Preparation tips for Quantitative Aptitude in BOB Manipal , Dena Bank PO & NICL AO
Here,we are sharing Quantitative Aptitude Preparation Tips for the upcoming BOB Manipal PO ,DENA Bank (PGDBF ) PO and NICL AO exams. So many important bank exams are round the corner in coming months and and you all must be putting your best efforts possible to sail through these exams. Quantitative Aptitude is a crucial section which is asked in all bank exams and we hope these quant preparation tips will help you clear this section with a good score.
Quantitative aptitude is one such section , which mostly students finds tough. The reason behind this is lack of practice. You cannot learn or mug up this subject overnight. You have to do proper practice of this section before appearing for any exam . To score good in this section, first clear the basics of this section. After you are well aware with the basic concept of each topic in this section then increase your level by solving different types of questions.In this way , you will not only be able to clear the sectional cutoff of quantitative aptitude , but also , you can score very good in this. So follow the right approach and don't let this subject make you afraid .
Pattern of the Quantitative Aptitude Section
First of all , take a look at the usual pattern of Quantitative aptitude section in various bank exams.
Name of the Topic
Number of questions asked from this topic
Data Interpretation
Number Series
Quadratic Equation
Data- sufficiency
Now let us see how to approach each of the topics above mentioned in bank exams :
Data Interpretation :
- This is the topic which dominates the quantitative aptitude section in exams . Generally 10-15 questions are asked from this exam.
- This questions of DI that are asked in exams , are of Bar graph , Tabulation , Pie Chart , Line graph , Mixed type and Paragraph DI(Caselets).
- The most important thing that one should realise is that these questions are in the paper to check our observation and calculation both.
- Read the instructions and the question very carefully . Do not just start solving questions without understanding the questions properly.
- Look at the data carefully, understand the small specifications and then look at the type of questions asked and It can be done within a minute.
- Some questions in DI do not need pen and paper calculation. Attempt these always. While some questions of DI involves very lengthy calculation . It is advisable that you should leave such questions of DI for the proper time management.
- Do not start solving all the data which is available , only solve what is asked in the particular question.
- The topics which are included in data interpretation questions are Percentages , Ratio , Average , Simplification and approximation. So have these topics atleast on your tips. So having a good hand on these topics is very important so that you can score good in this section.
- Practice these questions as much as you can , it will increase your speed and calculation skill , which is very important for the quant section.
Number Series :
- In this topic , we have numbers which are written in a sequence thus making a ‘Number Series’. These numbers are written in a sequence which mean they follow a specific pattern. So we have to observe that particular pattern and then answer accordingly.
- If you practice much, then you will have a good grip on this topic . In this way , you’ll become familiar with most of the patterns of number series . Then you will find it easy to solve in exams
- There are various patterns which can be asked in number series questions . We are listing some of the commonly asked patterns in Exams :Pattern based on differncesPerfect Square PatternPerfect Cube PatternCube root patternSquare root patternTable of any number patternPrime Number PatternMultiplication PatternAddition PatternDifference PatternDivison PatternGeometric Series
- Sometimes all the numbers of the series are given but one of the numbers doesn’t follow the pattern followed by rest of the numbers of the series. So we have to identify the pattern to eliminate inappropriate/wrong number in the series. This pattern is known as Odd one out pattern.
Quadratic Equation :
- Quadratic equation is easy for those who are well aware with its concepts.But it is quite difficult to solve questions of this for those who are yet not familiar with the concepts.
- In this topic , The questions consist of a single variety of questions .Genearlly two quadratic equations are given. In one quadratic equation variable x and in another quadratic equation variable y is given. We have to solve the equations individually to find out the value of x and y both. After finding the values, we need to compare the values of x and y and the mark the answer accordingly.
- In questions of this topic , we have to choose one of the following options in exam-i)x>y ( It means x is greater than y and also it means y is smaller than x)ii) x<y ( It means y is greater than x and also it means x is smaller than y)iii)x>= y ( It means x is greater than and equal to y)iv)x<=y ( It means y is greater than and equal to x)v)x=y or no relation can be established.
- After solving the equations , deduce the result and choose the right option very carefully. Sometimes students solve the equations correctly , but select the wrong option.
- There are certain formulas and tricks for these questions. Learn those in advance.
Simplification/Approximation :
- Simplification/Approximation questions are all about BODMAS rule. One should strictly follow the order of BODMAS rule while solving questions from this topic .
- The order of BODMAS rule is as follows :B : Brackets (first solve small brackets , then middle brackets and then large brackets)O : OfD : DivisionM : MultiplicationA : AdditionS: Subtraction
- In simplification question , you have to take the exact digit , you cannot approximate the question or answer according to you.You have to find the exact answer in simplification questions .In approximation question , you can approximate the question as well as the answer given in option up to a certain limit. You need to find the nearest value in approximation questions, not the exact answer.
- Sharpen your calculation skills by practice. Questions from this topic will give you very good score in less time provided your calculation speed is good.Learn tables(1-30) , squares(1-50) , cubes(1-30) , square roots and cube roots to solve these questions accurately in a fast manner.
Data Sufficiency :
- In questions of this topic , we do not need to completely solve the question . We need to just check whether the given statements are enough to provide the answer for the question or not.
- There are five options in data sufficiency questions in exam which are as following :1.If the data in both statements I and II together are not sufficient to answer the question.2.If the data in both the statement I and II together are necessary to answer the question.3.If either of the data in statement I alone or in statement II alone are sufficient to answer the question.4.If the data in statement I alone are sufficient to answer the question, while the data in statement II alone are not sufficient to answer the question.5.If the data in statement II alone are sufficient to answer the question, while the data in statement I alone are not sufficient to answer the question.
- Do not make any assumptions about the data or questions. Only use that data which is given in the statements already.
Miscellaneous :
- This section includes questions from various topics. So you should be well aware with the concepts of following topics :Average, Ratio & Proportion , Percentage , Profit & Loss , Problem based on Ages , Mixture & Allegation , Simple Interest & Compound Interest ,Time & work , Speed, time & Distance , Mensuration ,Boat and stream , Probability , Permutation etc .
- These topics have some certain formulas , tricks and concepts , be very familiar with concepts of each of the topic . Even if you do not solve the questions of miscellaneous topic in exam , you will need these concepts in other topics like Data Sufficiency, Data Interpretation .So Prepare all of these topics very well.
All the best for your exams.