Important Expected Topics for RBI Grade B Prelims Exam 2018

Important Expected Topics for RBI Grade B Prelims Exam 2018

Important Expected Topics for RBI Grade B Prelims Exam 2018

It’s time to ramp up the preparation for RBI Grade B examination! Go through the Important expected topics for RBI Grade B in this post. The RBI Grade B examination is almost a week away and students are busy getting ready for the exam. Students should prepare consistently with the RBI Grade B test pattern. The important expected topics from various sections for RBI Grade B will certainly help students understand the topics that should be focused on more in this limited time. As per the RBI Grade B Notification 2018, the examination is the next biggest event approaching and students should be ready for the cut- throat competition. Here, we bring to you the preparation tacts so that you can brace yourself for RBI Grade B Examination.

Important Expected Topics for RBI Grade B Exam 2018

It is extremely essential that a student frames an RBI Grade B study set up as per RBI Grade B necessary topics. This is the time to study hard and study smart. One needs to be really precise with the topics to prepare. The phase one examination of the RBI Grade B consists of General Awareness, English language, Quantitative ability and Reasoning Ability. You can go through our post related to the detailed syllabus and exam pattern of RBI Grade B Exam for this.  In this exam, you have to attempt a total number of 200 questions within a time frame of 120 minutes. You can see the consistency in the English language, quantitative ability and reasoning questions and practice according to the exam pattern. However, General Awareness is something which demands one to stay updated all the time. Here we bring about the topics you need to prepare to score that dream seat.

Let us now have a look at the important topics from various sections that you can expect in this exam. 

General Awareness Topics for RBI Grade B Prelims Exam 2018

General awareness includes 80 of the 200 questions and is a scoring part of the examination if one is accurate. Here are the important topics for general awareness section - 
  • Monthly current affairs since January until examination.
    You ought to keep an eye on the current affairs since January and note down the key factors of every story. If now you don’t have the time to do so, take help of topics available on aimsuccess that have monthly current affairs so that you don’t lose time in searching what is important.
  • GK primarily based on economy and finance
  • You have got to expect questions on the Indian economy and finance if you are planning to even attempt the RBI Grade B exam. You should be able to answer the questions regarding the recent reforms and developments of the Indian economy and market.
  • RBI GK, RBI Bulletins
    You need to know about the place you are applying, does it not make real sense? You are expected to answer questions related to the Reserve Bank of India and what actually is going on in there. It is suggested that you follow the website of RBI and keep track of the RBI on social media as well. This would keep you updated with any RBI news and knowledge.
  • Economic survey and Union budget 2018
    Knowing the Union Budget is a mandate of the people applying for the RBI Grade B exam. One applying for this post is expected to know the advancements of the ministry of finance towards the country’s population and its development and what conditions prevail in our society financially. Also this year, analysis of Demonetization and the role played by RBI in it is one crucial topic and should not be missed in any condition.
  • Banking Affairs
    Banking affairs in India should be thoroughly revised and known about in precision. This topic needs the 4W’s and 1H approach where you dig in the what, where, when, why and how of a situation.
  • World organizations and latest rankings of India
    The major organizations of the world and their recent appointments are required not only by the RBI grade B exam, but any examination you are attempting. You are expected to know this as a citizen of a global society and not as a potential RBI officer.
  • Latest summits
    You can be accustomed to almost all the summits if you read newspaper regularly or are in a habit of watching or reading news in electronic or digital media. Though it would be better if you dig deeper into the motives and the outcome of these summits.
  • Government schemes
    With the advent of BJP government in the centre, many schemes have come out which can frame crucial questions in your entrance exams. Schemes like PMMY, UDAN, HRIDAY, PMUY,MGNREGA, Nirmal Bharat Abhiyan etc should be on your fingertips since this would not only help you in phase 1, but also in phase 2 of the the examination.
Other incredibly important topics for the General Awareness include -
  • Varied committees shaped by RBI and central governments,
  • Latest necessary appointments,
  • Awards, books and authors and major sports events,
  • Census 2011 and current social issues
  • Static GK Notes on the United Nations and different world organizations, Notes on banking structure, crucial days of year, major abbreviations, Capital currency, major National parks and world heritage sites, Airports list, etc
Now that we have discussed the important topics of general awareness, it's time to have a quick look at the important topics of the English language, quantitative ability and reasoning.

English Language Topics for RBI Grade B Prelims Exam 2018

English comprises of the 30 questions of the total of 200 questions in the exam. The questions asked are generic but they need you to be careful since language creates a lot of confusion in the candidates’ minds. Some of the topics to prepare while focusing on English language are:
  • Cloze Test
  • Spotting Error
  • Reading Comprehension
  • Fill in the blanks
  • Parajumbles
  • Sentence Improvement
Last year, topics asked in this exam included Reading Comprehension(10 Questions from 2 sets). Cloze Test (7 questions), Fill in the Blanks (5 Questions), Spotting Errors (5 Questions) and Theme based question (3) where students had to determine the theme of the passage or determine which statement among the given options fits the passage in the most apt way. So try to focus more on these topics. 

Quantitative Ability Topics for RBI Grade B Prelims Exam 2018

This is comparatively the most time consuming section of the phase 1 examination. All you need is tricks and tacts to manage the time while solving each question. Here are the topics you need to master if you actually want to ace quantitative ability:
  • Number Series
  • Data Interpretation
  • Approximation
  • Quadratic Equation
Try to focus more on high level Data Interpretation and Number Series Questions in this section.  

Reasoning Ability Topics for RBI Grade B Prelims Exam 2018

Reasoning, well needs your discretion and mental ability more than any other section. Here, you majorly need to concentrate on your puzzle solving techniques and keep your mind open to all the possible solutions to particular question. Here are a few topics you can work on for the perfect response in the reasoning section:
  • Syllogism
  • Inequality
  • Blood relation
  • Analogy
  • Seating Arrangement
  • Input Output
  • Coding & Decoding
  • Puzzles
  • Seating Arrangement
  • Data Sufficiency and Interpretation
This section carries second most weight-age in terms of number of questions and marks distribution after General Awareness. Focus more on topics like Coding - Decoding, Input - Output, Syllogism, Inequality and Miscellaneous questions before moving on to Puzzles and Arrangements

All the best for your Exams..


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