INPUT - OUTPUT for IBPS PO/RRB Mains 2018: 27 Aug
Directions (Q. 1-5): Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions
- Step I:81 prohibition 36 wirless 49 enourmour 16 treasurer 25 interrelate 64 vacation abundant
- Step II:81 25 prohibition 36 wirless 49 16 treasurer interrelate 64 vacation abundant enourmour
- Step III:81 25 49 prohibition 36 wirless 16 treasurer 64 vacation abundant enourmour interrelate
- Step IV: 81 25 49 64 36 wirless 16 treasurer vacation abundant enourmour interrelate prohibition
- Step V:81 25 49 64 16 36 wirless vacation abundant enourmour interrelate prohibition treasurer
- Step VI:81 25 49 64 16 36 wirless abundant enourmour interrelate prohibition treasurer vacation
- Step VII: 81 25 49 64 16 36 abundant enourmour interrelate prohibition treasurer vacation wirless
- Step VII is the last step of the rearrangment.
As per the rules followed in the above steps, find out in each of the following questions the appropriate step for the input given below.
Input:196 narcotic senseless 121 81 orderly tetanus 4 knead unofficial 144 abstract reorganise 9
1.Which of the following would be last step but one?
1) 121 9 81 196 4 144 senseless tetanus reorganise abstract unofficial knead narcotic
2) 121 9 81 196 4 144 senseless tetanus abstract orderly unofficial knead narcotic reorganize
3) 121 9 81 196 4 144 unofficial abstract knead narcotic orderly reorganise senseless tetanus
4) 121 9 81 196 4 144 abstract orderly unofficial knead narcotic reorganise senseless tetanus
5) None of these
2.Which step number would be following output?
‘121 9 81 196 4 narcotic senseless tetanus 144 reorganise abstract orderly unofficial knead?
1) VII
2) VI
3) V
4) IV
5) None of these
3.In step III, which of the following number/word would be at sixth place from the right end?
1) knead
2) unofficial
3) senseless
4) 144
5) None of these
4.Which of the following would be the last step of the arrangement?
1) V
2) VII
3) VI
4) X
5) None of these
5.In step V of the rearrangement, ‘81’ is related to ‘121’ and ‘144’ is related to ‘196’ in a certain way. Which of the following would ‘reorganize’ be related to, following the same pattern?
1) orderly
2) unofficial
3) tetanus
4) 9
5) None of these
Directions (Q. 6-10): Study the following information to answer the given questions.
A word and number arrangement machine when given an input of words and numbers, rearranges them following a particular rule. The following is an illustration of input and rearrangement.
Input: economy on 16 is cool hot begin 14 but new again 24
- Step I:begin 14 economy on 16 is cool hot but new again 24
- Step II: begin 14 on 16 economy is cool hot but new again 24
- Step III:begin 14 on 16 again 24 economy is cool hot but new
- Step IV:begin 14 on 16 again 24 new economy is cool hot but
- Step V:begin 14 on 16 again 24 new is economy cool hot but
- Step VI:begin 14 on 16 again 24 new is hot economy cool but
- Step VI is the last step of the rearrangement.
As per the rules followed in the above steps, find out in each of the following questions the appropriate step for the following input:
Input: Garden heat 36 in 8 below normal in 2 over
6.Which of the following would be the final arrangement?
1) in 2 in 8 heat 36 Garden below normal over
2) in 2 in 8 heat 36 over normal Garden below
3) in 2 in 8 heat 36 normal over Garden below
4) in 2 in 8 heat 36 normal Garden over below
5) None of these
7.Which step number will be the following output?
in 2 in 8 heat 36 Garden below normal over
1) III
2) IV
3) VI
4) V
5) There will be no such step
8.In Step IV which of the following words/numbers would be at eighth position from the left?
1) over
2) 36
3) below
4) Garden
5) None of these
9.Which of the following steps will be the last but one step of the rearrangement?
1) IV
2) V
3) VI
4) VII
5) None of these
10.In step III, if ‘heat’ is related to ‘Garden’ and ‘Garden’ is related to ‘normal’ in a certain way, which of the following would ‘36’ be related to in the same pattern?
1) Heat
2) Normal
3) 8
4) Below
5) None of these
Answers :-
- 5
- 4
- 1
- 5
- 5
- 2
- 1
- 4
- 1
- 4