Important Notes on Polity: Making of Constitution

Polity is a very important part of SSC CGL 2017 asked in the General Awareness Section. There are a minimum of 5 questions asked in SSC CPO & SSC CGL Examination.  
Here are the Important Notes on Making of Constitution an important part of Polity.



  • India was getting close to the independence and with this arise the need of the constitution. The idea to have the constitution in India was given in the year 1934 by Mr. M.N. Roy the pioneer of the communist movement in India.
  • In the year 1935 the Indian National Congress for the first demanded a Constituent Assembly to frame the constitution of India.
  • In the year 1938 Jawharlal Nehru on the behalf of congress said that the Constitution of India will be made by the independent constituent assembly without any external interference.
  • The demand was accepted by the British parliament which came to be known as the August Offer in the year 1940
  • In the year 1942, Cripps India Mission came to India under Sir Strafford Cripps and said that the Constituent Assembly will be setup but after the Second World War
  • Finally in May 1946, Cabinet Mission Plan came to India under Cripps, Lawrence and Alexander and they setup the Constituent Assembly of India

Constituent Assembly

  1. The Constituent Assembly of India consists of 389 members out of whom 292 members were elected from the various provinces, 93 members were nominated from the princely states and 4 members were from the Chief Commissioner areas of Delhi, Ajmer- Marwar, Coorg and British Baluchistan.
  2. The members of the Constituent Assembly were on the basis of the population and were in the ratio of roughly 1: 10,00,000(1 million).
  3. The seats of the provinces were divided into three major communities i.e. Muslims Sikhs and general (all except Muslims and Sikhs). The members of the each community selected there members by the method of proportional representation with single transferable voting system.
  4. The Constituent Assembly included all the important personalities of India except Mahatma Gandhi and M.A. Jinnah.
  5. After the creation of the new constituent assembly for Pakistan 90 members resigned from the constituent assembly of India which reduced the size of the assembly from 389 to 299 members.

Working of the Constituent Assembly

  • The first meeting of the Constituent Assembly took place on 9thDecember 1946 under the leadership of Dr. Sachidanand Sinha however he was only temporary president and was replaced by Dr, Rajendra Prasad and H.C. Mukherjee as the permanent President and Vice President of the Constituent Assembly on 11th December 1946. Mr. B.N. Rau was appointed as the advisor of the Constituent Assembly.
The Constituent Assembly presented three drafts of the Constitution on-
  1. 04th November 1948,
  2. 15th November 1948, and
  3. 14th November 1949.
After enormous number of changes the Constituent Assembly of India finally accepted the Constitution on 26th November 1949.

The last session of the Constituent Assembly took place on 24th January 1950 where Dr. Rajendra Prasad was elected as the President of India; out of the total members of the assembly 284 members signed the official copies of the Constitution. The Constitution of India came into force on 26th January 1950 which is also celebrated as the Republic Day of India.

The Constituent Assembly took 2 years, 11 months and 18 days in making the Constitution and the cost of making the Constitution was approximately 64 lac.

The Constitution of India is the longest written Constitution in the history of the world having a Preamble, 395 Articles, 22 Parts and 8 Schedules although presently it has around 465 Articles, 25 parts, 12 Schedules and more than 100 Amendment.

The nature of the Indian Constitution is Quasi-federal i.e. more federal and less unitary during the normal circumstances it is federal but during the proclamation of National Emergency under article 352 the nature of the constitution becomes unitary in nature.

Dr. B R Ambedkar played a major role and was the chairman of the drafting committee of the constitution that is why he is also known as the father of Indian Constitution or “Modern Manu”.

Chairman’s of the Important Committees

Name of the Comittee
Rules of Procedure Committee
Dr.Rajendra Prasad 
Fundamental Rights, Minorities
Vallabhbhai Patel
Union Powers Committee 
Jawaharlal Nehru
Union Constitution Committee
Jawaharlal Nehru
Drafting Committee       
B.R. Ambedkar
Flag Committee       
J.B. Kriplani

Drafting Committee 

Among the most important committees of the Constituent Assembly, the most important was the drafting committee which was set up on 29thAugust 1947. The main aim of this committee was the preparation of the draft of the new Constitution. The drafting committee consists of seven members.

  1. Bhimrao Ambedkar (Father of the Constitution)
  2. Gopalaswamy Ayyar
  3. Alladi Krishnaswamy Ayyar
  4. Syed Mohammad Saadullah
  5. K.M Munshi
  6. Madhava Rau (replaced B.L Mitra)
  7. T Krishnamachari (replaced D.P. Khaitan)
The Drafting Committee took less than six months to prepare the draft, in all it sat for the total of 141 days.

Some Important Points

  1. The Constitution was accepted on 26th November 1949
  2. The National Song was accepted on 24th January 1950
  3. The National Anthem was accepted on 24th January 1950
  4. The National Flag was accepted on 22nd July 1947
  5. Pingali Venkaiha from Andhra Pradesh was the designer of the National Flag of India
  6. Elephant was the symbol of the Constituent Assembly of India
  7. Prem Bihari Raizada was the English Calligrapher of the Constitution
  8. Vasant Krishna Vaidya was the Hindi Calligrapher of the Constitution 
All the best 

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