 25 years
4) 30 years
5) 35 years
7. If 40 eggs are bought for ₹ 100, how many eggs must be sold for ₹ 100 to get 25% profit?
1) 24
2) 30
3) 32
4) 36
5) 28
8. A person can row at a speed of 7 km/h in still water. If the speed of the stream is 3 km/h, it takes 3.6 hours more upstream than downstream for the same distance. How far is the place?
1) 18 km
2) 24 km
3) 27 km
4) 32 km
5) None of these
9. A man covers a certain distance on bike. Had he moved 6 km/h faster he would have taken one hour less. Had he moved 6 km/h slower he would have taken 1.5 hours more. What is the distance covered?
1) 180 km
2) 150 km
3) 120 km
4) 90 km
5) None of these
10. A, B and C can do a piece of work in 20 days, 15 days and 25 days respectively. They started working together, but after four days A left the work. ‘B’ left the work 10 days before the completion of the work. In how many days was the work completed?
1) 21 days
2) 18 days
3) 16 days
4) 15 days
5) None of these
- 3
- 3
- 2
- 2
- 3
- 3
- 3
- 2
- 1
- 5