Daily Current Affairs Quiz : 09 August 2018
1. As per data submitted by the RBI to the Centre, the amount lost by banks to frauds increased to what amount in the financial year 2017-18?
1) Rs 32,048 cr
2) Rs 29,246 cr
3) Rs 23,930 cr
4) Rs 19,529 cr
5) Rs 15,952 cr
2. The committee led by PNB chairman Sunil Mehta has recommended that capital worth about Rs 500 bn will be required for PSBs to invest in AIFs or
1) Advance Investment Funds
2) Alternative Investment Funds
3) Allowed Investment Funds
4) Advance Innovation Funds
5) Alternative Innovation Funds
3. The International Youth Day is observed every year on which date?
1) 02 Aug
2) 12 Aug
3) 22 Aug
4) 28 Aug
5) 31 Aug
4. The Walmart-Flipkart deal worth $16 bn has got the Competition Commission of India nod. The CCI, which regulates mergers and acquisitions, was established in
1) 2001
2) 2003
3) 2005
4) 2007
5) 2010
5. The RBI recently announced to pay dividend of what amount to the Union govt for the year ending Jun 30, 2018? The RBI follows Jul-Jun financial year.
1) Rs 300 billion
2) Rs 350 billion
3) Rs 400 billion
4) Rs 450 billion
5) Rs 500 billion
6. The govt has appointed who among the following as non-official director(s) on the RBI board?
1) Satish Kashinath Marathe
2) Swaminathan Gurumurthy
3) Devender Kumar Sikri
4) All the above
5) Only 1) and 2)
7. According to the IMF, the $2.6-tn Indian economy will grow at 7.3 per cent in the fiscal year 2018-19. IMF is has its headquarters based in
1) New York
2) Geneva
3) Washington
4) Paris
5) Basel
8. S Gopakumar has been appointed as the Director and General Manager of which of the following insurance firms?
1) GIC Re
2) United India Insurance
3) National Insurance Company
4) The Oriental Insurance Company
5) New India Assurance Company
9. A revised MoA was signed recently amongst govt, NABARD and National Water Development Agency for projects under PMKSY. Letter ‘S’ in term PMKSY denotes
1) Sudhar
2) Samarthan
3) Samiti
4) Sinchayee
5) Swachhata
10. Mario Gomez announced his retirement from international football recently. He is a veteran striker from
1) Germany
2) France
3) Argentina
4) Brazil
5) Spain
- 1
- 2
- 2
- 2
- 5
- 5
- 3
- 2
- 4
- 1