Reading Comprehension for IBPS/SEBI/Canara Bank 2018: 11 November
Directions (Q. 1-10): Read the passage carefully and answer the questions given below it. Certain words/phrases are given in bold to help you locate them while answering some of the questions.
The concept of secularism was vibrant in the Indic region with the realisation not only of one God but of the essential oneness of all existence: “Ekam Sat bipra bahudha vadanti.” The ultimate reality is singular as time or space is, but appears to be many due to apparent divisions. The Rig Veda proclaims that diverse ways of worship reach the same destination as different rivers reach the same ocean. The Gita confirms that every form of worship is a valid way to reach the Supreme Self. But the truth is shrouded with the mist of religious ritualism.
An Ashokan inscription advises, “Honour another’s religion, for doing so strengthens both one’s own and that of the other.” Emperor Akbar would hold meetings with Hindus, Christians and other faiths for comparative study of contrast and parallelism. He was enthusiastic about matrimonial alliances wherein bride and groom followed different faiths, and significantly, encouraged the said brides to follow their own religious paths – there was no insistence on conversion. It would be oversimplification to dismiss this as nothing more than political expediency.
In recent times, with a vision of universal religion, Swami Vivekananda proclaimed, “We want to lead mankind to the place where there is neither the Vedas, the Bible nor the Quran; yet this has to be done by harmonising all the holy books of all religions. Religions are but varied expressions of Oneness, so that each may choose the path that suits him best.”
In recent times, with a vision of universal religion, Swami Vivekananda proclaimed, “We want to lead mankind to the place where there is neither the Vedas, the Bible nor the Quran; yet this has to be done by harmonising all the holy books of all religions. Religions are but varied expressions of Oneness, so that each may choose the path that suits him best.”
Paramahansa Yogananda spread the message of yoga in the West predominantly to Christians who accepted the eternal message of yoga for Self-realisation. Indic spirituality being essentially secular has overwhelmed the seekers of truth all over the globe. MK Gandhi’s daily prayer included readings and hymns from all major religions. Down the ages India has developed a rich tradition of secularism based on mutual respect and assimilation. Modern India has adopted a secular Constitution and we are proud of the same. But its recent interpretations reveal a narrow concept of religious toleration with an inherent sense of superiority complex instead of mutual respect. If secularism is kept confined within political limits it is bound to lose its meaning.
The western concept of secularism is significantly different, being antagonistic to religions. It springs from a negative attitude to religions and is motivated by a concern for justice – whereas, in India, secularism implies a profound respect for all religions and an inclusive and impartial attitude to non-believers as well. In this context S Radhakrishnan explained, “When India is said to be a secular state, it does not mean that we reject the reality of an unseen spirit or the relevance of religion to life or that we exalt irreligion. It does not mean that secularism itself becomes a positive religion or that the state assumes divine prerogatives. We hold that not one religion should be given preferential status. This view of religious impartiality or comprehension and forbearance has a prophetic role to play within the national and international life.”
Religion is just the outer garment of spirituality. It has to end in spirituality. ‘Atmanam viddhi’ or ‘Know Thyself’ was the motto adopted by this country. The rituals, practices and discipline of religion should give us divine realisation of the oneness of the spirit. In this age of science, secularism has to be based on science of religions from which social, political and ethical value system should spontaneously flow in every sphere of life, leading to peaceful and harmonious coexistence for mutual benefit.
1. Find the correct statement in the context of the given passage.
1) Every religion has to end in spirituality.
2) Religion is like an outfit of spirituality.
3) Different disciplines of religion should give us the realisation of oneness of the spirit.
4) India has adopted the motto of ‘Know Thyself’ since time immemorial.
5) All the above
2. Which of the following is the reason for India adopting a secular constitution?
1) Gandhiji, the father of the nation, always favoured religious harmony among the people of India.
2) India has developed a rich tradition of secularism on the basis of mutual respect and assimilation since very long.
3) Secularism should not be confined within political limits.
4) India, predominantly being a Hindu nation, supported a secular constitution so that other religious groups may not feel offended.
5) Secularism is the essence of democracy.
3. Which of the following is/are the feature(s) of secularism in India?
(A) In India, secularism implies a profound respect for all religions.
(B) India’s secularism respects even those who do not believe in any faith or religion.
(C) Here in India, Muslims are treated at par with other religious or non-religious groups.
1) Only (A)
2) Only (A) and (B)
3) All (A), (B) and (C)
4) Only (B) and (C)
5) Only (A) and (C)
4. Find the correct statement on the basis of the given passage.
1) Akbar was a fanatic Muslim and always looked down on other religions such as Christianity, Hinduism and Jainism.
2) Akbar did not insist on conversion of one’s religion even in cases of inter-religion marriage.
3) Akbar started Din-e-Ilahi.
4) Akbar patronised Sufism in India.
5) All the above are incorrect.
5. What, according to Swami Vivekananda, is/are correct in the context of the passage?
1) The contents of the Vedas, the Bible, or the Quran should be merged and a new religious book acceptable to all should be prepared.
2) Religions are diversified expression of oneness so that every body can choose his desired path.
3) Hinduism, being the oldest religion in the world, should be placed at the top.
4) There should be no discrimination among human beings on the basis of their religions.
5) All are correct
6. Find the correct statement(s) on the basis of the given passage.
1) The concept of secularism has been present in India since very long with the main theme of one God and oneness of all existence.
2) According to an Ashokan inscription, honouring another’s religion strengthens the religion of one’s own as well as that of the other.
3) Akbar encouraged matrimonial alliances wherein bride and groom followed different faiths.
4) Only 1) and 2)
5) All 1) , 2), and 3)
Directions (Q. 7-8): Choose the word/group of words which is MOST SIMILAR in meaning to the word/group of words printed in bold as used in the passage.
7. Antagonistic
1) similar 2) reluctant 3) averse 4) aside 5) pro
8. Expediency
1) desirability 2) alacrity 3) excursion 4) apprehension 5) difference
Directions (Q. 9-10): Choose the word/group of words which is MOST OPPOSITE in meaning of the word/group of words printed in bold as used in the passage.
9. Vibrant
1) sonorous 2) robust 3) vital 4) extinct 5) observed
10. Diverse
1) homogenous 2) combined 3) stable 4) impious 5) unified
- 5
- 2
- 3
- 2
- 2
- 5
- 3
- 1
- 4
- 5