Latest Pattern English MCQs for SBI PO Main 2018 : 17 July
English Section is very important to score better in Banking and other competitive exams. Now a day, the pattern of questions asked in this section are very lengthy and thus, time-consuming. But once dealt with proper strategy and accuracy, this section can get you the maximum marks in the examination. Here is another set of Questions to improve your speed and practice. Make most of it.
Directions (Q. 1-5): In each of the following questions a short passage is given with one of the lines in the passage missing and represented by a blank. Select the best out of the five choices given to make the passage complete and coherent. (Coherent means logically complete and sound.)
1. India has the world’s largest youth population comprising around one-fifth of the total world youth population. ___________ More than half (60.3 per cent) of India’s population falls within the ‘working age category of 15-59 years and about a quarter (27.5 per cent) in the ‘youth’ category of 15-29 years (Census of India, 2011). The youth population in India has grown at a higher rate annually (2 per cent) compared to overall rate of growth of population (1.6 per cent) between 2001 and 2011. India, as a result, adds around 10 million young people to the labour market every year.
1) Thus, the country is experiencing a youth bulge which is much more pronounced in the northern and eastern backward states of the country.
2) The challenge of employment thus largely concerns the youth aged 18-29 years.
3) Indian youth can contribute to higher economic growth if properly absorbed in the labour market.
4) Around two-fifths of the workers aged 18-29 years were self-employed, as against half for the workers above age of 30 years.
5) The industrial distribution of workers shows that the majority of persons in age category of 18-29 years were employed in agriculture and allied activities followed by trade, hotel and restaurant.
2) The challenge of employment thus largely concerns the youth aged 18-29 years.
3) Indian youth can contribute to higher economic growth if properly absorbed in the labour market.
4) Around two-fifths of the workers aged 18-29 years were self-employed, as against half for the workers above age of 30 years.
5) The industrial distribution of workers shows that the majority of persons in age category of 18-29 years were employed in agriculture and allied activities followed by trade, hotel and restaurant.
2. ___________ Start-ups are also the centres of innovation and are a great way to enhance employment creation in the economy. The Prime Minister formally launched the “Start-up India’ initiative on January 16, 2016 from Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi. This initiative aims at fostering entrepreneurship and promoting innovation by creating an ecosystem that is conducive for growth of startups.
1) Fostering a fruitful culture of innovation in the country is a long and important journey.
2) This type of startup is difficult to create but once created often sees unprecedented growth.
3) Doing a startup is tough and every country sees more failures than success.
4) The objective is that India must become a nation of job creators instead of being a nation of job seekers.
5) India needs 10 million jobs a year and global data shows that it is start ups, not large enterprises, that create new jobs in any country.
2) This type of startup is difficult to create but once created often sees unprecedented growth.
3) Doing a startup is tough and every country sees more failures than success.
4) The objective is that India must become a nation of job creators instead of being a nation of job seekers.
5) India needs 10 million jobs a year and global data shows that it is start ups, not large enterprises, that create new jobs in any country.
3. Rural development holds the key to sustainable economic growth and human development. The reduction in poverty is the fastest when rural economies are resurgent, proving opportunities for diversification of livelihoods in farm and non-farm sectors. India’s emergence as a global power depends on its ability to tackle the challenge of rural poverty and development effectively. ___________ It is only through an inclusive rural development agenda that sustainable human progress is possible.
1) Prime Minister Narendra Modi has given the vision of making a new India.
2) It is for this reason that the Government accords the highest priority to transforming lives in rural areas through livelihoods and to improving infrastructure to improve the well being of households.
3) Soil Health Cards are being issued to help the farmers decide judicious use of fertilisers.
4) And Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojna will guard the Indian farmer against vagaries of the nature and provide income security to rural households in their most difficult times.
5) This new Rural Housing programme was launched by the Prime Minister Narendra Modi with an aim of providing housing for all by 2022.
2) It is for this reason that the Government accords the highest priority to transforming lives in rural areas through livelihoods and to improving infrastructure to improve the well being of households.
3) Soil Health Cards are being issued to help the farmers decide judicious use of fertilisers.
4) And Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojna will guard the Indian farmer against vagaries of the nature and provide income security to rural households in their most difficult times.
5) This new Rural Housing programme was launched by the Prime Minister Narendra Modi with an aim of providing housing for all by 2022.
4. The Deen Dayal Antyodaya Yojana National Rural Livelihood Mission (DAY-NRLM) is making a difference to the lives and livelihoods of over 3.6 crore households from where women have joined Self Help Group (SHGs). The collectives of women under SHGs, Village Organisations (VOs) and Cluster Level Federations (CLFs) have evolved transformational social capital that is changing gender relations, access to services and participation in Gram Sabhas and Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs). ___________ One lakh fifty thousand women CRPs, who have themselves come out of poverty, are today the greatest agents of change in promoting sustainable agriculture, providing Banking Services, developing a cadre of Para Vets for animal care, Book keepers and Accountants to women’s collectives, and most importantly an agent for social transformation of villages.
1) The beneficiaries under PMAY Gramin have been selected up to 2022 based on the prioritisation and in a transparent manner.
2) The Department of Rural Development hopes to complete 51 lakh houses in 2017-18.
3) The draft report recognises the social capital developed through women’s collectives at village level.
4) The programme has given confidence to women to seek bank loans for economic activity after developing skills and competencies through a sustained Community Resource Person (CRP)-led handholding for livelihood diversification.
5) The ministry proposes to develop a composite index for poverty-free Gram Panchyats and to monitor the progress from the baseline.
2) The Department of Rural Development hopes to complete 51 lakh houses in 2017-18.
3) The draft report recognises the social capital developed through women’s collectives at village level.
4) The programme has given confidence to women to seek bank loans for economic activity after developing skills and competencies through a sustained Community Resource Person (CRP)-led handholding for livelihood diversification.
5) The ministry proposes to develop a composite index for poverty-free Gram Panchyats and to monitor the progress from the baseline.
5. Pradhan Mantri Awaas Yojana Gramin (PMAY-G), the new Rural Housing Programme, is designed to meet the needs and aspirations of households. ___________ The three filters have ensured that the genuinely poor homeless and those living in dilapidated houses, have been selected. A large number of households from vulnerable groups and a large number of women have been selected as beneficiaries. House design typologies incorporating disaster-resilient features have been finalised and are being used by the state Government under the programme.
1) Mahatma Gandhi NREGS has reached a new milestone by geotagging one crore assets and putting them in public domain.
2) GeoMGNREGA is a unique endeavour of the ministry of Rural Development in association with National Remote Sensing Centre (NRSC), ISRO and National Inforamtics Centre.
3) The beneficiaries under PMAY gramin have been selected upto 2022 based on proritisation and in a transparent manner.
4) It is expected that the exercise will lead to greater transparency and ensure accountability at field level.
5) Training was imparted to around 2.76 lakh personnel across the country with the help of the National Institute of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj (NRD & PR).
2) GeoMGNREGA is a unique endeavour of the ministry of Rural Development in association with National Remote Sensing Centre (NRSC), ISRO and National Inforamtics Centre.
3) The beneficiaries under PMAY gramin have been selected upto 2022 based on proritisation and in a transparent manner.
4) It is expected that the exercise will lead to greater transparency and ensure accountability at field level.
5) Training was imparted to around 2.76 lakh personnel across the country with the help of the National Institute of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj (NRD & PR).
Directions (Q. 6-10): Five statements are given below, labelled 1), 2), 3), 4) and 5). Among these four statements are in logical order and form a coherent paragraph/passage. From the given options, choose the option that does not fit into the theme of the passage.
6. 1) As per the National Youth Policy, 2014, all young persons in the age group 15-29 years constitute youth population which is a diverse group with varying needs, aspiration and requirements.
2) The youths as per 2011 Census comprise 28 per cent of the population contributing about 34 per cent of India’s Gross National Income (GNI).
3) There has been a decline in labour force participation rate for all age groups irrespective of gender and spatial destination.
4) The contribution of youth to the GDP can be increased by increasing their labour force participation and their productivity.
5) The need of the hour is to empower youth to achieve their full potential and to enable India to be the leader in supply to skilled labour force.
2) The youths as per 2011 Census comprise 28 per cent of the population contributing about 34 per cent of India’s Gross National Income (GNI).
3) There has been a decline in labour force participation rate for all age groups irrespective of gender and spatial destination.
4) The contribution of youth to the GDP can be increased by increasing their labour force participation and their productivity.
5) The need of the hour is to empower youth to achieve their full potential and to enable India to be the leader in supply to skilled labour force.
7. 1) As per the National Skill Development and Entrepreneurship Policy 2015, India needs to skill 110 million and reskill/upskill 290 million by 2022.
2) Therefore, mapping aspiration is critical for demand supply match and fulfilling economy requirement.
3) This mammoth task requires mobilising students and youth across regions for skilling.
4) The success of a skill training programme depends on how best we are able to mobilise.
5) In the current scenario, the mobilisation of a candidate is left to the training provider.
2) Therefore, mapping aspiration is critical for demand supply match and fulfilling economy requirement.
3) This mammoth task requires mobilising students and youth across regions for skilling.
4) The success of a skill training programme depends on how best we are able to mobilise.
5) In the current scenario, the mobilisation of a candidate is left to the training provider.
8. 1) The Indian Labour Market shows sectoral, gender and spatial diversity.
2) Labour market has a preponderance of informal employment (93 per cent) with just about 8 per cent working in the formal sector.
3) The training requirement of both sectors varies.
4) The poor division of labour in the informal sector points to lack of skill specialisation and on-the-job learning hampering productivity.
5) This may also call for migration support centres both in the source and the destination states.
2) Labour market has a preponderance of informal employment (93 per cent) with just about 8 per cent working in the formal sector.
3) The training requirement of both sectors varies.
4) The poor division of labour in the informal sector points to lack of skill specialisation and on-the-job learning hampering productivity.
5) This may also call for migration support centres both in the source and the destination states.
9. 1) The later phase of liberalisation in India saw the generation of huge offshore opportunity for young talented Indians.
2) Rising production and labour cost in developed countries persuaded them to search for cheap alternatives and both Indian land and labour came in handy for their needs.
3) Indian ties with the United Kingdom have always been unprecedented.
4) Giant American technical companies hired cheap but equally talented Indian technocrats at half the price of American technocrats.
5) It benefitted the American companies by reducing their costs and increasing the profit.
2) Rising production and labour cost in developed countries persuaded them to search for cheap alternatives and both Indian land and labour came in handy for their needs.
3) Indian ties with the United Kingdom have always been unprecedented.
4) Giant American technical companies hired cheap but equally talented Indian technocrats at half the price of American technocrats.
5) It benefitted the American companies by reducing their costs and increasing the profit.
10. 1) Yoga is popular worldwide now.
2) It has crossed the boundaries of region, religion, caste, creed and nationality.
3) It is well known worldwide because of its unique and specific role in promotion of health, prevention of illness and its therapeutic role in the management of various lifestyle-related disorders in an effective manner.
4) Yoga is also a spiritual discipline which focuses on bringing perfect harmony between body and mind.
5) The present era is known for technological advancement which made our life comfortable.
2) It has crossed the boundaries of region, religion, caste, creed and nationality.
3) It is well known worldwide because of its unique and specific role in promotion of health, prevention of illness and its therapeutic role in the management of various lifestyle-related disorders in an effective manner.
4) Yoga is also a spiritual discipline which focuses on bringing perfect harmony between body and mind.
5) The present era is known for technological advancement which made our life comfortable.
1. 3
2. 5
3. 2
4. 4
5. 3
6. 3
7. 2
8. 5
9. 3
10. 5