RRB NTPC Exam 2016: Aptitude Test (Sample Paper) Released by RRB

RRB NTPC 2016: RRB has released the sample paper of Aptitude Test. This test is the Tier III for the candidates who filled the preference of Assistant Station Master (ASM) & Traffic Assistant. Candidates who pass the Stage 2 exam, they will be called for this test. Candidates can check the link of Aptitude'sample paper. 

Syllabus of Aptitude Test

In the Aptitude test, There are several things which are used to be tested: - 

Intelligence Test:

In this test each problem consists of five figures, four of which are similar in a certain way. It is required to find out the one which is different from other four.

Selective Attention Test:

This is a test to find out how quickly you can compare two numbers and decide whether or not they are the same. In this test your task is to add odd numbers, for example 1, 3, 5, etc., and indicate which of the five options shows the correct sum. While counting even numbers are to be ignored.

Spatial Scanning Test:

This is a test of how rapidly and accurately one can see objects in order to match them. You have to find out shortest possible route between any two stations (represented by alphabets) in the shortest possible time in a given map. Dark lines indicate streets. The circles are barriers, which cannot be crossed. Squares containing numbers represent houses. Number of the house passed by while finding the shortest route will be your answer.

Personality Test:

In this test you have to answers according to your interest and views. Based on your answers two different dimensions of your personality would be evaluated and two separate scores would be generated. It is mandatory for you to qualify on both the dimensions of personality for being suitable in this test.

To View official sample paper of Aptitude Test, Click on below link:-

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  1. Can you please tell me the important documents that can be used to fill RRB Online Registration Form?


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