20 Days Study Plan for RBI Grade B Prelims Exam 2017
Dear Readers,
You can go through 20 days Study Plan for RBI Grade B Exam from this post. Preliminary Exam of RBI Grade B will be conducted on 17th June 2017 as per official notification. We hope that this study plan for RBI Grade B Exam will help you utilize your time efficiently before exam and thus prepare better.
RBI Grade B examination is one of the best bank examinations conducted across the country. It is an opportunity to one of the most prestigious and sought after posts in the country. Many students appear for this examination every year with a dream to become an officer. They struggle hard to secure a position among the few vacancies. Cracking the exam in 20 days is not going to be an easy task. It is very daunting. But, yet it is possible, if you prepare with the right strategy and study plan.
20 days for RBI Grade B Preliminary Exam 2017
Before starting with the study plan, make sure that you go through the detailed exam pattern and syllabus as well as previous year cutoff of this exam.
Now let us have a look at the study plan of RBI Grade B Prelims exam.
1. Analyze RBI Grade B Phase-I examination previous year paper
This is the most important part of preparation. You need to analyze the previous year paper to know about the important topics, exam pattern and type of question asked in the exam. You will get a brief idea about your strengths and weaknesses; once you get a brief idea of your strengths and weaknesses you can start working on them. Analyze the previous year paper very carefully.
2. Section-wise Preparation
RBI Grade B exam paper consists of four sections General Awareness, Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning and English. It has a total of 200 questions with a time limit of 120 minutes to attempt the paper.
We will now discuss individual sections and their preparation strategy.
General Awareness
It carries 80 marks out of total 200 marks. It is a crucial part of the examination as it is a very scoring section. You need to be proficient in Indian Economy and aware of current affairs of last three or four months to more well in this section.
The questions can be asked for different topics –
- Banking & Financial, EconomicsBanking, financial and economic terminologies, Economic terms, Monetary policies and important guidelines related to RBI Financial & Economic news.
- Current AffairsNational & international news, Business News, Sports News, Summits and Conferences, recent schemes, International agreements etc.
- Static GKIt includes knowledge about countries, different states of the country, dams, rivers, industries, mountains, stadiums, wildlife reserves etc.
How to prepare for this Section
- Start with NCERT books. There cannot be a better source than NCERT books to clear your basics in Economics. Read 9, 10, 11 and 12 class Economic books. Be very thorough with economic terms and terminologies. These will give you good fundamentals you require.
- Read important topics about RBI: Their schemes, functions, deputy governors, headquarters, committees formed by them. Get yourself acquainted with the history of RBI. In addition to this have a thorough knowledge about the important schemes and initiatives undertaken recently along with their monetary policies.
- Read Newspaper and magazine daily. It will help you a lot with your knowledge of current affairs. At least read the current affairs of last four months. Know about the different schemes and initiatives undertaken by the Government recently. These types of questions have a high probability of coming in the exam. So, the more thorough you are the higher you can score.
- Devote daily 2 hours for the section. Economics forming a larger chunk of this section devote more time to it. Be regular in this section.
- Make short notes/memory maps for current affairs and revise them daily.
- For static GK, read the topic according to your interest. As static GK is very vast, it cannot be mastered in such short time duration of 20 days. Remember, it is not UPSC. So don’t overdose yourself with static GK. Read only those topics which are important from the exam point of view.
- As GA forms a mandatory section of all banking exams, practice the GA section of exams like IBPS, SBI etc.
English Language
This section consists of 30 questions average. Difficulty level of Moderate is to be expected. Questions are asked from different topics-
- Reading comprehension – 10 Questions
- Cloze Test – 10 Questions
- Para jumbles – 5 Questions
- Spotting Error – 5 Questions
Reading comprehension Questions are normally lengthy consisting of 3-4 questions based on vocabulary and synonym-antonyms with reference to the passage given. These are of moderate difficulty where as parajumbles questions are considered to be the toughest. Spotting error and cloze test questions are of difficult.
How to prepare for this Section
- Devote 3 hours to this section concentrate more on RC and parajumbles. Practice more of parajumble questions as it is comparatively tough.
- Give important to vocabulary. Mug-up antonyms and synonym. Remember the meanings of words forming a sentence. This will help you retain the words in memory for longer time. Work on vocabulary daily for one hour.
- Give time to each topic one by one. Do not rush through the topics all at a once. Don’t over exert yourself with one topic. It will not only bore you but decrease your retention capability.
- Cover the basics of Grammar. It will help you in opt the errors and fill in the blanks type of question.
Quantitative Aptitude
This section consists of 30 Questions. Average difficulty level of this section is expected to be tough. Questions in this section are asked from the following topics:
- Number Series
- Data Interpretation
- Quadratic Equation
- Miscellaneous Questions
Data interpretation consists of missing DF, Pie chart, Caselet, Mix DI and Miscellaneous section. Miscellaneous section consists of topics such as – Profit loss, average, SI & CI, Ration and proportion, Time & Work, Time & Speed, Distance boats and stream etc.
How to prepare for this Section
- As this section is difficult in nature, try to devote more time to this section. Daily 3 hours of preparation for this section is needed.
- Understand the basics and concepts thoroughly. Refer a book for covering the basics. It will help you to group the concepts in order to solve the questions daily.
- Read each topic and switch topics in between to keep you interest in the topics. Pay special focus on Data interpretation and miscellaneous questions as more questions are from this section.
- Leave tables, squares and cubes till 30. Learn to conversion of fractions to percentage from ½ to 1/20. It will help you in calculations and let you save time in exam conditions.
Reasoning Ability
This section consists of 60 questions. Average difficulty level of this section is expected to be Moderate level. It consists of the following topics-
- Syllogism
- Seating Arrangement
- Linear Arrangement
- Input Output
- Logical Reasoning
- Inequality
- Data Sufficiency
- Coding Decoding
- Miscellaneous Questions
How to prepare for this Section
- Try to learn each topic one by one. Don’t rush through all the topics at once. Learn the basics and tricks in each of the topics.
- Learn the basics by studying from reference books. This will help you grasp the concepts and will help you grasp the concepts and will help you in solving the questions.
- Improve accuracy and speed. Try to practice as much as possible. This will only help you increase your speed and accuracy.
Devote 2 hours to this section daily. First complete the topics which are important and have more weight age in the examination and then move on to the less important topics.
3. Manage your Time Efficiently
Never try to learn all the topics in such a short duration of time separate the topics in each section according to you strength and weakness. Devote more time to the topics in which you are weaker. Practice a lot. Just focus on the important topics basing on the weight-age in exam.
4. Practice & Practice a lot
Practice makes a man perfect. It is the only way which will help you in the exam. Only learning concepts and basic will not help you unless you know their application and approach in different questions. You will develop this habit once you have enough practice.
5. Revision
Do not forget to revise what you have learnt. Try to revise each and every day. Otherwise you will forget what you have leant the previous day. In your time table give some time for revision. It will help you retaining what you have learnt before. For such a short period of time, I will suggest to keep yourself away from all the work and focus your concentration solely for revision. If you are working take a leave and prepare. This will help you prepare without any external pressure and stress.
You have approximately 480 hours to prepare. If you devote daily 10 hours of preparation, you will be having total 200 hours of preparation. So give yourself deadlines i.e. everyday make a plan to complete a particular portion of each of the four sections and whatever may be the case, complete that pre-decided portion. Even if you have to sit for extra hours to stay in pace with the deadline, do it. In this way, you will make proper utilization of time.
There will be many type of aspirants sitting for this exam. Some will be recent graduates, some will be working, or some will be in the final year . Whatever your professional may be, take a leave from it for the next 20 days, and give your whole concentration to this exam only. These 20 days are going to decide what your fate will be- an RBI officer or a repeater in the next year. So put all your hard-work and strength in these 20 days.
Lastly, no one can prepare the best time table for you. No one knows your strengths and weaknesses better than you. So, it is your sole responsibility that you prepare your own time table according to your convenience and stick to it during your preparation. Without planning for long hours of study at a stretch, read for 2 hour slots giving small breaks within the slots. Never over stress yourself. Work hard, prepare diligently towards your goal.
All the best for your exams..