SSC MTS 2016 - 17 Exam Cancelled : (All Dates)
Here is a very important news for the SSC MTS 2016-17 aspirants. SSC has cancelled all the future exams of SSC MTS as well as the Exams which were conducted on 30th April and 14th May. As you all know paper was leaked for both the shifts on 14th may. This may be the reason of such a big decision of SSC. Do not get disheartened and stay updated on gradeup. We will notify you about all the further notices of SSC MTS Exam. Now the MTS exam will also be conducted in online mode and tentative months of exam are September- October. Aspirants can check SSC CGL pattern because it was conducted online last year. This will give you an idea of your SSC MTS 2016-17 exam.
You can see the official notification from the link given below:
SSC MTS 2016 Exam Cancellation Official Notice
All the Best