1. Which of the following displays the contents of active cell?
- 1) Toolbar
- 2) Menubar
- 3) Namebox
- 4) Formula bar
- 5) None of these
2. What type of program controls the various computer parts and allows the user to interact with the computer?
- 1) Utility software
- 2) Operating system
- 3) Word processing software
- 4) Database program
- 5) None of these
3. What is backup?
- 1) Adding more components to your network
- 2) Protecting data by copying it from the original source to a different destination
- 3) Filtering old data from the new data
- 4) Accessing data on tape
- 5) None of these
4. A word in a web page that, when clicked, opens another document:
- 1) anchor
- 2) hyperlink
- 3) reference
- 4) URL
- 5) None of these
5. The________, also called the Web, contains billons of documents.
- 1) World Wide Web
- 2) HTTP
- 3) Webportal
- 4) domain
- 5) None of these
6. A command that takes what has been typed into the computer and can be seen on the screen and sends it to the printer for output on paper:
- 1) print
- 2) return
- 3) jump
- 4) attention
- 5) None of these
7. A CPU contains
- 1) a card reader and printing device
- 2) an analytical engine and control unit
- 3) a control unit and an arithmetic logic unit
- 4) an arithmetic logic unit and a card reader
- 5) None of these
8. A powerful key that lets you exit a program when pushed:
- 1) arrow keys
- 2) spacebar
- 3) escape key
- 4) return key
- 5) None of these
9. Secondary storage
- 1) does not require constant power
- 2) does not use magnetic media
- 3) consists of four main types of devices
- 4) does not store information for later retrieval
- 5) None of the above
10. The first computers were programmed using
- 1) assembly language
- 2) machine language
- 3) spaghetti code
- 4) source code
- 5) None of the above
- 4
- 2
- 2
- 2
- 1
- 1
- 3
- 3
- 1
- 2