Complete List of Inventions and Discoveries in Various Fields
Today, In this article we are discussing about have Complete list of Inventions and Discoveries in Various Fields of Science like in Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Space Science, Computer & Other areas which are regularly been asked in SSC and banking exams under General Awareness section. Questions based on Inventions and Discoveries form a main part of the General Awareness section of many Government and Bank exams. We have included questions asked in SSC CHSL, SSC CGL, SSC MTS, IBPS PO, IBPS Clerk, LIC AAO, etc.
List of Inventions and Discoveries in Physics
Inventions | Inventors |
Air Brake | George Westinghouse |
Amplitude Modulation | Reginald Fessenden |
Anemometer | Leon Battista Alberti |
Barometer | Evangelista Torricelli |
Cathode Ray Tube | Ferdinand Braun |
Dynamometer | Edme Regnier |
Ammeter | Friedrich Dexler |
Calorimeter | Antoine Lavoisier |
Inclinometer | Rufus Porter |
Magnetometer | Sheldon Breiner |
Telescope | Hans Lippershey |
Microscope | Hans Lippershey and Zacharias Janssen |
LED | Oleg Losev, Nick Holonyak |
Gravity | Sir Isaac Newton |
Hubble Space Telescope | NASA (named after Edwin Hubble ) |
Induction Motor | Nikola Tesla |
Kinetoscope | Louis Le Prince |
Fuel Cell | William Grove |
Battery | Alessandro Volta |
Steam Turbine | Charles Parson |
Transformer | William Stanley |
Electromagnet | William Sturgeon |
Gamma Rays | Paul Villard |
Mercury Thermometer | Gabriel Fahrenheit |
Vernier Caliper | Pierre Vernier |
Celsius | Anders Celsius |
Air Pressure | Evangelista Torricelli |
Atomic Nucleus | Ernest Rutherford |
Anode Rays | Eugen Goldstein |
LCD | Friedrich Reinitzer |
List of Inventions and Discoveries in Chemistry
Inventions | Inventors |
Polythene | Eric Fawcett |
Osmosis | Jean Antoine Nollet |
Electrons | J.J. Thomson |
Neutrons | James Chadwick |
Protons | Ernest Rutherford |
Inert Gases | Sir William Ramsay |
Radioactivity | Henri Becquerel |
Periodic Table | Dmitri Mendeleev |
Oxygen | Carl Wilhelm Scheele and Joseph Priestley |
Hydrogen | Henry Cavendish |
Atoms | John Dalton |
Neon | Georges Claude |
Acid | Albert Hofmann |
Ionic Bonds | Svante August Arrhenius |
Covalent Bonds | Gilbert Newton Lewis |
Aluminum | Charles Martin Hall |
Dynamite | Alfred Nobel |
pH meter | Arnold O.Beckman |
Polyvinyl Chloride | Waldo Semon &B. F. GoodrichCompany |
Synthetic Rubber | Fritz Hofmann |
Titanium | William Kroll |
Radium | Marie Curie and Pierre Curie |
List of Inventions and Discoveries in Biology
Invention | Inventor |
Anesthesia | Thomas Green Morton |
Penicillin | Alexander Fleming |
Aspirin | Felix Hoffman |
Automated DNA Sequencer | Lloyd Smith |
Spiral Structure of Protein | LinusPauling |
Bacteria | Antonie van Leeuwenhoek |
Microbes | Robert Hooke and Antoni van Leeuwenhoek |
BCG Vaccine | AlbertCalmette and CamilleGuerin |
Blood Group | Karl Landsteiner |
Calcium | Humphry Davy |
DDT | Paul Hermann Müller |
Cholera Vaccine | Waldemar Haffkine |
Rubella Vaccine | Maurice Hilleman |
Hepatitis B Virus | Baruch Blumberg |
Hepatitis –B Vaccine | Pablo DT Valenzuela |
Polio Vaccine | Jonas Edward Salk |
SmallpoxVaccine | Edward Jenner |
Anthrax Vaccine | Louis Pasteur |
Plague Vaccine | Waldemar Haffkine |
Kidney Dialysis | Willem Johan Kolff |
X ray | Wilhelm Rontgen |
Vitamin | Casimir Funk |
Insulin | Frederick Banting and J J R Macleod |
HIV | Luc Montagnier |
ECG | WillemEinthoven |
Vitamin A | Frederick Gowland Hopkins |
Vitamin B1 | Christiaan Eijkman |
Vitamin C | Albert Szent-Gyorgi |
Vitamin E | Herbert McLean Evans and Katherine Scott Bishop |
Vitamin K | Henrik Dam |
Homeopathy and Allopathy | Samuel Hahnemann |
Cell | Robert Hooke |
Cell Nucleus | Robert Brown |
List of Inventions and Discoveries in Computer
Invention | Inventor |
World Wide Web | Tim Berners Lee |
Search Engine | Alan Emtage |
Cable Modem | Rouzbeh Yassini |
Webcam | Quentin Stafford Fraser and Paul Jardetzky |
Smartphone (Simone) |
Walkie- Talkie | Dan Noble, Henryk Magnuski, Marion Bond, Lloyd Morris; and Bill Vogel. |
JAVA Computing Language |
James Gosling |
Surface Computing | Microsoft |
I phone | Steve Jobs |
TCP/IP Internet Protocol | Bob Kahn |
Ray Tomlinson | |
Larry Page and Sergey Brin | |
Supercomputers | Seymour Cray |
Laptop | Adam Osborne |
C Programming Language |
Dennis Ritchie |
Microprocessors | Ted Hoff, Federico Faggin, and Stan Mazor |
Python | Guido van Rossum |
C++ | Bjarne Stroustrup |
Mark Zuckerberg | |
Yahoo | Jerry Yang and David Filo |
List of Inventions and Discoveries in Space Science
Invention | Inventor |
Ballistic Missile | Wernher Von Braun |
Global Positioning System | Ivan A Getting, Roger L. Easton Bradford Parkinson |
Uranus | William Herschel |
Communication Satellite | Arthur C. Clarke |
Universe | Edwin Hubble |
Solar System | Nicolaus Copernicus |
Planets | Galileo Galilee |
List of Inventions and Discoveries in Other Areas
Invention | Inventor |
Newspaper | Johann Carolous |
Printing Press | Johannes Gutenberg |
Electric Bulb | Thomas Edison |
Fan | Schuyler Skaats Wheeler |
Airplane | The Wright Brothers-Wilbur and Orville Wright |
Telephone | Alexander Graham Bell |
Radio | Guglielmo Marconi |
Calculator | Blaise Pascal |
Television | Philo Taylor Farnsworth |
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