Important Topics for NICL AO Mains Exam 2017
NICL AO Mains Exam 2017 is round the corner!! National Insurance Company Limited (NICL) is going to conduct the Mains Exam for the recruitment of Administrative Officers (AO) on 2nd July , 2017. NICL issued the notification to recruit 205 administrative officers this year. Few days back , NICL just declared the result of NICL AO Prelims Exam , which was conducted on 3rd & 4th July , 2017. Now the qualified candidates must be preparing hard to confirm their seat for this post. You must not leave no stone unturned as this is a very good opportunity to make a well settled career in insurance industry.
NICL did not conduct the exam for officers post in 2016. Before this , the NICL AO exam was conducted in 2015. As very few less days are now left for this exam , the most important thing is to utilize the remaining time very well. Keeping in mind this thing , today we are providing 'Important topics For NICL AO Mains Exam 2017' to help you in your preparation .
NICL AO Mains 2017 Exam Pattern :
NICL AO Mains Exam will be conducted in two parts , online objective exam and online Descriptive exam. The objective exam will consist of 200 questions for a total of 200 marks. . There is no sectional timing allotted in this exam. Immediately after the completion of online objective examination, descriptive exam will start. . Descriptive exam will also be conducted in online mode. Go through the below table to have a clear idea about the pattern of NICL AO Mains Exam 2017.
Name of Section
Number of Questions
Maximum Marks
Total time
Reasoning Ability | 40 | 40 | Composite time of 120 minutes |
English Language | 40 | 40 | ||
Quantitative Aptitude | 40 | 40 | ||
General Awareness (With special reference to banking industry) | 40 | 40 | ||
Computer Knowledge | 40 | 40 | ||
Total | 200 | 200 | ||
Essay , Precis and Comprehension | 3 | 30 | Composite time of 30 minutes |
TOTAL MARKS | 230 | 150 Minutes |
Section wise Important Topics for NICL AO :
Quantitative Aptitude
In NICL AO Exma 2015 , following topics were asked :Topic | Number of Questions |
Bar Graph DI(Data Interpretation) | 5 Questions |
Pie Chart DI | 5 Questions |
Line graph DI | 5 Questions |
Paragraph DI | 5 Questions |
Number Series | 5 Questions |
Quadratic Equations | 5 questions |
Miscellaneous Questions | 10 Questions |
Apart from these topics , also prepare well following topics to score good in exam:
Missing DI and Mixed DI : Since it is an officer level exam , there is high probability of Missing level DI questions and Mixed level DI questions. Make sure that you are well aware with the concepts and questions of these topics.
Simplification and Approximation : Although this topic was not asked in NICL AO 2015 and NICL AO Prelims 2017 ,this topic may come in NICL AO Mains 2017. Be well familiar the tips and tricks of simplification and approximation. If you solve enough number of questions of different level of this topic, you will be able to solve it quickly in exam. Be well aware with the square and cube tricks , multiplication and addition short tricks
Reasoning Ability
From reasoning ability section , following topics were asked in NICL AO 2015 Exam:
Topic | Number of Questions |
Syllogism | 5 Questions |
Inequality | 5 questions |
Data Sufficiency | 5 Questions |
Input output | 5 Questions |
Miscellaneous (Blood Relation , Direction sense , Order & Ranking) | 5 Questions |
Logical Reasoning | 5 questions |
Seating Arrangement (Circular arrangement , In both direction facing) | 5 questions |
Puzzle (Floor Based) | 5 questions |
Prepare the above mentioned topic very well. With the preparation of these topics , following topics are important from the point of view of NICL AO 2017:
Coding-decoding : Coding decoding is an important chapter for the exam. A new pattern of coding - decoding has also been introduced in exam. Make sure taht you prwactice enough quetions of new pattern as well as old pattern to be acquaint with the topic very well. This question is asked in a set of 5 questions. Apart from this , also prepare tips and tricks of alphabetical coding questions. For eg , RANDOM Is coded as TCOBMK. What should be the code for MEMORY.
Alphnumeric Series : This question may come in a set of 5 questions. A complete number series ,complete alphabetical series or A mismatch of numbers , alphabets and symbols are includded in his topic.
In Reasoning ability section, there are some questions which do not takes much to solve, You should practice these questions very well and must try to solve it in exam at first. To practice daily and to give focus on improving weak section is the way score good marks in Reasoning in NICL AO 2017.
English Language
In NICL AO 2015 , following topics were asked in English Language Section :
Topic | Number of Questions |
Reading Comprehension | 10 Questions |
Fill in the blanks | 5 Questions |
Cloze Test | 10 Questions |
Spotting Errors | 5 Questions |
Sentence Rearrangement (Para jumble) | 5 Questions |
sentence Improvement | 5 Questions |
These above mentioned topics are very important for NICL AO exam . Two more topics which may come in NICL AO 2017 are as follows :
Sentence Starter : In Sentence starter questions , you have to choose one option that can start the sentences givn in the question in the most suitable way. Good English reading skills and sound grammar knowledge is required to perform good in this topic
Odd one out : This is one important topic analyzing the recent pattern of the English language section. In the question , 4-5 sentences would be given. You have to choose one sentence as you answer which is different from the theme of other sentences.
General awareness :
General awareness section is of 50 marks. Last year this section was of easy level. This section includes question from general awareness with special refernce to banking and financial awareness. Static GK and Static banking knowledge is also an integral part of the section. Last year mostly question were from current affairs. Some of questions asked in this section are mentioned below :
1 )Largest General Insurance company
2 )Upto which limit , one can claim to insurance ombudsman
3)Splitting of Risk among multiple parties in Which Insurance
4) Insurance Company requires minimum capital of how much rs.?
5) Minimum capital of Health Insurance
6) Where is National Insurance Academy
7) What is the FDI allowed in Insurance
8) When Is Insurance Awareness Day
9) What are insurance grievances
10)where are Mesbai Iron found
11)Mudra bank Start-up capital
12) Capital of China
13)Maldives Currency
14)Interest rate of Sukanya samridhi
15)Theme of World Humanitarian day
16)Kajiranga National park
17)Bihu is classical dance of which state
18)Words Largest Gold Consumer
19)World's Largest arms importer
20)Women labour population in India
21)Civil Aviation Minister
22)Forward market commission merged with
23)Who can approach to ombudsman?
24)Air India headquarter :
25) Currency of Spain:
26) Capital of Germany :
27) When was Atal Pension Scheme launched
28) Percentage of India's population with respect to world's population
29) UNEP full form
30) K. Shrikanth is associated with which game
Computer Knowledge :
To score good in this section , you need not to be master of Computers. Generally students Neglect this section while their prepartion. This section can fetch you 40 marks with very less efforts. Just make sure that you know the basic and important concepts of topics. For this , Pick a single topic each day and know about its concepts very well. Make notes of important points . These important notes will help you very much before exam. Some most important topics for the computer knowledge sections are as following :
1) History of Computers , Generations of computers
2) Computer hardware (devices) and Computer software
3) Peripheral Devices and Windows operating system (Mainly what is the work of operating system)
4) Networking , communications and Internet , OSI layers , Topologies
5) Working and important functioNS/Shortcuts of MS office suite( MS Word , MS Excel , MS Power point , MS Access)
6) Security , viruses , threats , hacking
7) Very basic concepts of DBMS
8) Important abbreviations
Descriptive Test :
Descriptive test consists of 3 topics , which are Essay , Precis and Comprehension The candidates are required to choose one option of their choice from each topic and write properly about the topic. A composite time of 30 minutes will be given to complete all three questions. The descriptive test is for a total of 30 marks.
Essay : The word limit for the essay writing will be given in the question. For writing a good essay , you should introduce the given topic in the first paragraph. Give background of the topic that why it is a noticeable issue/topic in this paragraph. In second paragraph , Write in detail about the issue. You should include your thoughts in second paragraph and try to elaborate your thoughts about the topic with perfect examples. In third and the concluding paragraph , summarize and conclude the issue/topic. Write about 'Why it is important to focus on this issue' . Do not make grammatical errors.
The essay topics which were asked in NICL AO 2015 exam are as following :
- Problems in Insurance Industry in India
- Health Insurance
- Mortgage Insurance
- Shall Abortion be covered in Insurance
- Unemployment in Insurance industry
- Insurance of disabled Person
- Views on Pet Insurance
Precis : In Preics Writing , A paragraph is given and the candidates are asked to write a summary for this paragraph. To summarize it well , focus on all the important points of paragraph while reading it. Save them in your mind Make sure that in your summary , all important points of paragraph are covered. Also , you need to see that the original essence of the paragraph should not change in your summary. An ideal Precise (Summary) should be 1/3rd of the length of the given passage.
The Precis Topics which were asked in NICL AO 2015 exam are as following :
- Insurance and Banking Industry are merging.
- Co-operative Banks & Development Banks
Comprehension : In this a passage (Like reading Comprehension questions) will be given .Some Questions will be asked based on this comprehension. You are required to Write answers for those questions in your own language.There will be a word limit for the answer of the questions. Make sure that first you understand the passage very well before answering any question. The answer should be in your words. Use synonyms of the words given in passage.
Comprehension topic asked in NICL AO 2015 are as following :
- Academic staff Internal and External satisfication leading to their Performance
- Investment Banking
- Agricultural Insurance
In NICL AO 2015 , most of the topics were directly related to insurance industry. So make sure you are well aware with the knowledge of insurance terms and topics. Apart from that focus on important current affairs related to insurance and banking industry. Be well familiar with the tits and bits of happenings around you.
Note : Descriptive test of only those candidates will be evaluated , who will qualify the sectional and overall cutoff for the objective test.
Top Tips for your preparation :
- Organize your schedule. It's never too late to prepare well for the exam. Follow a realistic time table and do not loose focus.
- Give Proper time to each section during your preparation.
- If you stuck in to any question during your preparation , don’t look up the solution too quickly. You will often learn more by tackling it on your own for a while, even if you have to read the solution in the end.
- For the exam , decide in your mind beforehand what strategy you are going to follow in exam , which section you are going to attempt first, how much time you need to allot to each section. In this way , you will not feel confused during exam.
- Keep a track of your mistakes. Make sure that you do not repeat those mistakes.
- Students often have confusion regarding from which section they should start the exam. Generally , you should start the exam with the section in which you are very good at. This way , your confidence will be boosted. When you start the exam with your weak section , you will tend to loose your confidence.
- Do not panic during exam if you find the exam tough. If it tough , then it is tough for everyone. Just keep attempting the easy questions with utmost accuracy.
- Believe in yourself. Do not think negative. Just give your best shot.
All the best for Exams
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