In this post we are sharing some of Questions which was asked in today’s exam all Slots. & Also we are updating this section regularly.
Note:- This is the Questions & Data given by our users, we are stating that here, if anything does not match which came in the exam, we will not be responsible for the same, Please mention in the comments section We will try to rectify that.
Quantitative Aptitude Questions asked in SBI PO Pre Exam: 30 April 2017 - (Shift 1)
Number Series
- 9, 8, 14, 39, ?, 755
- 25, 32, 21, 34, 17, ?
- 11, 6, 7, 12, ? , 67.5
- 4, 7, 35, 83, 146, ?
- 521, 496, 447, 366, 245
Q. A dealer sell two A and B article at 20% and 30% profit. Total profit earned by him is Rs. 140 . Cost price of article A is 50 less than cost price if article B. Find the Cost Price of B.
Quadratic Equation -
X2 = 81
Y2 – 22y + 121 = 0
Reasoning Questions asked in SBI PO Pre Exam: 30 April 2017 - (Shift 1)
Scheduling – 6 Qs were based on scheduling, while 1 was a standalone question the other scheduling problem was followed by 5 questions related to it.- A,B,C,D,E had a task to do from Monday to Friday and you had to solve just 1Q based on this question. It was an easy to solve.
- One condition in the question was that “J and Q attended lectures on 6th and 13th dates of months from June to Nov” and the other condition was “from Jun to Nov, some months had 31 days while other had 30”. Based on these two conditions, you had to solve 5 Questions.
Arrangements and Patterns – 1Q – A set of numbers was given: 9528473. Whichever digits were divisible by 3, were to be subtracted by 2 and the even digits were to be added ‘1’. Now tell the digits that appear multiple times. Ans. – 7&5.
English Questions asked in SBI PO Pre Exam: 30 April 2017 - (Shift 1)
- Reading Comprehension – 10 Qs, Based on Hacking and technology (similar to 29th April’s passage). 2 Qs – Inference based & 4-5 Qs – Synonyms and Antonyms (out of which 2-3 synonym and antonyms were difficult while the rest were easy.)
- Cloze Test – 10 Qs, – The pattern of cloze test of similar to that asked on 29th April. The topic was “a discussion on ranking of colleges given by ranking bodies at a global level. The discussion included pros and cons based on such a ranking system given that different standards of education in different places. Most educationists are against this kind of categorization as it does not provide any benefit to the society.”The words given as fillers were mostly phrasal verbs. 2-3 CT Qs were moderate in difficulty and rest were easy.
- Error Spotting/Phrase Replacement – 10 Qs – Easy to moderate 6-7 Qs were easily solvable while 2-3 were moderate to difficult. You had to spot the errors in the sentences and replace them with given options. The errors were mostly in phrasal verbs like put off, etc.
Click Here For SBI PO Pre Exam Analysis 2017: 30 April 2017 (1st Slot)
Quantitative Aptitude Questions asked in SBI PO Pre Exam: 30 April 2017 - (Shift 2)
Number Series Second Shift:
- 13 12 22 63 ? (Ans. 248)
- 399 390 365 316 235 ? (Ans. 114)
- 29 36 25 38 21 ? (Ans. 42)
- 7 9 41 98 175 ? (Ans. 267)
- 13 7 8 13.5 ? 75 (Ans. 29)
Reasoning Questions asked in SBI PO Pre Exam: 30 April 2017 - (Shift 2)
- Scheduling – 5 Qs – 8 People attended a seminar in 4 different month & in two different dates.
- Linear Arrangement – 5 Qs – Moderate – 8 people facing north (One other variable was given).
- Floor Puzzle – 5Qs – Moderate – 8 people staying in same building (One other variable was given).
English Questions asked in SBI PO Pre Exam: 30 April 2017 - (Shift 2)
- Cloze Test – 10Qs – Based on Australian Economy. Moderate to Difficult
- Reading Comprehension – 10 Qs – Based on Cyber Security, included synonyms and antonyms which were easy to solve.
- Synonyms – Antonyms – 2-3 Qs – Easy
- Phrase Replacement/Error Spotting – 10 Qs- Moderate – Based on Sentence improvement & Phrasal Verb. You had to spot the errors in the sentences and replace them with given options. The errors were mostly in phrasal verbs like put off, etc.
Click Here For SBI PO Pre Exam Analysis 2017: 30 April 2017 (2ND Slot)
Quantitative Aptitude Questions asked in SBI PO Pre Exam: 30 April 2017 - (Shift 3)
Number Series asked in 3rd Shift :
- 1 ) 325, 316, 291, 242 ,161, ? Ans 40
- 2 ) 15, 8, 9, 15, ?, 82.5 ? Ans 32
- 3 ) 6, 7, 28, 64 ,110, ? Ans 161
- 4 ) 11, 10, 18, 51, ?, 995 Ans 200
- 5 ) 31, 38, 27, 40, 23, ? Ans 42
Reasoning Questions asked in SBI PO Pre Exam: 30 April 2017 - (Shift 3)
Puzzle asked :Eight people Q, R ,S ,T, W, X, Y and Z have meeting on 8th and 15th of four months January, August, September and November .R has meeting on 15th of the month which has 30 days. Three people have meeting between R and S. Further it is known that no person has meeting between Q and S. Q doesn’t has meeting in the month of August. W and S has meeting on same date of consecutive month. T and W has meeting in the same month. X and Z has meeting on the same date and X has meeting before Z.X has meeting on 8th of August.
English Questions asked in SBI PO Pre Exam: 30 April 2017 - (Shift 3)
Quantitative Aptitude Questions asked in SBI PO Pre Exam: 30 April 2017 - (Shift 4)
Reasoning Questions asked in SBI PO Pre Exam: 30 April 2017 - (Shift 4)
English Questions asked in SBI PO Pre Exam: 30 April 2017 - (Shift 4)
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