History of India - Some General Facts for SSC Exams
In this article we are sharing some Very important General Facts about History of India -important for SSC Exams- The Discovery of the Indus Valley Civilisation was made in 1922.
- The main centers of the Indus Valley Civilisation were Harappa. Mohanjodero. KaliBangan, Luthal etc.
- Punjab - Roper Haryana - Bhanavali
- Rajasthan - Kalibangan U.P - Alangiripur
- Gujarath - Lothal, Rangapur, Dolvira
- The Aryans come into India from Central Asia and Settled first Sapta Sindhu.
- The Indus Valley Civilisation was Urban - whereas the Aryan Civilisation was rural.
- The Vedas are four (i) Regved (ii) Yajurved (iii) Samved and (iv) Atharvaved
- Oldest Book REGVED
- Of the four Vedas. Rigged is the oldest.
- Jainsim and Buddism were founded during the 6th century B.C.
- Jainism was founded by lord Mahavir whereas Buddhism was founded by lord Buddha.
- Budda was born at Lumbini.
- Buddhism got maximum state patronage from Ashoka.
- Buddha delivered his first serman at Sarnath near (Varanasi).
- Megasthenese was the Greek Ambassadar to the Court of Chandragupta Maurya.
- The Capital of the Mauryan Empire was - Pataliputra.
- Kanishka was the most important Kushana ruler who ruled from Purushpur.
- Gupta period is known as the Golden age of ancient India.
- Ashoka vowed never to wage a war and converted himself to Buddhism.
- Chinese Buddhest monk Minen TS and visited India during the regin of Harshavardhana.
- Sind (in India) was the first victim of Arab invasion.
- Md. Ghaniavi plundered Somnath temple in 1026.
- Mohammed Ghori defeated Prithviraj Chawhan in the second battle of Tarrant.
- Qutub-ud-din Aibak was the first muslim ruler of India.
- Razia Begum was the first woman who sat on the throne of Delhi Sultanate.
- The founder of the mughal empire in India was Babar.
- First battle of Panipat (1526) laid the foundation of Mughal rule in India.
- Akbar was the greatest of the conquerors administrators and empire builders amongest the mughal rulers.
- Din-e-ilahe was a religious sect founded by Akbar.
- Akbar founded fathepur sikri and constructed beautiful buildings there.
- Shahjehan died as a prisoner in the jail.
- Aurangzeb had to face a great challenge from the morathas.
- The English established their first factory at Surat in 1600.
- Portuguese were the first European traders to come to India.
- Indian National Congress was founded by A.O. Hume in 1885.
- Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose founded the Indian National Army (INA) at Singapore.
- Robert Clive was the real founder of British power in India.
- It was Robert Clive who set up double government in Bengal.
- Lord Wellesley followed the policy of subsidiary Alliance to make Indian rulers as Subordinate.
- Allies of the British power in India lord William Bentinck abolished the sati system.
- During the tenure of William Bentinck English was made medium of instuction in India.
- The last Governor General of British India was Lord Canning.
- Lord Dalhouise sowed the seeds of 1857 sepoymutiny.
- Doctrine of lapse was used against the Indian rulers by lord Dalhouise.
- Warren Hastings introduced the permanent settlement of land revenue in Bengal.
- Lord Curzon partitioned Bengal in 1905.
- The sepoy mutiney of 1857 started from meerut on May 10, 1857.
- The glorious leaders of the Revolt of 1857 were Narabsaheb, Ranilakshi Bai of Jhansi, Mughal emperor
- Indian National Congress was founded by A.O.Hume in 1885.
- Netaji Subhahs Chandra Bose founded the Indian National Army (INA) at Singapore.
- Jalainwala Bagh Massacre took place at Amritsar in 1919.
- Indian National Congress put forth the demand of complete Independence in 1929.
- Swadeshi movement became very popular during mass agitation against partition of Bengal (1905).
- Gandhiji’s Dandi March is associated with the Salt Law.
- ‘Quit India’ slogan was given by the Indian National Congress in 1942.
- Indian muslim league was founded in 1906.
- India achieved Independence in 1947 during the tenure of lord mountbatten.
- With the partition of India the British rule ended two Independent states India and Pakistan were created mountbatten became the first Governor General of free India in 1947.
- Assassination of Mahatma Gandhi (Jan 30, 1948) by Nathu Ram Godse. C. Rajagopalachari took over as the first Indian Governor General (1948).
- Indian constitution was signed and adopted on Nov.26.1949.
- India became Sovereign Republic (Jan.26.1950) Dr. Rajendra Prasad became the first president of India (1950).
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