Last Minute Tips for NIACL Assistant Prelims 2017

Today we are going to share some last-minute tips for NIACL Assistant Prelims Exam 2017. The first phase of NIACL Assistant 2017 is scheduled tomorrow on 23rd April 2017 (Sunday). In order to sail through this exam you need to have a proper test-taking strategy. These last-minute tips will be very helpful for those who are going to appear for this exam tomorrow.

NIACL Assistant Prelims 2017 Exam Pattern

It is very important to have a clear picture in mind regarding the pattern of the exam. NIACL Assistant preliminary exam has 100 questions which are divided in to 3 sections namely Reasoning Ability, Quantitative Aptitude and English Language. The time duration of exam is 1 hour. Following is the distribution of questions and marks in these three sections in this exam:
Test Name
No. Of Questions
Maximum Marks
Composite Time
Reasoning Ability
                          60 minutes


Time allotment for each section

First , take a look at  proper time allotment  that a candidate should spend at each section :
Time to allot for each section during exam
Reasoning Ability
20-25 Minutes
Quantitative Aptitude
25-30 Minutes
15 Minutes
 Note: This is the ideal time management for each section during preliminary exam to score good.  You can allot the time to each section according to your preference and suitability. 

Sectional Strategy NIACL Assistant Prelims 2017 Exam

Reasoning Ability:

To score good in reasoning ability section, you should NOT start it with puzzle/seating arrangement questions. Ideally you should start it from the following topics in which you can score well in less time:
  • Inequality
  • Syllogism
  • Coding-decoding
  • Miscellaneous questions of ranking, direction and blood relation.
After you are done with attempting these questions, you can start attempting puzzles and seating arrangement questions. Because these questions take much time in comparison to other questions. Also, There is no surety of cracking the puzzle/seating arrangement even after spending 10-15 minutes on it. So, follow a smart strategy for attempting this section.

Quantitative Aptitude:

To get a decent score in this section, you should try to attempt questions in following sequence:
  • Simplification / Approximation
  • Number Series
  • Data interpretation (selective questions which require less calculation)
After attempting questions, you can move to the miscellaneous question as per your remaining time for this section.


Attempt those questions first which you find easy and sure about the answer. Try to attempt this section in following sequence:
  • Error spotting questions
  • Fill in the blanks
  • Cloze Test
  • Antonyms/Synonyms from the RC
If the time allows then you can move to the para jumble and reading comprehension questions.
Note: In assistant/clerical level exam , there is possibility of Story Based reading comprehension. Then you should surely attempt it , because it is comparatively easy and less time taking than economy etc. based passages.

Tips, Strategies and Important points to remember :

  • Do not stuck into any question. If you are not able to solve any question , you should better leave it. Remember PRE exam is not about scoring tough questions , because every question is of 1 mark. So attempt those which you find comparatively easy.
  • Attempt sufficient questions with utmost accuracy to clear sectional as well as overall cut-off.
  • Time management is the key to success. Manage your time during exam very efficiently and smartly.
  • Do not panic if you find the exam tough. If it is tough , then it is tough for everyone. Just keep your focus on accuracy.
  • Read all the instructions above every question very well before attempting any question.
  • Just have faith on your capabilities and attempt the exam with a cool and calm mind.
  • Do not forget to take your admit card, original valid ID proof as well as photocopy of this ID proof and a photograph(same as that on the admit card) along with you. 

Do not stress, Do your Best , Forget the rest
All the best for your exam!

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  1. Thanks for the post . But the post in the webpage can't be read complete as the letters or the alignment of the content is not to center as most of Student view through mobile.Please fix it

  2. Thanks for your feedback,
    Backend team is fixing this..


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