Wednesday, June 14, 2017
- An
instrument used in aircrafts for measuring altitudes is called - Altimeter
- An
instrument used to measure the strength of an electric current is called - Ammeter
- An
instrument to measure the speed, direction and pressure of the wind is called- Anemometer
- An
instrument used to measure difference in hearing is called - Audiometer
- An
instrument to measure atmospheric pressure and conditions is called - Barometer
- An
instrument used to measure potential difference between two points is called - Voltmeter
- An
optical instrument used for magnified view of distant objects is called-Binoculars
- An
instrument used to measure the diameters of wire, tube or rod is called-Callipers
- An
instrument used to measure quantities of Heat is called - Calorimeter
- An
apparatus used for charging air with petrol vapours in an internal combustion
engine is called – Carburettor
- An
instrument used for measuring the temperature of the human body is called-Thermometer
- A
device which converts mechanical energy into electrical energy is called- Dynamo
- An
instrument used for measuring electrical potential differences is called- Electrometer
- An
instrument used for detecting the presence of electric charge is called- Electroscope
- An
instrument used for measuring Electric Current is called - Galvanometer
- An
instrument used for measuring depth of the ocean is called - Fathometer
- An
instrument used for relative density of liquids is called - Hydrometer
- An
instrument used for relative density of milk is called - Lactometer
- An
instrument used for magnified view of very small objects is called - Microscope
- An
apparatus used in submarines for viewing objects lying above the eye level of
the observer is called - Periscope
- An
instrument used for comparing the luminous intensity of two sources of light is
Called - Photometer
- An
instrument used to measure high temperature is called - Pyrometer
- An
instrument used to measure Rainfall is called - Rain Gauge
- An
instrument used for recording the intensity and origin of earthquakes shocks is
called – Siesmograph
- An
instrument used for measuring angular distance between two objects is called - Sextant
- An
instrument used for measuring speed of the vehicle is called - Speedometer
- An
apparatus used for converting high voltage to low and vice-versa is called- Transformer
- An
instrument that continuously records a barometer's reading of atmospheric
pressure. - Barograph
- An
instrument used to measure infrared, or heat, radiation. - Bolometer
- An
instrument used for measuring growth in plants.- Crescograph
- An
instrument used for tracing movement of heart.-Cardiograph
- A
clock that keeps very accurate time and determines longitude of a vessel at
sea. - Chronometer
- An
instrument used to examine internal parts of the body. - Endoscope
- A
glass tube for measuring volumes changes in the chemical reactions between
gases -Eudiometer
- A
machine for reproducing recorded sound. - Gramophone
- An
instrument used to measure the moisture content or the humidity of air or any
gas. - Hygrometer
- A
microphone designed to be used underwater for recording or listening to
underwater sound.- Hydrophone
- A
device used to measure atmospheric pressure - Manometer
- A
device which converts sound waves into electrical signals. - Microphone
- An
instrument attached to the wheel of a vehicle, to measure the distance
traversed. - Odometer
- An
instrument used for reproducing sound.-Phonograph
- An
instrument used for measuring Solar radiation is called - Pyrheliometer
- An
instrument used for taking angular measurements of altitude in astronomy and
navigation is called - Quadrant
- An
instrument for measuring a Refractive Index of a substance is called - Refractometer
- An
instrument used for Spectrum analysis is called- Spectroscope
- An
instrument for measuring blood pressure is called - Sphygmomanometer
- An
instrument for measuring and indicating temperature is called - Thermometer
- A
medical instrument used for hearing and analysing the sound of Heart is called
- Stethoscope
- An
apparatus for recording the readings of an instrument and transmitting them by
radio is called - Telemeter
- An
instrument used for magnified view of distant objects is called- Telescope
- A
device that automatically regulates constant temperatures is called - Thermostat
- An
instrument used for measuring Viscosity is called - Viscometer
- A
small scale calibrated to indicate fractional divisions of the main scale is
called- Vernier Scale
- An
instrument for testing the refractive power of the eye is called - Optometer
- An
instrument designed for visual examination of the eardrum is called -Otoscope
- A
device that measures low temperature is called - Cryometer
- An
instrument used in an aircraft indicating airspeed is called – Machmeter