DI Practice for RRB PO/Clerk Mains 2018: 05 Sep
Directions (Q. 1-5): Study the following pie-charts to answer the following questions:
The pie-charts show the expenditure of two companies A and B, which are ₹50 lakh and ₹60 lakh respectively.
1. If the incomes of Company A and B are in the ratio of 4 : 5 and the income of Company B is 180% of its expenditure, then what is the difference between the income of Company B and the income of Company A?1) ₹2200000
2) ₹1900000
3) ₹2160000
4) ₹1850000
5) ₹2250000
2) ₹1900000
3) ₹2160000
4) ₹1850000
5) ₹2250000
2. If the number of employees in Company A is a hundred then what is the average salary of the employees in Company A?1) ₹14000
2) ₹16000
3) ₹13000
4) ₹15000
5) ₹15500
2) ₹16000
3) ₹13000
4) ₹15000
5) ₹15500
3. What is the ratio of tax paid by Company A to that by Company B?1) 35 : 18
2) 34 : 37
3) 42 : 41
4) 31 : 27
5) 27 : 25
2) 34 : 37
3) 42 : 41
4) 31 : 27
5) 27 : 25
4. What is the difference between the expenditure on employees of Company B and that of Company A?1) ₹4300000
2) ₹640000
3) ₹5900000
4) ₹8700000
5) ₹7800000
2) ₹640000
3) ₹5900000
4) ₹8700000
5) ₹7800000
5. The expenditure on Machine and Electricity of Company B is what per cent more than that on the same item of Company A?1) 67%
2) 84%
3) 75%
4) 77%
5) 80%
2) 84%
3) 75%
4) 77%
5) 80%
Directions (Q. 6-10): Study the following graph and pie-chart carefully to answer the given questions.
6. What is the ratio of the number of volcanic eruptions in the year 2009 to that in 2011?1) 31 : 47
2) 23 : 31
3) 17 : 23
4) 47 : 43
5) 43 : 39
2) 23 : 31
3) 17 : 23
4) 47 : 43
5) 43 : 39
7. The total number of volcanic eruptions in Japan during the given four years is what per cent of the total number of volcanoes in Japan?1) 139.5%
2) 137.78%
3) 132.91%
4) 123.52%
5) 104.2%
2) 137.78%
3) 132.91%
4) 123.52%
5) 104.2%
8. What is the difference between the number of volcanoes in Indonesia and the number of volcanoes in Morocco?1) 120
2) 100
3) 150
4) 80
5) 170
2) 100
3) 150
4) 80
5) 170
9. The total number of volcanic eruptions in Chile is what per cent of the total number of volcanic eruptions in USA during the given four years?1) 109.5%
2) 95.51%
3) 80.42%
4) 115.38%
5) 125.78%
2) 95.51%
3) 80.42%
4) 115.38%
5) 125.78%
10. What is the ratio of the total volcanoes in New Zealand to the number of volcanic eruptions in New Zealand during the given four years?1) 5 : 3
2) 7 : 5
3) 2 : 5
4) 3 : 4
5) 4 : 7
2) 7 : 5
3) 2 : 5
4) 3 : 4
5) 4 : 7
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