Directions (Q. 1-5):
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions.
A word and number
arrangement machine, when given an input line of words and numbers, rearranges
them following a particular rule. The following is an illustration of input and
Input: 96 voluntary
supper 17 42 imprint brag until 61 30 shade 68 99 aerial
- Step I: until 99 96 voluntary supper 17 42 imprint brag 61 30 shade 68 aerial
- Step II: until 99 imprint 61 96 voluntary supper 17 42 brag 30 shade 68 aerial
- Step III: until 99 imprint 61 aerial 17 96 voluntary supper 42 brag 30 shade 68
- Step IV: until 99 imprint 61 aerial 17 brag 30 96 voluntary supper 42 shade 68
- Step V: until 99 imprint 61 aerial 17 brag 30 shade 42 96 voluntary supper 68
- Step VI: until 99 imprint 61 aerial 17 brag 30 shade 42 supper 68 96 voluntary
- Step VII: until 99 imprint 61 aerial 17 brag 30 shade 42 supper 68 voluntary 96
- Step VII is the last step of the above input.
Input: 31 ovation veil
12 24 again embark fabric 61 40 vendor 89
1. Which of the
following will be Step V of the rearrangement?
1) ovation 89 embark 61
31 again fabric 12 veil 24 vendor 40
2) ovation 89 embark 61
again 31 fabric 12 veil 24 40 vendor
3) ovation 89 61 embark
again 31 12 fabric veil 24 40 vendor
4) ovation 89 embark 61
again 31 fabric 12 veil 24 vendor 40
5) None of these
2. What is the position
of ‘fabric’ in Step IV?
1) Seventh from the
2) Seventh from the left
3) Sixth from the left
4) Fifth from the right
5) None of these
3. Which of the
following is third to the left of the one that is eighth from the left end in
Step III?
1) veil
2) 12
3) again
4) 31
5) None of these
4. Which of the
following will be the last step but one?
1) III
2) IV
3) V
4) Can’t be determined
5) None of these
5. If ‘ovation’ is
related to ‘61’ and ‘again’ is related to ‘vendor’, ‘24’ is related to which of
the following in Step II?
1) 40
2) veil
3) 31
4) again
5) None of these
Directions (Q. 6-10):
Study the following information to answer the questions given below:
A word and number
arrangement machine when given an input line of words and numbers rearranges
them following a particular rule in each step. The following is an illustration
of input and rearrangement. (Every number is a 2-digit number.)
Input: Ravi 77 take
medicine 96 85 64 73 every day 69.
- Step I: day Ravi 77 take medicine 85 64 73 every 69 96.
- Step II: day every Ravi 77 take medicine 64 73 69 96 85.
- Step III: day every medicine Ravi take 64 73 69 96 85 77.
- Step IV: day every medicine Ravi take 64 69 96 85 77 73.
- Step V: day every medicine Ravi take 64 96 85 77 73 69.
- Step VI: day every medicine Ravi take 96 85 77 73 69 64.
- Step VI is the last step of the above input
As per the rules
followed in the above steps, find out in each of the following questions, the
appropriate step for the given input.
Input: all in one 36 88
every second 79 68 95 60
(every number is a
two-digit number)
6. Which of the
following would be the last but one step?
1) second one in every
all 36 95 88 79 68 60.
2) in every all one 36
second 68 60 95 88 79.
3) all every in one
second 95 88 79 68 60 36.
4) one in every all 36
second 60 95 88 79 68.
5) None of these
7. Which word/number
would be at the seventh position from the left in Step IV?
1) every
2) all
3) 60
4) in
5) None of these
8. Which word/number
would be in the middle in Step II of the above input?
1) all
2) 95
3) one
4) 68
5) 36
9. Which of the following
words/numbers would be at the third position from the right in Step V?
1) 36
2) 79
3) one
4) second
5) None of these
10. How many steps are
required to complete the above input?
1) Four
2) Five
3) Six
4) Seven
5) Eight
- 4
- 2
- 3
- 2
- 1
- 5
- 3
- 5
- 2
- 3