SSC has released admit card and dates for SSC CGL 2016-17 Tier IV CPT/DEST Exam recently.This exam is only for the candidates who cleared SSC CGL TIER II Exam and were present for SSC CGL Tier III Exam.
CPT/DEST Admit Card & Dates of Various Regions
List of Regions | SSC CGL 2016-17 Tier IV Admit Card |
SSC Madhya Pradesh Region (MPR) Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh | Click here to download |
SSC Central Region (CR),Uttar Pradesh,Bihar
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SSC Northern Region (NR) Rajasthan, Delhi, Uttarakhand
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SSC Kerala Karnataka Region (KKR) Karnataka, Kerala
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SSC Southern Region (SR) Andhra Pradesh, Punduchery, Tamilnadu
Not Released
SSC North Eastern Region (NER) Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Meghalaya, Tripura, Nagaland, Mizoram
Not Released
SSC Western Region (WR) Maharashtra, Gujrat, Goa
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SSC Eastern Region (ER) West Bengal, Orrisa, Jharkhand, A&N Island, Sikkim
Not Released.
SSC North Western Region (NWR) Haryana, Punjab, J&K, Himachal Pradesh
Not released.
- Tier 4 CPT/ DEST will be conducted from 17th April 2017 to 16th may 2017. Dates of Exam for different Zones may be different. Document Verification will also be done.
- We will be uploading dates and admit card of all the regions once official notice is released.Stay tuned.
All the Best
Team AimsSuccess