Data Interpretation Quiz for SBI PO Exams

Directions (Q. 1-5): The following bar-graph shows the number of adult Males and Females of six cities and the line graph shows percentage of adult Males and Females who voted in the last election:

1. What is the total number of Females from all the six cities together who voted in the last election?
1) 229060
2) 229160
3) 229260
4) 229360
5) 229460
2. In which pair of cities are the numbers of Males who voted in the last election equal?
1) A and B
2) B and C
3) C and D
4) A and C
5) B and D
3. What is the difference between the total number of Males and the total number of Males who voted in the last election?
1) 121750
2) 122850
3) 123740
4) 124550
5) None of these
4. The total number of Females from City A and City C together who voted in the last election is what percentage of the total number of Males from City A who voted in the last election?
1) 75%
2) 80%
3) 90%
4) 120%
5) 150%
5. The total number of Females from City F who voted in the last election is what percentage less than the total number of Males from the same city who voted in the last election?
1) 72%
2) 60%
3) 45%
4) 30%
5) 25%
Directions (Q. 6-10): The following graph shows the percentage number of students in three different disciplines (Science, Arts and Commerce) in a certain college for the period 2005 to 2010.

6. The total number of students in Arts discipline in the year 2007 was 300 and that in Commerce discipline in the year 2009 was 405. What was the difference between the total number of students in the year 2009 and the total number of students in the year 2007?
1) 90
2) 125
3) 150
4) 180
5) 200
7. What is the maximum difference between the number of students in Arts discipline for the given period for any two years?
1) 20
2) 25
3) 30
4) 35
5) Data inadequate
8. If the number of students in Arts discipline in the year 2005 and 2009 was equal to 360 each then in year 2009 the number of Commerce students is what percentage of the number of Commerce students in the year 2005?
1) 75%
2) 90%
3) 120%
4) 125%
5) None of these
9. If the number of Commerce students in the year 2006 and 2008 is equal to 560 each, what is the ratio of Arts students in the year 2006 to that in 2008?
1) 4 : 5
2) 5 : 9
3) 4 : 7
4) 7 : 10
5) 9 : 16
10. If the number of Science discipline students in the year 2007 and 2010 was 390 and 450 respectively, then the number of Commerce students is 2007 is what percentage more than the number of Arts students in 2010?
1) 10%
2) 15%
3) 20%
4) 25%
5) 30%


  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 2
  4. 5
  5. 5
  6. 3
  7. 5
  8. 2
  9. 4
  10. 5

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