Railway Recruitment Board has released dates for declaration of RRB NTPC 2015-16 Exams today. RRB will declare result on 26th May 2017.
In this RRB will release normalised score cards for 2nd Stage Examination.
Results of those candidates who appeared in 2nd Stage Online Exam of RRB NTPC from 17th to 19th January 2017 will be published on 26th May 2017. Based on this result and post preferences filled by candidates, there will be Aptitude(Psycho) and Skill test for some specific posts.
Aptitude (Psycho) Test: It will be conducted for the posts of Category No. 7 & 8 (ASM & Traffic Assistant).The merit for these posts will be drawn only for the candidates qualifying in the Aptitude Test, with 70% weightage being given to the marks obtained in the 2nd stage CBT and 30% weightage being given to the marks obtained in Aptitude Test.
Skill Test : It will be conducted for the posts of Category No. 5 & 6 (Jr. Accounts Assistant-cum-Typist and Sr. Clerkcum-Typist. It will be of only qualifying nature.The merit of these posts will be drawn only for the candidates who qualify in the Typing Skill Test, based on performance in 2nd stage CBT.
We will update you the final result of RRB NTPC Exam 2015 Exam here.
Link for checking RRB NTPC Result
- RRB Ahmedabad www.rrbahmedabad.gov.in
- RRB Ajmer www.rrbajmer.org
- RRB Allahabad www.rrbald.nic.in
- RRB Bangalore www.rrbbnc.gov.in
- RRB Bhopal www.rrbbhopal.gov.in
- RRB Bhubaneswar www.rrbbbs.gov.in
- RRB Bilaspur www.rrbbilaspur.gov.in
- RRB Chandigarh www.rrbcdg.gov.in
- RRB Chennai www.rrbchennai.gov.in
- RRB Gorakhpur www.rrbgkp.gov.in
- RRB Guwahati www.rrbguwahati.gov.in
- RRB Jammu www.rrbjammu.nic.in
- RRB Kolkata www.rrbkolkata.gov.in
- RRB Malda www.rrbmalda.gov.in
- RRB Mumbai www.rrbmumbai.gov.in
- RRB Muzaffarpur rrbmuzaffarpur.gov.in
- RRB Patna www.rrbpatna.gov.in
- RRB Ranchi www.rrbranchi.org
- RRB Secunderabad rrbsecunderabad.nic.in
- RRB Siliguri www.rrbsiliguri.org
- RRB Thiruvananthapuram rrbthiruvananthapuram.gov.in
Thanks and All the best for your Result,