SSC MTS 2017 Tier 1: 2nd Shift Exam (30th April) Cancelled
SSC has cancelled the SSC MTS 2017 Paper -1 conducted in 2nd Shift (2:00 PM -4:00 PM) on 30th April 2017. SSC MTS 2017 Tier 1 Exam was conducted in two different shifts i.e. 10:00 AM to 12:00 Noon (morning shift) and 02:00 PM to 04:00 PM (Afternoon Shift) on the same day i.e. 30th April 2017.
SSC has declared the cancellation of only 2nd Shift Exam and accepted that paper was compromised. There will be no cancellation of 1st shift exam.
SSC has mentioned in his official notice that Re-exam will be conducted only for those who have appeared in the 2nd slot exam. SSC will declare rescheduled dates and we will notify you on AIMSUCCESS.
Those guys who appeared in the exam no need to worry. We know that some of you have travelled so long to appear in this exam. This cancellation will make you travel again. But if this exam would have not been cancelled then you would have affected from the compromised exam.
After analyzing the Exam pattern, the conclusion is maximum questions were asked from previous year papers. So, you must practice the previous year papers of SSC MTS.
Team Aimsuccess