The Indian Bank Exam conducting body has successfully conducted the mains examination, and now they released Indian Bank PO Interview Call Letter 2017. Candidates who qualified for the next selection process can download the Indian PO Interview Admit card from the official website
A huge of candidates who have applied has appeared for the mains exam which was conducted on 28th February 2017. For that exam, the officials released the results soon after completion of an exam. Now for the qualified candidates, the bank disclosed the Indian Bank PO PGDBF Interview Call Letter.
Indian Bank published the notification and invited online applications to recruit for the probationary officer post. And also for the admissions to Post Graduate Diploma in Banking and Finance course offered through the Manipal Global Education Services.
Candidates who are looking for latest bank jobs have applied and attended for the screening test. From that exam, the officials selected qualified aspirants and conducted mains examination in the month of February 2017 and declared the results.
Those who have qualified for the next selection process, i.e., the interview, can download the Indian Bank PO Interview Call Letter 2017 from the official web portal Candidates have to make a note about the details like roll number, time, date and venue of the exam furnished on the Indian PO Interview Admit card.
Without Indian Bank Probationary Officer Call Letter, no one is allowed to enter the interview process. Check out the instructions mentioned on the call letter before the exam. The officials commenced to conduct the interview process on 20th March 2017.
Steps to download interview call letter:
- Visit official website
- Click on Indian Bank PO Interview Call Letter 2017 download link provided on the homepage.
- Enter all the necessary details like Roll number and Date of Birth in empty boxes.
- Click on submit button.
- Download the Indian PO Interview Admit card and take a print out of it.
Interview Date: 20.03.2017
Official Interview call letter link click Here
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