Top 100 Most Important Questions related to General Science
Wednesday, June 21, 2017
Top 100 Most Important Questions related to General Science
- Television was invented - J. L. Baird
- Invented radar - Taylor and Young
- Who discovered gravity - Newton
- Which acids in vinegar and pickles - acetic
- Which Nibu and orange acids - citric acid
- Sour milk - the production of lactic acid
- The ink is placed in the hands of voters -
Silver nitrate
- Earth rotates on its Ac - from west to east
- The smell of onions and garlic is - due to the
presence of potassium
- x- rays discovered - by Rontjn
- Scooter inventor - Brad Shaw
- Inventor revolvers - Colt
- To explore the depths of the sea - by Alti
- DN E. Structure of the Model - Watsn
and Crick
- Be the first element in the lab - Urea
- Inventor of the telephone - Graham Bell
- Blasted by India's first satellite - Arya Bhatt
- Pensilin discovered - Alexander Fleming
- The smallpox vaccine - by genre
- Father of biology - Aristotle
- Inventor of dynamite - Alfred Nobel
- The first man landing on the moon - Neil Arm
- The first man in space - Yuri Gagarin
- The biggest bone - femur thigh
- The smallest - Stepij ear
- The world's largest flower - Reflesiya
- What is cobalt in vitamin - B 12
- What anemia is cured by vitamins - B 12
- What Rtudhi disease caused by a deficiency of
vitamin - vitamin A
- Vitamin B deficiency
which leads to disease - Berry Berry
- What body part is affected by typhoid - gut
- Who discovered the vaccine Rebij - Louis
- Cholera and tuberculosis bacteria discovered -
Robert Koch ( 1982 )
- Is found in the blood - Iron
- X-rays - electric magnetic radiation
- Bulbla of water is in the air - concave lens
- The weight of an object at the equator - the
- The reason for appearing before sunrise the sun
- light refraction
- To be caused rainbow - Refraction
- Heating increases the impact of sound on the
move - increases
- If we saw on the moon, the sky would look like
- black
- Urea from the body - the kidneys
- Human skin color is formed - the Menalin
- Helpful to cook raw fruits - Acetylene
- Chitti, bees, etc. scorpion bites burn and itch
is why - because of formic acid
- Nirmad of vitamin D is to the body - our skin
- Which vitamin is found in sunlight - D,
- Artificial rainfall - due to silver iodide
- Salk vaccine is put into what disease - polio
- Water is spherical due to bood - due to
- Which metal is found in liquid form - Mercury
- What body part is affected by jaundice - liver
- Where is the space Srabai Vikram - Tiruantpurm
- Noise is measured in what - Deshibl
- Sunlight arrives on Earth - in about eight
- How many valves in the human heart - the four
- Wayumdliy pressure to measure distances -
Barrow m
- Where is Piyus gland - at the base of the brain
- Dampening in the nuclear reactor - heavy water
- Hsane gas - nitrous oxide - Explorers Preestale
- Gadiyon located next to the driver - convex
- Inventor of the refrigerator - J. Parkins
- Myopia is used in Dos - convex to concave lens
- We look Fatigue - caused by lactic acid
- Atisbaji is red in color - due to Stransiam
- Came to save - malic acid
- Add grapes - Tartrik acid
- Soda in water - carbonic acid
- Atisbaji is green in color - due to barium
- In Vsha soluble vitamins - A, D, E,
- In water-soluble vitamins - B, C
- Gasoline is in - hydrogen and carbon
- Why are leaves green - due to chlorophyll