Important Static GK Questions for SSC CHSL 2018
Q1. Sex ratio in India is measured as?
(a) Number of males per thousand females
(b) Number of females per thousand males
(c) Number of males per hundred females
(d) Number of females per hundred males
Q2. Which of the following Act introduced separate electorates (communal representation) for Muslims?
(a) 1892 Act
(b) Act of 1909
(c) Reforms of 1919
(d) Government of India Act of 1935
Q3. Which one of the following is an insulator?
(a) Copper
(b) Wood
(c) Mercury
(d) Aluminium
Q4. Bubbles of air rise up through liquids due to:
(a) Surface tension and adherence
(b) Viscosity and buoyancy
(c) Air current over the liquid and buoyancy
(d) Up thrust and surface tension
Q5. Zeolite is?
(a) Hydrated ferric oxide
(b) Hydrated aluminium silicate
(c) Sodium hexameta phosphate
(d) Sodium tetra borate
Q6. The boiling point of liquids vary as?
(a) Pressure varies
(b) Temperature varies
(c) Volume varies
(d) Density varies
Q7. Which of the following is not an example of Point Source of pollution?
(a)Oil refinery wastewater
(b)Noise from Jet engine
(c) Air pollution from forest fire
(d) Pollutants mixed in rainwater runoff
Q8. Among the following states, the literacy rate is highest in?
(a) Orissa
(b) Punjab
(c) Maharashtra
(d) Mizoram
Q9. The minimum number of members that must be present to hold the meeting of the Lok Sabha is?
(a) One fourth of the total membership
(b) One tenth of the total membership
(c) Fifty percent strength of the Lok Sabha
(d) At least hundred members
Q10. India's population growth is characterized by?
(a) An increase in rate of death
(b) An increase in the ratio of females
(c) An increase in the birth rate and declining death rate
(d) Increasing number of old people
Q11. What will you call a system of taxation under which the poorer sections are taxed at higher rates than the richer sections?
(a) Progressive tax
(b) Proportional tax
(c) Regressive tax
(d) Degressive tax
Q12. What does BOD5 refer to?
(a) Biochemical Oxygen Demand in 5 days
(b) Biochemical Oxygen Demand in 5 hours
(c) Biochemical Oxygen Demand in 5 minutes
(d) Biochemical Oxygen Demand in 5 Months
Q13. Kanha National Park saving the rare and almost extinct species of the Swamp Deer, also known as
(a) Barasingha
(b) Black Buck
(c) Chinkara
(d) Nilgai
Q14. Which is the highest grossing movie of all time?
(a) Avatar
(b) Star Wars
(c) Jurassic Park
(d) Deadpool
Q15. Which state in India has the largest cover area of forest?
(a) Uttarakhand
(b) Madhya Pradesh
(c) Kerala
(d) Uttar Pradesh
Answer Key
- Ans.(b) Sol. The Sex Ratio is defined as the number of females per thousand males . According the Population Census of 2011, the Sex ratio of India is 943 females per 1000 of males.
- Ans.(b) Sol.Indian council act of 1909 introduced a system of communal representation for Muslims by accepting the concept of ‘separate electorate’. Under this, the Muslim members were to be elected only by Muslim voters.
- Ans.(b) Sol. Wood is a good insulator.
- Ans.(b) Sol. Bubbles of air rise up through liquids due to viscosity and buoyancy.
- Ans.(b)Sol. Zeolites are a large group of natural and synthetic hydrated aluminum silicate.
- Ans.(a)Sol. The boiling point of liquid varies according to the surrounding atmospheric pressure.
- Ans.(d)Sol.A point source of pollution is a single identifiable source of air, water, thermal, noise or light pollution. Oil refinery wastewater, noise from Jet engine and Air pollution from forest fire are examples of point source of pollution.
- Ans.(d)Sol. Mizoram with 91.5% literacy is the second most literate state in India after Kerala with 93.91% literacy.
- Ans.(b) Sol. A quorum is the minimum number of members of a deliberative assembly necessary to conduct the business of that group. For Indian Parliament the quorum necessary to run the house is 1/10th(10%) of the total membership of the house.
- Ans.(c)Sol. India’s population growth is characterized by increase in birth rate and declining death rate.
- Ans.(c)Sol. A regressive tax is a tax that takes a larger percentage of income from low-income earners (poorer section) than from high-income earners (richer section).
- Ans.(a)Sol.Biochemical oxygen demand is the amount of dissolved oxygen needed by aerobic biological organisms to break down organic material present in a given water sample at certain temperature over a specific time period.
- Ans.(a)Sol.Kanha National park saves rare and almost extinct species of Barasingha or swamp deer.
- Ans.(a)Sol. Avatar is the highest grossing movie of all time.
- Ans.(b)Sol.Madhya Pradesh has the largest forest cover of 77,522 sq. km. in terms of area in the country followed by Arunachal Pradesh with forest cover of 67,321 sq. km.