RRB NTPC Mains (2nd Stage) 2017 Result Declared, Check Score Card!
RRB NTPC Mains result (2nd stage) 2017 has been declared today. RRB has released score cards of normalized marks of RRB NTPC Mains 2016. Result of RRB NTPC (Graduate) 2016 Exam is released after analysis of Fresh Post Preference which were asked to fill by those candidates who qualified RRB NTPC Stage 1 Exam. RRB NTPC 2016 Exam (Cen 03/2015) 2nd stage was conducted from 17th January 2017 to 19th January 2017.
Earlier, RRB NTPC 2016 exam was conducted for 18,252 vacancies but later RRB reduced these vacancies up to 14023. This exam was conducted for the posts of Assistant Station Master (ASM), Traffic Assistant,Enquiry cum Reservation Clerk, Commercial Apprentice, Goods Guard, Junior Accounts Assistant-cum Typist, Senior Clerk-cum-Typist and Traffic Apprentice.
After this RRB NTPC mains result, RRB will shortlist candidates based on 2nd Stage Normalised Score and revised post preferences. These shortlisted candidates will be called for Aptitude (Psycho) and Skill Typing Test. Aptitude (Psycho) Test is mandatory for the post of Assistant Station Master and Traffic Assistant while Skill typing Test is mandatory for the post of Jr. Accounts Assistant-cum-Typist and Sr. Clerk-cum-Typist.
Note : The Aptitude Test/Typing Skill Test may be held in June/July, 2017
Details of Skill typing Test:
- English Typing: Required speed is 30 wpm.
- Hindi Typing: Required speed is 25 wpm and fonts available for it are Mangal and Kruti Dev
How to check RRB NTPC 2nd Stage Result
- Step 1: Check the official RRBs website.
- Step 2: Click on the Result Tab
- Step 3: Check RRB NTPC (2nd Stage) link
- Step 4: Fill your registration number and date of birth
- Step 5: Download your score card of RRB NTPC Mains (2nd Stage).
How the merit list will be prepared for RRB NTPC 2016 final result.
- For the posts of Assistant Station Master and Traffic Assistant (Category No. 7 & 8) : Final Merit of RRB NTPC 2016 list for these posts will be made with 70% weightage being given to the marks obtained in the 2nd stage CBT and 30% weightage being given to the marks obtained in Aptitude Test.
- For the posts of Jr. Accounts Assistant-cum-Typist and Sr. Clerkcum-Typist (Category No. 5 & 6): Final merit of RRB NTPC 2016 for these posts will be made on the basis of the candidates who qualify in the Typing Skill Test and based on performance in 2nd stage CBT.
- For the posts of Commercial Apprentice, Traffic Apprentice, ECRC & Goods Guard (Category No. 1,2,3 & 4) : Final merit of RRB NTPC 2016 for these posts will be made on the basis of marks obtained in 2nd Stage RRB NTPC 2016 exam.
RRB NTPC Mains Result 2017 Declared
you can check your result below by clicking on your zone website.RRB Zone | RRB NTPC 2nd Stage Result |
RRB Ajmer | Check Result |
RRB Ahmedabad | |
RRB Allahabad | |
RRB Bangalore | |
RRB Bhopal | |
RRB Bhubaneshwar | |
RRB Bilaspur | |
RRB Chandigarh | |
RRB Chennai | |
RRB Gorakhpur | |
RRB Guwahati | |
RRB Jammu | |
RRB Kolkata | |
RRB Malda | |
RRB Mumbai | |
RRB Muzaffarpur | |
RRB Patna | |
RRB Ranchi | |
RRB Secunderabad | |
RRB Siliguri | |
RRB Thiruvananthapuram |
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Team Aimsuccess