Para Jumble for SBI PO/Clerk 2018: 23 May

Para Jumble

Para Jumble for SBI PO/Clerk 2018: 23 May

Directions (Q. 1-5): Rearrange the following five sentences (A), (B), (C), (D) and (E) in the proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph; then answer the question given below.
  • (A) Switching off a light takes exactly the same amount of time and energy as switching it on.
  • (B) Yet we are often not so keen or prompt with the former.
  • (C) Most of us don’t mind running up a huge power bill.
  • (D) So, every year, we burn up hundreds of units of electricity, which we could have easily saved.
  • (E) This is true especially during the festive season.

1. Which of the following sentences would be the FIRST sentence after rearrangement?
1) E
2) D
3) C
4) B
5) A

2. Which of the following sentences would be the SECOND sentence after rearrangement?
1) D
2) E
3) A
4) C
5) B

3. Which of the following sentences would be the THIRD sentence after rearrangement?
1) C
2) B
3) D
4) E
5) A

4. Which of the following sentences would be the FOURTH sentence after rearrangement?
1) D
2) E
3) A
4) B
5) C

5. Which of the following sentences would be the FIFTH sentence after rearrangement?
1) A
2) B
3) C
4) D
5) E

Directions (Q. 6-10): Rearrange the following sentences in the proper sequence so as to make a meaningful paragraph and answer the questions given below it.
  • (A) Bolder isn’t always better, however.
  • (B) Red, orange and purple are vibrant colours with energising effects to counter the blues.
  • (C) The eye must catch it, look at it and study it.
  • (D) Too much colour can be overwhelming to some people.
  • (E) So, if not the change of paints, go for a bright-coloured table-cloth instead.
  • (F) The draped piece of furniture must be placed prominently.

6. Which of the following sentences would be the sixth sentence after rearrangement?
1) A
2) C
3) D
4) E
5) C

7. Which of the following sentences would be the third sentence after rearrangement?
1) B
2) A
3) D
4) E
5) F

8. Which of the following sentences would be the first sentence after rearrangement?
1) B
2) F
3) E
4) A
5) D

9. Which of the following sentences would be the fifth sentence after rearrangement?
1) D
2) C
3) A
4) E
5) F

10. Which of the following sentences would be the second sentence after rearrangement?
1) F
2) E
3) C
4) B
5) D

Answers :-
  1. 3
  2. 2
  3. 5
  4. 4
  5. 4
  6. 3
  7. 5
  8. 1
  9. 3
  10. 2

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