Revolt of 1857 Question for HP Allied Services
1. Which of the following British Act ended the system of double government by abolishing the Board of Control and Court of Directors?
A. Government of India Act, 1858
B. Indian Council Act, 1861
C. Act of 1892
D. Indian Council Act, 1909
Ans: A
Explanation: The Act of 1858 was largely confined to the improvement of the administrative machinery by which the Indian Government was to be supervised and controlled in England. It ended the system of double government by abolishing the Board of Control and Court of Directors. After 1858, the interests of India were further subordinated to those of Britain. Due to the conflicts of Britain with the other imperialist powers, India was made to serve the British economic interests. A is the correct option.
2. Which of the following British Act brought three presidencies into a common system?
A. Government of India Act, 1858
B. Indian Council Act, 1861
C. Act of 1892
D. Indian Council Act, 1909
Ans: B
Explanation: Indian Council Act of 1861 was institutionalized to serve the necessities of cooperation of Indians in the administration of the country. The act restored the power of the Government and the composition of the Governor General’s council for executive & legislative Purposes. The three separate presidencies (Madras, Bombay and Bengal) were brought into a common system. B is the correct option.
3. Which of the following British Act laid the foundation of Parliamentary system in India?
A. Government of India Act, 1858
B. Indian Council Act, 1861
C. Indian Council Act of 1892
D. Indian Council Act, 1909
Ans: C
Explanation: The Indian Council Act of 1892 was an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom that empowered legislative councils in British India by increase their size which laid the foundation of Parliamentary system in India. C is the correct option.
4. Which of the following British Act introduced provincial autonomy?
A. Government of India Act, 1858
B. Indian Council Act, 1861
C. Indian Council Act of 1892
D. Government of India Act 1935
Ans: D
Explanation: On August 1935, the Government of India passed longest act i.e. Government of India Act 1935 under the British Act of Parliament. It served some useful purposes by the experiment of provincial autonomy, thus we can say that the Government of India Act 1935 marks a point of no return in the history of constitutional development in India. D is the correct option.
5. Which of the following British Act provided for the establishment of a Federal Court?
A. Government of India Act, 1858
B. Government of India Act 1935
C. Indian Council Act of 1892
D. Indian Council Act, 1861
Ans: B
Explanation: The main objectivity of the act of 1935 was that the government of India was under the British Crown. So, the authorities and their functions derive from the Crown, in so far as the crown did not itself retain executive functions. It provided for the establishment of a Federal Court, which was set up in 1937. B is the correct option.
6. Consider the following
I. Indian Council Act of 1909, AD was instituted to placate the moderates and appeasement to the disseminate Muslims from National Movement by granting them separate electorate.
II. A Morley-Minto Reform was another name of Indian Council Act of 1909, AD which was named after the secretary of state and the Viceroy.
Which of the above statement (s) is/are correct about Indian Council Act of 1909?
A. Only I
B. Only II
C. Both I and II
D. Neither I nor II
Ans: C
Explanation: The Indian Councils Act 1909, commonly known as the Morley-Minto Reforms (or as the Minto-Morley Reforms), was an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom that brought about a limited increase in the involvement of Indians in the governance of British India. It introduced a system of communal representation for Muslims by accepting the concept of ‘separate electorate’. Under this, the Muslim members were to be elected only by Muslim voters. Thus, the Act ‘legalised communalism’ and Lord Minto came to be known as the Father of Communal Electorate. C is the correct option.
7. Match the following
Set I
a. Government of India Act, 1935
b. Government of India Act, 1919
c. Indian Council Act, 1909
d. Act of 1892
Set II
1. Introduces the Principle of Representation
2. Separate electorate was introduced
3. Act introduced the Diarchy, i.e., rule of two which means executive councillors and popular ministers
4. Establishment of a Federal Court
a b c d
A. 1 2 3 4
B. 4 3 2 1
C. 1 4 3 2
D. 4 1 2 3
Ans: B
Government of India Act, 1935- Establishment of a Federal Court.
Government of India Act, 1919- Act introduced the Diarchy, i.e., rule of two which means executive councillors and popular ministers.
Indian Council Act, 1909-Separate electorate was introduced.
Act of 1892-Introduces the Principle of Representation
B is the correct option.
8. Assertion (A): Government of India Act 1935 had provided for the establishment of an All-India Federation consisting of provinces and princely states as units.
Reason (R): The Act divided the powers between the Centre and units in terms of three lists—Federal List (for Centre, with 59 items), Provincial List (for provinces, with 54 items) and the Concurrent List (for both, with 36 items). Residuary powers were given to the Viceroy. However, the federation never came into being as the princely states did not join it.
A. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
B. Both A and R are true but R is not a correct explanation of A
C. A is true but R is false
D. Both A & R is not true
Ans: A
Explanation: Act of 1935, introduced what is known as provincial autonomy. The ministers of the provincial governments, according to it, were to be responsible to the legislature. It provided for the adoption of diarchy at the Centre. Consequently, the federal subjects were divided into reserved subjects and transferred subjects. However, this provision of the Act did not come into operation at all. Hence, B is the correct option because both A and R is true and R is not the correct explanation of A.
9. Consider the following
I. Act introduced the Diarchy, i.e., rule of two which means executive councillors and popular ministers. Governor was to be the head of provincial administration.
II. Subject was segregated into two parts- ‘reserve list’ and ‘transfer list’.
Which of the above statement (s) is/are correct about Montagu-Chelmsford Reforms?
A. Only I
B. Only II
C. Both I and II
D. Neither I nor II
Ans: C
Explanation: Montagu-Chelmsford Reforms is also known as Government of India Act, 1919. It relaxed the central control over the provinces by demarcating and separating the central and provincial subjects. The central and provincial legislatures were authorised to make laws on their respective list of subjects. However, the structure of government continued to be centralised and unitary. It introduced, for the first time, bicameralism and direct elections in the country. Thus, the Indian Legislative Council was replaced by a bicameral legislature consisting of an Upper House (Council of State) and a Lower House (Legislative Assembly). The majority of members of both the Houses were chosen by direct election. Hence, C is the correct option.
10. Which of the following British Act established Public Service Commission?
A. Government of India Act, 1919
B. Government of India Act, 1935
C. Indian Council Act, 1909
D. Act of 1892
Ans: A
Explanation: Montagu-Chelmsford Reforms, called the Government of India Act, 1919.It provided for the establishment of a public service commission. Hence, a Central Public Service Commission was set up in 1926 for recruiting civil servants. Hence, A is the correct option.