Staff Selection Commission Combined Graduate Level Examination is one of the biggest recruitment drives carried out by the central government almost every year. The examination is divided into basically two tiers with the first tier being based on English, Mathematics, General Awareness and Reasoning and the Tier II being based on only Mathematics and English. From 2016 onwards (as proposed), there will be no interview for the SSC posts since interviews have been done away with for Group B and C jobs for which recruitment is done through SSC. Coming to posts for which recruitments are done, all the posts are open for both males and females, but taking into consideration the job nature of different posts; we shall look into the preference of posts for which female candidates should go for. However, the discussion is purely based on convenience of women rather than the eligibility of women for the posts.
The list below is made according to the preference order that can be ideal for female candidates.
Assistant in IB / AFHQ / CVC / Railways / CSS / Other ministries or departments:
These are the posts most suitable for women candidates in general given the fact that all of them are office jobs with fixed working hours and postings in metro cities or New Delhi (For example, for Assistant in Ministry of Railways, posting is always in Rail Bhavan in New Delhi). Pay Scale for the post is 9300-34800 with the initial grade pay being 4600
Inspector in CBDT / CBEC / Assistant Enforcement Officer / Preventive Officer:
Though these posts carry postings in field, generally women candidates are allotted desk jobs in these posts since there are provisions for both. The posts are suitable for women both in the sense of postings as well faster promotions since promotions are timely in these posts given there is requirement of officers in the senior level in the regions. The pay scale is 9300-34800 with 4600 being the grade pay. However, Inspector in Income Tax comes under Group C whereas others are classified as Group B posts
Assistant in Ministry of External Affairs:
This post should be given in the top 10 but towards the end because postings are both in foreign and New Delhi. It may be a bit difficult to maintain family life in this post due to that fact, otherwise, the job is good as postings are mostly in New Delhi while in India and Embassies or Consulates while in abroad. General Assistants should be preferred over Cypher Assistants since Sypher Assistants need to work in night shifts as well as with no fixed holiday. Pay scale for the post is same as that of the above posts with the post being classified under Group B
Divisional Accountants:
This is the best post through SSC CGL for female candidates though the grade pay is 4200 with the pay band being 9300-34800. Postings are mainly in own states with state capitals being the offices and a strictly desk job with no requirement of travelling outside the office. The job profile is mainly auditing various projects of the state governments and sending reports to the CAG head office in New Delhi. Since, salary is not as much as the above mentioned posts, preference is given to those posts over this one
Inspector of Posts:
A post classified as Group B of the Central Government with the grade pay being 4200 in the pay band of 9300-34800 for this post. The job profile is suitable for female candidates as mostly they have to sit in offices and take stock of the works done by dak sevaks in the grassroots level, however, if one has to meet the targets, one may have to go for canvassing in rural areas. Given the vast network of post offices all over India, chances of home postings are more for female candidates in this post and with timely promotion, one can go up the ladder very quickly.
Statistical Investigator Grade II:
This post is classified for Science students only either in the higher secondary level or in the graduation level. The job profile is suitable for women since it includes only desk job and fixed office hours as well. The female candidates from a Science background should give this as their preference, but keep in mind; one has to take the Statistics paper to be recruited to this post. Non-science background students can ignore this post while exercising preferences
Sub Inspector in CBI / NIA / Inspector in Central Bureau of Narcotics:
These posts are generally not very much suitable for women candidates because of the nature of the job being hectic and more involvement in duties so may be a bit problematic to maintain family life. The grade pay is 4200 with the pay band being 9300-34800. However, keep in mind that these posts carry certain physical standards as well, so check the physical standards like height, weight and vision as well before applying for these posts to avoid any problem in the later stages
Auditor / Junior Accountant: This is suitable for female candidates because of the fact that this is mainly an office job with fixed timings and there are chances that women will get home postings in these jobs. The pay scale is 5200-20200 with grade pay being 2800 for these posts. But, these posts are classified under Group C of general Central Service
Auditor / Junior Accountant: This is suitable for female candidates because of the fact that this is mainly an office job with fixed timings and there are chances that women will get home postings in these jobs. The pay scale is 5200-20200 with grade pay being 2800 for these posts. But, these posts are classified under Group C of general Central Service
Upper Division Clerks in Various Government Departments / Ministries:
These posts are not good because of its low salary (Even after the 7th pay commission, salary will be very low) with respect to the postings in New Delhi or state capitals or other metro cities. So, do not go for this post at all unless you are allotted to this cadre on the basis of marks obtained by SSC. The grade pay is 2400 in the pay band of 5200-20200 for these posts. Promotion chances are decent considering the huge requirement for various departments all over India
The post is classified under Group C of general central service with the grade pay being 2400 in the pay band of 5200-20200. The postings are generally in the offices of Registrar General on India in various cities or in New Delhi. Given the low salary initially, it should not be given as a preference in the top 20. However, people with a love for numbers can go for this post since the job involves compiling data collected under various surveys and also maintaining them. The post is only for those who have degree with Economics / Mathematics / Statistics as one of the compulsory or elective subjects in the degree level. So, non-science background students can ignore it
Tax Assistants in CBDT / CBEC:
This is basically an office based desk job with regard to collecting data, verifying tax compliance etc. Suitable for females, this job offers decent promotional avenues as well but due to the fact that one is starting at a lower grade, it takes time to reach to the top (Ambitious Ladies, do not go for these unless, yes, you get allotted to this post). The pay band is same as above at 5200-20200 with the grade pay being 2400
The posts are classified according to the job profiles as well as salary and status (Group B or C) and the candidates can go through the profiles and select accordingly. The ones clubbed together are almost similar in nature in terms of salary, perks, job profile etc. and hence, candidates can choose according to personal views among them. Again, the last word of caution is, candidates should understand their own goals and give preferences accordingly since there is no provision of changing the preferences at a later stage in case of SSC CGL.