Air Traffic Control AAI Junior Executive Exam Analysis the Exam: Airports Authority of India (AAI) is being conducted exam today i.e., 29th November 2018 for the post of Junior Executives. This article about AAI Junior Executive Analysis 2018 provides all the AAI aspirants detailed review of the exam with difficulty level and the types of questions asked. Read this AAI exam analysis 2018 to analyse your paper.
AAI Junior Executive (ATC) Exam Pattern:
Subjects | No. of Questions | Marks |
Subject Related (Physics & Maths) | 60 | 60 |
English Language | 20 | 20 |
General Intelligence/ Reasoning | 15 | 15 |
General Aptitude | 15 | 15 |
General Knowledge/ Awareness | 10 | 10 |
Total | 120 | 120 |
No Negative marking.
English Language Analysis for AAI (ATC) Exam 2018:
Go through the below table accurately to know about the number of questions asked for different topics of English Language.This analysis makes this contemplation stronger that same distribution of questions from respective sections is also expected in other shifts of AAI Junior Executive 2018 Exam.
S.No. | Topics | No. Of Questions asked in AAI (Junior Executive(ATC)) 2018 |
1 | Fill in the Blanks | 6-8 |
2 | Error Detection | 4 |
3 | Sentence Rearrangement | - |
4 | Idioms and Phrases | - |
5 | Synonyms | 3 |
6 | Antonyms | 1 |
7 | Narration | 4-5 |
8 | Phrase Substitution | - |
9 | One word Substitution | 1 |
10 | Passage (2) | - |
9 | Spelling | 1 |
Total Questions | 20 |
General Intelligence/ Reasoning Analysis for AAI (ATC) Exam 2018:
For your convenience, we are providing the exact number of questions asked from in todays Shift of AAI (ATC).S.No. | Topics | No. Of Questions asked in AAI (Junior Executive(ATC)) 2018 |
1 | Venn Diagram | 1 |
2 | Sequence & Ranking | 2 |
3 | Series | 1 |
4 | Odd One Out | 1 |
5 | Directions | 1 |
6 | Analogy | 2 |
7 | Coding-Decoding | 1-2 |
8 | Blood Relation | 1 |
9 | Misc. | 8-9 |
10 | Total Questions | 15 |
Quantitative Aptitude / Numerical Ability Analysis for AAI (ATC) Exam 2018:
Pie chart - Based on population
Bar chart- Based on Income Expenditure
S.No. | Topics | No. Of Questions asked in AAI (Junior Executive(ATC)) 2018 |
1 | Mensuration | 1 |
2 | Average | 1 |
3 | Number System | 1 |
4 | Percentage | 1 |
5 | Time & Work | 1-2 |
6 | Train | 1 |
7 | Profit & Loss | 2 |
8 | Pie Chart | 2 |
9 | Bar Chart | 2 |
Total Questions | 15 |
General Knowledge/ Awareness Analysis for AAI (ATC) Exam 2018:
Below we have provided the number of questions from the relevant topics in the exam of AAI Junior Executive ATC.
Below we have provided the number of questions from the relevant topics in the exam of AAI Junior Executive ATC.
General Knowledge/ Awareness Questions asked in Air Traffic Control AAI Junior Executive Exam 30th November 2018
- Who is the Chairman of SEBI?
- Who was the winner of Cricket world cup 2015?
- Who is Deity of Elephanta cave?
- Style of painting belonging to Maharashtra.
- India rank asked in world press freedom index.
- Supreme court establishment comes under in which article in Indian Constitution
- Simplipal Bioreserve situated at?
- Phosphorus burn in air then which type of combustion takes place?
- Who is the speaker of Lok sabha?
- Book Endangered animals and plants published by ICUN? Ans RED BOOK
S.No. | Topics | No. Of Questions asked in AAI (Junior Executive(ATC)) 2018 |
1 | History | 1 |
2 | Polity | 1 |
3 | Geography | - |
4 | Economics | - |
5 | Current Affairs | 5-6 |
6 | Physics | - |
7 | Chemistry | 1 |
7 | Biology | - |
Total Questions | 10 |
Subject Related Analysis for AAI (ATC) Exam 2018:
Physics & Maths Analysis for AAI (ATC) Exam 2018:
Topics of few question that were asked in examination are as follows:
Topics of few question that were asked in examination are as follows:
- Differentiation [6+ questions]
- partial differentiation
- Matrix in eigen value
- Electromagnetic [10+ questions]
- Kinetic Energy
- Braggs Law
- Photoelectric Effect
- Magnetism
- Dielectric
- Curie Law
- Numerical: Energy was given, you have to find speed of electron.
- Wave optics Numerical
- 2 numerical from refractive index